# Configuration Quick Reference The following types of configuration are supported by the DCAE Platform. |Input Sources|Default Values|Designer Input |Clamp Input|Policy Input|Runtime Input| |---------|---------|----------|---------|----------|---| |Notes||This applies only to components that are self-service (supported by SDC) |This applies only to components that are part of a closed-loop interface || | |Who provides?|Component Developer|Service Designer|CLAMP|Operations|Runtime Platform| | When/Where it is provided |During onboarding – in the component specification | At design time – in the SDC UI | At installation – in the CLAMP UI | Anytime – in the POLICY GUI | When the component is deployed | |Component Specification Details|For CDAP:
‘value’ Name and KV pairs in AppConfig or AppPreferences For Docker:
‘value’ is provided for variable in ‘parameter’ section|‘designer-editable’ must be set to ‘true’ for variable in ‘parameter’ section. || ‘policy-editable’ must be set to ‘true’ and ‘policy_schema’ must be provided for variable in ‘parameter’ section |'sourced_at_
deployment' must be set to 'true' for variable in 'parameter' section | | How it is used | This is passed to the component in the generated configuration if not overridden.|This overrides any values previously set, but can be overridden by CLAMP or POLICY.|This overrides any values previously set, but can be overridden by POLICY.|This overrides any values previously set, but can be overridden at any point thereafter.|This overrides any values previously set, but can be overridden at any point thereafter by Policy. | | Additional Info for Component Developer|For CDAP:
‘value’ is provided for variable in the ‘AppConfig’ or ‘AppPreferences’ sections

For Docker:
‘value’ is provided for variable in ‘parameter’ section|||For Docker: In the auxiliary section:
{"policy": {"trigger_type": "policy","script_path": “/opt/app/reconfigure.sh”} }
Script interface must be "opt/app/reconfigure.sh” $trigger_type $updated_policies $updated_appl_config"
where $updated_policies is a json provided by the Policy Handler and
$update_appl_config is the post-merged appl config which may contain unresolved configuration that didn’t come from policy.
Suggestion is for script to call CONFIG BINDING SERVICE to resolve any configuration. |