.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. _ves-installation-helm: VES Collector Helm Installation =============================== Authentication Support - Helm based deployment ---------------------------------------------- VES Collector support following authentication types * *auth.method=noAuth* - no security (http) * *auth.method=certBasicAuth* - is used to enable mutual TLS authentication or/and basic HTTPs authentication Default ONAP deployed VESCollector is configured for "certBasicAuth". The default behavior can be changed by upgrading dcaegen2-services deployment with custom values: .. code-block:: bash helm -n onap upgrade -dcaegen2-services oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2-services --reuse-values --values For example: .. code-block:: bash helm -n onap upgrade dev-dcaegen2-services oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2-services --reuse-values --values new-config.yaml Where the contents of ``new-config.yaml`` file is: .. code-block:: bash dcae-ves-collector: applicationConfig: auth.method: "noAuth" For small changes like this, it is also possible to inline the new value: .. code-block:: bash helm -n onap upgrade dev-dcaegen2-services oom/kubernetes/dcaegen2-services --reuse-values --set dcae-ves-collector.applicationConfig.auth.method="noAuth" After the upgrade, the new auth method value should be visible inside dev-dcae-ves-collector-application-config-configmap Config-Map. It can be verified by running: .. code-block:: bash kubectl -n onap get cm -o yaml For VES Collector: .. code-block:: bash kubectl -n onap get cm dev-dcae-ves-collector-application-config-configmap -o yaml Using external TLS certificates obtained using CMP v2 protocol -------------------------------------------------------------- In order to use the X.509 certificates obtained from the CMP v2 server (so called "operator`s certificates"), refer to the following description: :ref:`Enabling TLS with external x.509 certificates ` Example values for VES Collector: .. code-block:: bash global: cmpv2Enabled: true dcae-ves-collector: useCmpv2Certificates: true certificates: - mountPath: /opt/app/dcae-certificate/external commonName: dcae-ves-collector dnsNames: - dcae-ves-collector - ves-collector - ves keystore: outputType: - jks passwordSecretRef: name: ves-cmpv2-keystore-password key: password create: true