Config Binding Service 2.2.3 ============================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 .. csv-table:: :header: "API name", "Swagger JSON", "Swagger YAML" :widths: 10,5,5 "Config Binding Service", ":download:`link `", ":download:`link `" GET ``/service_component_all/{service_component_name}`` ------------------------------------------------------- Description +++++++++++ .. raw:: html Binds the configuration for service_component_name and returns the bound configuration, policies, and any other keys that are in Consul Parameters ++++++++++ .. csv-table:: :delim: | :header: "Name", "Located in", "Required", "Type", "Format", "Properties", "Description" :widths: 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 20, 30 service_component_name | path | Yes | string | | | Service Component Name. service_component_name must be a key in consul. Request +++++++ Responses +++++++++ **200** ^^^^^^^ OK; returns {config : ..., policies : ....., k : ...} for all other k in Consul .. _i_4d863967ef9a9d9efdadd1b250c76bd6: **Response Schema:** **Example:** .. code-block:: javascript {} **404** ^^^^^^^ there is no configuration in Consul for this component GET ``/service_component/{service_component_name}`` --------------------------------------------------- Description +++++++++++ .. raw:: html Binds the configuration for service_component_name and returns the bound configuration as a JSON Parameters ++++++++++ .. csv-table:: :delim: | :header: "Name", "Located in", "Required", "Type", "Format", "Properties", "Description" :widths: 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 20, 30 service_component_name | path | Yes | string | | | Service Component Name. service_component_name must be a key in consul. Request +++++++ Responses +++++++++ **200** ^^^^^^^ OK; the bound config is returned as an object **Response Schema:** **Example:** .. code-block:: javascript {} **404** ^^^^^^^ there is no configuration in Consul for this component GET ``/{key}/{service_component_name}`` --------------------------------------- Description +++++++++++ .. raw:: html this is an endpoint that fetches a generic service_component_name:key out of Consul. The idea is that we don't want to tie components to Consul directly in case we swap out the backend some day, so the CBS abstracts Consul from clients. The structuring and weird collision of this new API with the above is unfortunate but due to legacy concerns. Parameters ++++++++++ .. csv-table:: :delim: | :header: "Name", "Located in", "Required", "Type", "Format", "Properties", "Description" :widths: 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 20, 30 key | path | Yes | string | | | this endpoint tries to pull service_component_name:key; key is the key after the colon service_component_name | path | Yes | string | | | Service Component Name. Request +++++++ Responses +++++++++ **200** ^^^^^^^ OK; returns service_component_name:key **Response Schema:** **Example:** .. code-block:: javascript {} **400** ^^^^^^^ bad request. Currently this is only returned on :policies, which is a complex object, and should be gotten through service_component_all **404** ^^^^^^^ key does not exist GET ``/healthcheck`` -------------------- Description +++++++++++ .. raw:: html This is the health check endpoint. If this returns a 200, the server is alive and consul can be reached. If not a 200, either dead, or no connection to consul Request +++++++ Responses +++++++++ **200** ^^^^^^^ Successful response **503** ^^^^^^^ the config binding service cannot reach Consul