.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 Configuration ============= **datafile** configuration is controlled via a single JSON file called datafile_endpoints.json. This is located under datafile-app-server/config. Compiling DFC ============= Whole project (top level of DFC directory) and each module (sub module directory) can be compiled using `mvn clean install` command. Configuration file: Config/datafile_endpoints.json JSON CONFIGURATION EXPLAINED ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variables of interest (e.g. variables that should be inspected/modifed for a specific runtime environment) are listed below for convenience. The entire file is provided later in this page for reference. dmaapConsumerConfiguration """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: json "dmaapHostName": "dmaapPortNumber": "dmaapTopicName": "/events/unauthenticated.VES_NOTIFICATION_OUTPUT" "dmaapProtocol": "http" "dmaapUserName": "" "dmaapUserPassword": "" "dmaapContentType": "application/json" "consumerId": "C12" "consumerGroup": "OpenDcae-c12" "timeoutMS": -1 "messageLimit": 1 dmaapProducerConfiguration """""""""""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: json "dmaapHostName": "dmaapPortNumber": "dmaapTopicName": "publish" "dmaapProtocol": "https" "dmaapUserName": "dradmin" "dmaapUserPassword": "dradmin" "dmaapContentType": "application/octet-stream" ftpesConfiguration """""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: json "keyCert": "keyPassword": "trustedCa": "trustedCaPassword": securityConfiguration """"""""""""""""""""" .. code-block:: json "trustStorePath": "trustStorePasswordPath": "keyStorePath": "keyStorePasswordPath": "enableDmaapCertAuth": . If false, all information above are ignored. Sample JSON configuration """"""""""""""""""""""""" The format of the JSON configuration that drives all behavior of DFC is probably best described using an example: .. code-block:: json { "configs": { "dmaap": { "dmaapConsumerConfiguration": { "dmaapHostName": "localhost", "dmaapPortNumber": 2222, "dmaapTopicName": "/events/unauthenticated.VES_NOTIFICATION_OUTPUT", "dmaapProtocol": "http", "dmaapUserName": "", "dmaapUserPassword": "", "dmaapContentType": "application/json", "consumerId": "C12", "consumerGroup": "OpenDcae-c12", "timeoutMS": -1, "messageLimit": 1 }, "dmaapProducerConfiguration": { "dmaapHostName": "localhost", "dmaapPortNumber": 3907, "dmaapTopicName": "publish", "dmaapProtocol": "https", "dmaapUserName": "dradmin", "dmaapUserPassword": "dradmin", "dmaapContentType": "application/octet-stream" } }, "ftp": { "ftpesConfiguration": { "keyCert": "config/dfc.jks", "keyPassword": "secret", "trustedCa": "config/ftp.jks", "trustedCaPassword": "secret" } }, "security": { "trustStorePath" : "change it", "trustStorePasswordPath" : "change it", "keyStorePath" : "change it", "keyStorePasswordPath" : "change it", "enableDmaapCertAuth" : "false" } } }