.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Configuration ============= Filtering """"""""" PM mapper maps PM XML files to performance VES event by applying the mapper filtering information. Mapper filtering is configured during instantiation through cloudify manager. Mapper filtering is based on the PM dictionary fields. PM mapper expects the filter in the following JSON format: :: "filters":[{ "pmDefVsn": "1.3", "nfType": "gnb", "vendor": "Ericsson", "measTypes": [ "attTCHSeizures", "succTCHSeizures" ] }] ==================== ============================ ================================ Field Description Type ==================== ============================ ================================ pmDefVsn PM Dictionary version. String vendor Vendor of the xNF type. String nfType nfType is vendor String defined and should match the string used in file ready eventName. measTypes Measurement name used in PM Array of String file in 3GPP format where specified, else vendor defined. ==================== ============================ ================================ Message Router Topic Name """"""""" PM Mapper publishes the perf3gpp VES PM Events to the following authenticated MR topic; :: topic.org.onap.dmaap.mr.PM_MAPPER