# Configuration Quick Reference #### Default Values The component developer can provide default values for any `parameter` in the component specification. These defaults will be passed to the component in its generated configuration. #### Overridden/Entered Values Depending on the other properties set for the parameter, the default value can be overridden at 'design-time', 'deploy-time' or once the microservice is running ('run-time'). (*In the future, when Policy is supported, configuration will also be able to be provided/changed in the Policy UI at any time).* ||Design-Time Input |CLAMP Input|Policy Input (future) |Deploy-Time Input|Run-Time Input (DTI)| |-----|-----|-----|-----|----------|----------| |Description|Applies to SDC self-service components|Applies to components deployed by CLAMP |(not yet supported)|Applies to manually deployed services| Applies to components supporting DTI reconfiguration| |Input provided by|Service Designer|CLAMP|Operations|DevOps|Runtime Platform(DTI)| |How it is provided |In the SDC UI |In the CLAMP UI |In the POLICY GUI |In the DCAE Dashboard (or Jenkins job)|In the DTI Event |Component Specification Details|‘designer-editable’ set to ‘true’| None. Developer provides CLAMP an email with parameters to be supported|‘policy_editable’ must be set to ‘true’ and ‘policy_schema’ must be provided|'sourced_at_
deployment' must be set to 'true'|parameter 'dcae_target_type' defined with default value set to supported vnfType-vnfFuncId, with properties 'designer_editable' and 'sourced_at_deployment' set appropriately| |Additional Info for Component Developer|||For Docker only: In the auxiliary section:
{"policy": {"trigger_type": "policy","script_path": “/opt/app/reconfigure.sh”} }
Script interface would then be "/opt/app/reconfigure.sh” $trigger_type $updated_policy"
where $updated_policy is json provided by the Policy Handler.||For Docker only: In the auxiliary section:
{"dti": “/opt/app/reconfigure.sh”}
Script interface would then be "/opt/app/reconfigure.sh” $trigger_type $updated_dti"
where $updated_dti is json provided by the DTI Plugin.|