# dcae-platform-documentation Contains the public facing technical documentation for the dcae platform whose audiences include: * Architects * Component developers * Operations ## Usage ### Local dev This is a [Mkdocs](http://www.mkdocs.org/) project. To serve a local version of the documentation to view your changes: 1. Install mkdocs and mkdocs-material: ``` pip install mkdocs pip install mkdocs-material ``` 2. Clone this repo 3. Run the following at the root of the cloned repo: ``` mkdocs serve ``` 4. View the page at `` ### Publish 1. Generate the site: ``` mkdocs build ``` 2. Build and push the Docker image - note the repository and group `YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap` can be customized and replaced: ``` docker build -t YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest . docker push YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest ``` 3. Run the Docker container: ``` export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// # REVIEW: Does this always pull latest? docker pull YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest docker run -d --name dpd -p 80:80 YOUR_NEXUS_DOCKER_REGISTRY/onap/dcae-platform-documentation:latest ```