# Cloudify Manager Container Builder ## Purpose The artifacts in this directory build a Docker image based on the public image from Cloudify (`cloudifyplatform/community`). The image has the Cloudify Manager software from the base image and adds our types files. It edits `/etc/cloudify/config.yaml` to configure the import resolver to use our local type files instead of fetching them over the Internet. It adds Cloudify 3.4 type files that are still used in some plugins and blueprints. Finally, it sets up the `/opt/onap` mount point for our config files. ## Running the Container The container is intended to be launched via a Helm chart as part of the ONAP deployment process, guided by OOM. It can be run directly into a native Docker environment, using: ``` docker run --name cfy-mgr -d --restart unless-stopped \ -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \ -p <some_external_port>:80 \ --tmpfs /run \ --tmpfs /run/lock \ --security-opt seccomp:unconfined --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -v <path_to_kubeconfig_file>:/etc/cloudify/.kube/config -v <path_to_config_file>:/opt/onap/config.txt <image_name> ``` In a Kubernetes environment, we expect that the <path_to_kubeconfile_file> and the <path_to_config_file> mounts would be Kubernetes ConfigMaps. We also expect that in a Kubernetes environment the external port mapping would not be needed.