#!/bin/bash # ================================================================================ # Copyright (c) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= set -e CDAP_HOST='localhost' CDAP_PORT='11015' TCA_NAMESPACE='cdap_tca_hi_lo' TCA_APPNAME='dcae-tca' TCA_ARTIFACT='dcae-analytics-cdap-tca' TCA_ARTIFACT_VERSION='2.2.0-SNAPSHOT' TCA_FILE_PATH='/opt/tca' TCA_JAR="${TCA_FILE_PATH}/${TCA_ARTIFACT}.${TCA_ARTIFACT_VERSION}.jar" TCA_APP_CONF="${TCA_FILE_PATH}/tca_app_config.json" TCA_CONF="${TCA_FILE_PATH}/tca_config.json" TCA_PREF="${TCA_FILE_PATH}/tca_app_preferences.json" TCA_CONF_TEMP='/tmp/tca_config.json' TCA_APP_CONF_TEMP='/tmp/tca_app_config.json' TCA_PREF_TEMP='/tmp/tca_preferences.json' TCA_PATH_APP="${CDAP_HOST}:${CDAP_PORT}/v3/namespaces/${TCA_NAMESPACE}/apps/${TCA_APPNAME}" TCA_PATH_ARTIFACT="${CDAP_HOST}:${CDAP_PORT}/v3/namespaces/${TCA_NAMESPACE}/artifacts" CONSUL_HOST=${CONSU_HOST:-consul} CONSUL_PORT=${CONSU_PORT:-8500} CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE=${CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE:-config_binding_service} CBS_SERVICE_NAME=${CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE} CBS_HOST=$(curl -s "${CONSUL_HOST}:${CONSUL_PORT}/v1/catalog/service/${CBS_SERVICE_NAME}" |jq .[0].ServiceAddress |sed -e 's/\"//g') CBS_PORT=$(curl -s "${CONSUL_HOST}:${CONSUL_PORT}/v1/catalog/service/${CBS_SERVICE_NAME}" |jq .[0].ServicePort |sed -e 's/\"//g') CBS_HOST=${CBS_HOST:-config_binding_service} CBS_PORT=${CBS_PORT:-10000} MY_NAME=${SERVICE_NAME:-tca} echo "TCA environment: I am ${MY_NAME}, consul at ${CONSUL_HOST}:${CONSUL_PORT}, CBS at ${CBS_HOST}:${CBS_PORT}, service name ${CBS_SERVICE_NAME}" echo "Generting preference file" sed -i 's/{{DMAAPHOST}}/'"${DMAAPHOST}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{DMAAPPORT}}/'"${DMAAPPORT}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{DMAAPPUBTOPIC}}/'"${DMAAPPUBTOPIC}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{DMAAPSUBTOPIC}}/'"${DMAAPSUBTOPIC}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{DMAAPSUBGROUP}}/OpenDCAEc12/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{DMAAPSUBID}}/c12/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{AAIHOST}}/'"${AAIHOST}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{AAIPORT}}/'"${AAIPORT}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} if [ -z $REDISHOSTPORT ]; then sed -i 's/{{REDISHOSTPORT}}/NONE/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{REDISCACHING}}/false/g' ${TCA_PREF} else sed -i 's/{{REDISHOSTPORT}}/'"${REDISHOSTPORT}"'/g' ${TCA_PREF} sed -i 's/{{REDISCACHING}}/true/g' ${TCA_PREF} fi function tca_stop { # stop programs echo echo "Stopping TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker, TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker, and TCAVESCollectorFlow ..." echo curl -s -X POST "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/workers/TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker/stop" curl -s -X POST "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/workers/TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker/stop" curl -s -X POST "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/flows/TCAVESCollectorFlow/stop" echo "done" echo } function tca_load_artifact { echo echo "Loading artifact ${TCA_JAR} to http://${TCA_PATH_ARTIFACT}/${TCA_ARTIFACT}..." curl -s -X POST --data-binary @"${TCA_JAR}" "http://${TCA_PATH_ARTIFACT}/${TCA_ARTIFACT}" echo } function tca_load_conf { echo echo "Loading configuration ${TCA_APP_CONF} to http://${TCA_PATH_APP}" curl -s -X PUT -d @${TCA_APP_CONF} http://${TCA_PATH_APP} echo # load preferences echo echo "Loading preferences ${TCA_PREF} to http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/preferences" curl -s -X PUT -d @${TCA_PREF} http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/preferences echo } function tca_delete { echo echo "Deleting application dcae-tca http://${TCA_PATH_APP}" curl -s -X DELETE http://${TCA_PATH_APP} echo # delete artifact echo echo "Deleting artifact http://${TCA_PATH_ARTIFACT}/${TCA_ARTIFACT}/versions/${TCA_ARTIFACT_VERSION} ..." curl -s -X DELETE "http://${TCA_PATH_ARTIFACT}/${TCA_ARTIFACT}/versions/${TCA_ARTIFACT_VERSION}" echo } function tca_start { echo echo "Starting TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker, TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker, and TCAVESCollectorFlow ..." curl -s -X POST "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/workers/TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker/start" curl -s -X POST "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/workers/TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker/start" curl -s -X POST "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/flows/TCAVESCollectorFlow/start" echo } function tca_status { echo echo "TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker status: " curl -s "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/workers/TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker/status" echo echo "TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker status: " curl -s "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/workers/TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker/status" echo echo "TCAVESCollectorFlow status" curl -s "http://${TCA_PATH_APP}/flows/TCAVESCollectorFlow/status" echo; echo } function tca_poll_policy { MY_NAME=${SERVICE_NAME:-tca} URL1="${CBS_HOST}:${CBS_PORT}/service_component/${MY_NAME}" URL2="$URL1:preferences" echo "tca_poll_policy: Retrieving configuration file at ${URL1}" curl -s "$URL1" | jq . --sort-keys > "${TCA_CONF_TEMP}" echo "Retrieving preferences file at ${URL1}" curl -s "$URL2" | jq . --sort-keys > "${TCA_PREF_TEMP}" if [ ! -e "${TCA_CONF_TEMP}" ] || [ "$(ls -sh ${TCA_CONF_TEMP} |cut -f1 -d' ' |sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g')" -lt "1" ]; then echo "Fail to receive configuration" return fi if [ ! -e "${TCA_PREF_TEMP}" ] || [ "$(ls -sh ${TCA_PREF_TEMP} |cut -f1 -d' ' |sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g')" -lt "1" ]; then echo "Fail to receive preferences" return fi CONF_CHANGED="" # extract only the config section from APP CONF (which has both artifact and config sections) jq .config --sort-keys ${TCA_APP_CONF} > ${TCA_CONF} if ! diff ${TCA_CONF} ${TCA_CONF_TEMP} ; then echo "TCA config changed" # generating the new app conf using current app conf's artifact section and the new downloaded config jq --argfile CONFVALUE ${TCA_CONF_TEMP} '.config = $CONFVALUE' <${TCA_APP_CONF} > ${TCA_APP_CONF_TEMP} mv ${TCA_APP_CONF_TEMP} ${TCA_APP_CONF} CONF_CHANGED=1 fi PERF_CHANGED="" # update the subscriber ConsumerID, if not already unique, # so replicas appear as different consumers in the consumer group HOSTID=$(head -1 /etc/hostname | rev |cut -f1-2 -d'-' |rev) CONSUMERID=$(jq .subscriberConsumerId ${TCA_PREF_TEMP} |sed -e 's/\"//g') if ! (echo "$CONSUMERID" |grep "$HOSTID"); then CONSUMERID="${CONSUMERID}-${HOSTID}" jq --arg CID ${CONSUMERID} '.subscriberConsumerId = $CID' < "${TCA_PREF_TEMP}" > "${TCA_PREF_TEMP}2" mv "${TCA_PREF_TEMP}2" "${TCA_PREF_TEMP}" fi if ! diff ${TCA_PREF} ${TCA_PREF_TEMP} ; then echo "TCA preference updated" mv ${TCA_PREF_TEMP} ${TCA_PREF} PERF_CHANGED=1 fi if [[ "$PERF_CHANGED" == "1" || "$CONF_CHANGED" == "1" ]]; then tca_stop tca_delete tca_load_artifact tca_load_conf tca_start tca_status fi } export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/cdap/sdk/bin # starting CDAP SDK in background cdap sdk start echo "Waiting CDAP ready on port 11015 ..." while ! nc -z ${CDAP_HOST} ${CDAP_PORT}; do sleep 0.1 # wait for 1/10 of the second before check again done echo "CDAP has started" echo "Creating namespace cdap_tca_hi_lo ..." curl -s -X PUT "http://${CDAP_HOST}:${CDAP_PORT}/v3/namespaces/cdap_tca_hi_lo" # stop programs tca_stop # delete application tca_delete # load artifact tca_load_artifact tca_load_conf # start programs tca_start # get status of programs tca_status while echo -n do echo "======================================================" date tca_poll_policy sleep 30 done