check-blueprint-vs-input(1UTIL) ONAP check-blueprint-vs-input(1UTIL) NNAAMMEE check-blueprint-vs-input SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS check-blueprint-vs-input [-h] [-b BLUEPRINT] [-i INPUTS] [-B BLUEPRINT_EXCLUSION_LIST] [-I INPUTS_EXCLUSION_LIST] [-t] [-v] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Validate a blueprint and inputs file against each other. This looks for the inputs: node of the blueprint file, the inputs used by {get_input} within the blueprint, and the values found in the inputs file. The files may be in either YAML or JSON formats. The names default to blue‐ print.yaml and inputs.yaml. If a blueprint inputs name has a default value, it is not considered an error if it is not in the inputs file. If using a template inputs file, add the -t/--template option. This will look for the inputs under an "inputs:" node instead of at the top level. If there are blueprint nodes or inputs nodes that should not be considered an error, specify them using the -B/--blueprint- exclusion- list and -I/inputs-exclusion-list parameters. "check-blueprint-vs- input --help" will list all of the available options. OOPPTTIIOONNSS -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BLUEPRINT, --blueprint BLUEPRINT Path to blueprint file, defaults to 'blueprint.yaml' -i INPUTS, --inputs INPUTS Port to listen on, defaults to 'inputs.yaml' -B BLUEPRINT_EXCLUSION_LIST, --blueprint-exclusion-list BLUE‐ PRINT_EXCLUSION_LIST Comma-separated list of names not to warn about not being in the blueprint file -I INPUTS_EXCLUSION_LIST, --inputs-exclusion-list INPUTS_EXCLUSION_LIST Comma-separated list of names not to warn about not being in the inputs file -t, --inputs-template Treat inputs file as coming from template area -v, --verbose Verbose, may be specified multiple times ONAP {{DATE}} check-blueprint-vs-input(1UTIL)