path: root/docs/sections/components/component-specification
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authorLusheng Ji <>2017-12-06 22:33:09 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2017-12-06 22:33:09 +0000
commitb54b6cc1c54e5fba3c86c087e9843645e67e6dc5 (patch)
tree832a1ba1f817247715b39331279c73640a6d0d8d /docs/sections/components/component-specification
parentc5a64623b88d7b02cd4db8a5c4e676016056d5ae (diff)
parent1fca6acb2918beef86a5a78dc659683830908cd2 (diff)
Merge "DCAE Controller documentation DCAEGEN2-213"
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sections/components/component-specification')
8 files changed, 2676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/cdap-specification.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/cdap-specification.rst
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index 00000000..022b46d7
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+++ b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/cdap-specification.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. _cdap-specification:
+Component specification (CDAP)
+The CDAP component specification contains the following groups of
+information. Many of these are common to both CDAP and Docker components
+and are therefore described in the common specification.
+- :any:`Metadata <metadata>`
+- :any:`Interfaces <interfaces>` including the
+ associated :any:`Data Formats <data-formats>`
+- :any:`Parameters <parameters>` - for specifying parameters in your
+ AppConfig, AppPreferences, and ProgramPreferences to the Designer and
+ Policy. This of course is CDAP-specific and is described below.
+- :any:`Auxiliary Details <auxiliary-details>`
+- :any:`List of artifacts <artifacts>`
+Current Limitations and TODOs
+- The integration of DMD is likely to significantly change the
+ :any:`Interfaces <interfaces>` section in this specification, see
+ :any:`DMaaP abstraction <dmaap-abstraction>`.
+.. _parameters:
+There is a ``parameters`` section in your component specification. This
+section contains three optional keys: `app_config <#appconfig>`__,
+`app_preferences <#apppreferences>`__, and
+`propram_preferences <#programpreferences>`__:
+ "parameters" : {
+ "app_config" : [ ...],
+ "app_preferences" : [ ...],
+ "program_preferences" : [...]
+ // any additional keys are ignored
+ }
+- Each section details the parameters that are a part of each of these
+ CDAP constructs (see below).
+- All such parameters will be exposed to the designer and to policy for
+ override.
+- These parameters should have default values specified by the
+ component developer where necessary, i.e., parameters that *must*
+ come from the designer/policy should not have defaults.
+- All of these keys are optional because not every CDAP application
+ uses preferences and not every application uses the AppConfig.
+ However, you should specify at least one, or else your application
+ will have no parameters exposed to policy or to the DCAE designer,
+ which means it would be non-configurable.
+- Despite the AppConfig being optional to *specify* in the case that
+ you have no parameters in your AppConfig, it is *required for
+ processing* in your application. That is because the DCAE platform
+ will place important information into your AppConfig as discussed
+ below.
+The following CDAP specific definitions use ``param1`` to refer to the
+common parameter layout in
+:any:`Parameter <parameters>`
+The ``app_config`` key refers to the `CDAP AppConfig <>`_.
+It is expected to be a JSON:
+ "app_config" : [ // list of JSON
+ param1, // common parameter layout
+ ...
+ ]
+Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the AppConfig is a Java map of
+``string:string``, which means you cannot have more complex structures
+(than string) as any value in your AppConfig. However, there is a way to
+bypass this constraint: you can pass a JSON by encoding the JSON as a
+string. E.g., the ``json.dumps()`` and it’s converse ``loads`` methods
+in Python:
+ >>> import json
+ >>> json.dumps({"foo" : "bar"}) # This is a real JSON
+ '{"foo": "bar"}' # It is now a string: pass this in as your parameter value
+ >>> json.loads('{"foo": "bar"}') # Do the equivelent of this in your application
+ {u'foo': u'bar'} # ...and you'll get back a real JSON
+ >>>
+The final AppConfig (after the designer and policy override parameter
+values) is passed into CDAP’s AppConfig API when starting the
+In addition to the CDAP AppConfig, the platform supports `Application Preferences <>`_.
+The format of the ``app_preferences`` value is the same as the above:
+ "app_preferences" : [ // list of JSON
+ param1, // common parameter layout
+ ...
+ ]
+The final Application Preferences JSON (after the designer and policy
+override parameter values) is passed into CDAP’s Preferences API when
+starting your application.
+Preferences can also be specified `per program <>`_
+in CDAP. This key’s value is a list of JSON with the following format:
+ "program_preferences" : [ // note: this is a list of JSON
+ {
+ "program_id" : "program name 1", // the name of this CDAP program
+ "program_type" : "e.g., flows", // "must be one of flows, mapreduce, schedules, spark, workflows, workers, or services",
+ "program_pref" : [ // list of JSON
+ param1, // common parameter layout
+ ...
+ ]
+ },
+ // repeat for each program that receives a program_preferences JSON
+ ]
+Each ``program_pref`` JSON is passed into the CDAP API as the preference
+for ``program_id``.
+NOTE: for CDAP, this section is very likely to change when DMD is
+available. The *future* vision, as per :any:`DMaaP intentionally abstracted <dmaap-abstraction>` is
+that you would publish your data as a series of files on HDFS, and DMD
+will pick them up and send them to the appropriate DMaaP feeds or
+directly when needed.
+.. _auxiliary-details:
+Auxiliary Details
+*auxiliary* contains details about CDAP specific parameters.
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| streamname | string | *Required*. |
+| artifact_name | string | |
+| artifact_version | string | the version of your |
+| | | CDAP JAR artifact |
+| namespace | string | the CDAP namespace |
+| | | to deploy into, |
+| | | default is ‘default’ |
+| programs | array | contains each CDAP |
+| | | entity represented |
+| | | in the artifact |
+| program_type | string | CDAP entity (eg |
+| | | “flows”) |
+| program_id | string | name of CDAP entity |
+| | | (eg “WhoFlow”) |
+.. code:: json
+ "auxiliary": {
+ "streamname" : "who",
+ "artifact_name" : "HelloWorld",
+ "artifact_version" : "3.4.3",
+ "namespace" : "hw",
+ "programs" : [
+ {"program_type" : "flows", "program_id" : "WhoFlow"},
+ {"program_type" : "services", "program_id" : "Greeting"},
+ ...
+ ],
+ }
+The ``programs`` key is identical to the ``program_preferences`` key
+discussed `above <#programpreferences>`__ except:
+- each JSON in the list does not contain ``program_pref``
+- this is required! You must include all of your programs in this, as
+ it is used to start each program as well as for DCAE to perform
+ periodic healthchecks on your application. Don’t forget about your
+ services; they are programs too.
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/common-specification.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/common-specification.rst
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index 00000000..a29610f5
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+++ b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/common-specification.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. _common-specification:
+Common Elements of the Component Specification
+This page describes the component specification (JSON) sections that are
+common to both Docker and CDAP components. Differences for each are
+pointed out below. Elements that are very different, and described in
+the CDAP or Docker specific pages.
+.. _metadata:
+Component Metadata
+Metadata refers to the properties found under the ``self`` JSON. This
+group of properties is used to uniquely identify this component
+specification and identify the component that this specification is used
+to capture.
+ "self": {
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "name": "asimov.component.kpi_anomaly",
+ "description": "Classifies VNF KPI data as anomalous",
+ "component_type": "docker"
+ },
+``self`` Schema:
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| Name | | |
+| version | string | *Required*. |
+| | | Semantic |
+| | | version |
+| | | for this |
+| | | specification |
+| name | string | *Required*. |
+| | | Full |
+| | | name of |
+| | | this |
+| | | component |
+| | | which is |
+| | | also |
+| | | used as |
+| | | this |
+| | | component's |
+| | | catalog |
+| | | id. |
+| description | string | *Required* |
+| | | Human-readable |
+| | | text |
+| | | describing |
+| | | the |
+| | | component |
+| | | and the |
+| | | components |
+| | | functional |
+| | | purpose. |
+| component_t\| string | *Required* |
+| ype | | Identify |
+| | | what |
+| | | containe\ |
+| | | rization |
+| | | technolo\ |
+| | | gy |
+| | | this |
+| | | componen\ |
+| | | t |
+| | | uses: |
+| | | *docker* |
+| | | or |
+| | | *cdap*. |
+| | | |
+.. _interfaces:
+Interfaces are the JSON objects found under the ``streams`` key and the
+``services`` key. These are used to describe the interfaces that the
+component uses and the interfaces that the component provides. The
+description of each interface includes the associated :any:`data
+format <data-formats>`.
+- The ``streams`` JSON is for specifying data produced for consumption
+ by other components, and the streams expected to subscribe to that is
+ produced by other components. These are “fire and forget” type
+ interfaces where the publisher of a stream does not expect or parse a
+ response from the subscriber.
+- The term ``stream`` here is abstract and neither refers to “CDAP
+ streams” or “DMaaP feeds”. While a stream is very likely a DMaaP
+ feed, it could be a direct stream of data being routed via HTTP too.
+ It abstractly refers to a sequence of data leaving a publisher.
+- Streams have anonymous publish/subscribe semantics, which decouples
+ the production of information from its consumption.
+- In general, components are not aware of who they are communicating
+ with.
+- Instead, components that are interested in data, subscribe to the
+ relevant stream; components that generate data publish to the
+ relevant stream.
+- There can be multiple publishers and subscribers to a stream. Streams
+ are intended for unidirectional, streaming communication.
+Streams interfaces that implement an HTTP endpoint must support POST.
+Streams are split into:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| subscribes | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | li\| List of |
+| | st | all |
+| | | availabl\|
+| | | e |
+| | | stream |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | es |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | componen\|
+| | | t |
+| | | has that |
+| | | can be |
+| | | used for |
+| | | subscrib\|
+| | | ing |
+| publishes | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | li\| List of |
+| | st | all |
+| | | stream |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | es |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | componen\|
+| | | t |
+| | | will |
+| | | publish |
+| | | onto |
+.. code:: json
+ "streams": {
+ "subscribes": [{
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.kpi",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "route": "/data", // for CDAP this value is not used
+ "type": "http"
+ }],
+ ...
+ }
+This describes that ``asimov.component.kpi_anomaly`` exposes an HTTP
+endpoint called ``/data`` which accepts requests that have the data
+format of ``dcae.vnf.kpi`` version ``1.0.0``.
+``subscribes`` Schema:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\ |
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| format | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | id of |
+| | | the data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| version | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | version |
+| | | of the |
+| | | data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| route | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d |
+| | ng | for HTTP |
+| | | and data |
+| | | router*. |
+| | | The HTTP |
+| | | route |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| | | listens |
+| | | on |
+| config_key | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d \ |
+| | ng | for \ |
+| | | message_router\ |
+| | | and data \ |
+| | | router*. |
+| | | The HTTP |
+| | | route |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| | | listens |
+| | | on |
+| type | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Type of |
+| | | stream: |
+| | | ``http`` |
+| | | , |
+| | | ``message_router`` |
+| | | , |
+| | | ``data_router`` |
+.. _message-router:
+Message router
+Message router subscribers are http clients rather than http services
+and performs a http a ``GET`` call. Thus, message router subscribers
+description is structured like message router publishers and requires
+.. code:: json
+ "streams": {
+ "subscribes": [{
+ "format": "dcae.some-format",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "config_key": "some_format_handle",
+ "type": "message router"
+ }],
+ ...
+ }
+.. _data-router:
+Data router
+Data router subscribers are http or https services that handle ``PUT``
+requests from data router. Developers must provide the ``route`` or url
+path/endpoint that is expected to handle data router requests. This will
+be used to construct the delivery url needed to register the subscriber
+to the provisioned feed. Developers must also provide a ``config_key``
+because there is dynamic configuration information associated with the
+feed that the application will need e.g. username and password. See the
+page on :doc:`DMaaP connection objects <../dcae-cli/dmaap-connection-objects>` for more details on
+the configuration information.
+Example (not tied to the larger example):
+.. code:: json
+ "streams": {
+ "subscribes": [{
+ "config_key": "some-sub-dr",
+ "format": "sandbox.platform.any",
+ "route": "/identity",
+ "type": "data_router",
+ "version": "0.1.0"
+ }],
+ ...
+ }
+.. code:: json
+ "streams": {
+ ...
+ "publishes": [{
+ "format": "asimov.format.integerClassification",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "config_key": "prediction",
+ "type": "http"
+ }]
+ },
+This describes that ``asimov.component.kpi_anomaly`` publishes by making
+POST requests to streams that support the data format
+``asimov.format.integerClassification`` version ``1.0.0``.
+``publishes`` Schema:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\ |
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| format | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | id of |
+| | | the data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| version | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | version |
+| | | of the |
+| | | data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| config_key | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | The JSON |
+| | | key in |
+| | | the |
+| | | generate\ |
+| | | d |
+| | | applicat |
+| | | ion |
+| | | configur\ |
+| | | ation |
+| | | that |
+| | | will be |
+| | | used to |
+| | | pass the |
+| | | downstre\ |
+| | | am |
+| | | componen\ |
+| | | t’s |
+| | | (the |
+| | | subscrib\ |
+| | | er’s) |
+| | | connecti\ |
+| | | on |
+| | | informat\ |
+| | | ion. |
+| type | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Type of |
+| | | stream: |
+| | | ``http`` |
+| | | , |
+| | | ``message_router`` |
+| | | , |
+| | | ``data_router`` |
+.. message-router-1:
+Message router
+Message router publishers are http clients of DMaap message_router.
+Developers must provide a ``config_key`` because there is dynamic
+configuration information associated with the feed that the application
+will need to receive e.g. topic url, username, password. See the page on
+:doc:`DMaaP connection objects <../dcae-cli/dmaap-connection-objects>` for more details on
+the configuration information.
+Example (not tied to the larger example):
+.. code:: json
+ "streams": {
+ ...
+ "publishes": [{
+ "config_key": "some-pub-mr",
+ "format": "sandbox.platform.any",
+ "type": "message_router",
+ "version": "0.1.0"
+ }]
+ }
+.. data-router-1:
+Data router
+Data router publishers are http clients that make ``PUT`` requests to
+data router. Developers must also provide a ``config_key`` because there
+is dynamic configuration information associated with the feed that the
+application will need to receive e.g. publish url, username, password.
+See the page on :doc:`DMaaP connection objects <../dcae-cli/dmaap-connection-objects>` for more details on
+the configuration information.
+Example (not tied to the larger example):
+.. code:: json
+ "streams": {
+ ...
+ "publishes": [{
+ "config_key": "some-pub-dr",
+ "format": "sandbox.platform.any",
+ "type": "data_router",
+ "version": "0.1.0"
+ }]
+ }
+Quick Reference
+Refer to this :doc:`Quick Reference <streams-grid>` for a
+comparison of the Streams ‘Publishes’ and ‘Subscribes’ sections.
+- The publish / subscribe model is a very flexible communication
+ paradigm, but its many-to-many one-way transport is not appropriate
+ for RPC request / reply interactions, which are often required in a
+ distributed system.
+- Request / reply is done via a Service, which is defined by a pair of
+ messages: one for the request and one for the reply.
+Services are split into:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| calls | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | li\| List of |
+| | st | all |
+| | | service |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | es |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | componen\|
+| | | t |
+| | | will |
+| | | call |
+| provides | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | li\| List of |
+| | st | all |
+| | | service |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | es |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | componen\|
+| | | t |
+| | | exposes |
+| | | and |
+| | | provides |
+The JSON ``services/calls`` is for specifying that the component relies
+on an HTTP(S) service—the component sends that service an HTTP request,
+and that service responds with an HTTP reply. An example of this is how
+string matching (SM) depends on the AAI Broker. SM performs a
+synchronous REST call to the AAI broker, providing it the VMNAME of the
+VNF, and the AAI Broker responds with additional details about the VNF.
+This dependency is expressed via ``services/calls``. In contrast, the
+output of string matching (the alerts it computes) is sent directly to
+policy as a fire-and-forget interface, so that is an example of a
+.. code:: json
+ "services": {
+ "calls": [{
+ "config_key": "vnf-db",
+ "request": {
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.meta",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.kpi",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ }
+ }],
+ ...
+ }
+This describes that ``asimov.component.kpi_anomaly`` will make HTTP
+calls to a downstream component that accepts requests of data format
+``dcae.vnf.meta`` version ``1.0.0`` and is expecting the response to be
+``dcae.vnf.kpi`` version ``1.0.0``.
+``calls`` Schema:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| request | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Descript\|
+| | je\| ion |
+| | ct | of the |
+| | | expected |
+| | | request |
+| | | for this |
+| | | downstre\|
+| | | am |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| response | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Descript\|
+| | je\| ion |
+| | ct | of the |
+| | | expected |
+| | | response |
+| | | for this |
+| | | downstre\|
+| | | am |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| config_key | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | The JSON |
+| | | key in |
+| | | the |
+| | | generate\|
+| | | d |
+| | | applicat |
+| | | ion |
+| | | configur\|
+| | | ation |
+| | | that |
+| | | will be |
+| | | used to |
+| | | pass the |
+| | | downstre\|
+| | | am |
+| | | componen |
+| | | t |
+| | | connecti\|
+| | | on |
+| | | informat\|
+| | | ion. |
+The JSON object schema for both ``request`` and ``response``:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| format | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | id of |
+| | | the data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| version | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | version |
+| | | of the |
+| | | data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+.. code:: json
+ "services": {
+ ...
+ "provides": [{
+ "route": "/score-vnf",
+ "request": {
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.meta",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "format": "asimov.format.integerClassification",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+This describes that ``asimov.component.kpi_anomaly`` provides a service
+interface and it is exposed on the ``/score-vnf`` HTTP endpoint. The
+endpoint accepts requests that have the data format ``dcae.vnf.meta``
+version ``1.0.0`` and gives back a response of
+``asimov.format.integerClassification`` version ``1.0.0``.
+``provides`` Schema for a Docker component:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| request | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Descript\|
+| | je\| ion |
+| | ct | of the |
+| | | expected |
+| | | request |
+| | | for this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| response | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Descript\|
+| | je\| ion |
+| | ct | of the |
+| | | expected |
+| | | response |
+| | | for this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| route | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | The HTTP |
+| | | route |
+| | | that |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| | | listens |
+| | | on |
+The JSON object schema for both ``request`` and ``response``:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| format | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | id of |
+| | | the data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+| version | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Data |
+| | | format |
+| | | version |
+| | | of the |
+| | | data |
+| | | format |
+| | | that is |
+| | | used by |
+| | | this |
+| | | interfac\|
+| | | e |
+Note, for CDAP, there is a slight variation due to the way CDAP exposes
+ "provides":[ // note this is a list of JSON
+ {
+ "request":{ ...},
+ "response":{ ...},
+ "service_name":"name CDAP service",
+ "service_endpoint":"greet", // E.g the URL is /services/service_name/methods/service_endpoint
+ "verb":"GET" // GET, PUT, or POST
+ }
+ ]
+``provides`` Schema for a CDAP component:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\ |
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| request | JS\| *Require\ |
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Descript\ |
+| | je\| ion |
+| | ct | of the |
+| | | expected |
+| | | request |
+| | | data |
+| | | format |
+| | | for this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| response | JS\| *Require\ |
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Descript\ |
+| | je\| ion |
+| | ct | of the |
+| | | expected |
+| | | response |
+| | | for this |
+| | | interfac\ |
+| | | e |
+| service_nam\| st\| *Require\ |
+| e | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | The CDAP |
+| | | service |
+| | | name (eg |
+| | | “Greetin\ |
+| | | g”) |
+| service_end | st\| *Require\ |
+| point | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | The CDAP |
+| | | service |
+| | | endpoint |
+| | | for this |
+| | | service_n\|
+| | | ame |
+| | | (eg |
+| | | “/greet” |
+| | | ) |
+| verb | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | ‘GET’, |
+| | | ‘PUT’ or |
+| | | ‘POST’ |
+``parameters`` is where to specify the component’s application
+configuration parameters that are not connection information.
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| parameters | JSON array | Each entry is a parameter object |
+Parameter object has the following available properties:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\| Defa\|
+| Name | pe | ion | ult |
+| name | st\| *Require\| |
+| | ri\| d*. | |
+| | ng | The | |
+| | | property | |
+| | | name | |
+| | | that | |
+| | | will be | |
+| | | used as | |
+| | | the key | |
+| | | in the | |
+| | | generate\| |
+| | | d | |
+| | | config | |
+| value | an\| *Require\| |
+| | y | d*. | |
+| | | The | |
+| | | default | |
+| | | value | |
+| | | for the | |
+| | | given | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| description | st\| *Require\| |
+| | ri\| d*. | |
+| | ng | Human-re\| |
+| | | adable | |
+| | | text | |
+| | | describi\| |
+| | | ng | |
+| | | the | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| | | like | |
+| | | what its | |
+| | | for | |
+| type | st\| The | |
+| | ri\| required | |
+| | ng | data | |
+| | | type for | |
+| | | the | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| required | bo\| An | true |
+| | ol\| optional | |
+| | ea\| key that | |
+| | n | declares | |
+| | | a | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| | | as | |
+| | | required | |
+| | | (true) | |
+| | | or not | |
+| | | (false) | |
+| constraints | ar\| The | |
+| | ra\| optional | |
+| | y | list of | |
+| | | sequence | |
+| | | d | |
+| | | constrai\| |
+| | | nt | |
+| | | clauses | |
+| | | for the | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r. | |
+| | | See | |
+| | | below | |
+| entry_schem\ | st\| The | |
+| a | ri\| optional | |
+| | ng | key that | |
+| | | is used | |
+| | | to | |
+| | | declare | |
+| | | the name | |
+| | | of the | |
+| | | Datatype | |
+| | | definiti\| |
+| | | on | |
+| | | for | |
+| | | entries | |
+| | | of set | |
+| | | types | |
+| | | such as | |
+| | | the | |
+| | | TOSCA | |
+| | | ‘list’ | |
+| | | or | |
+| | | ‘map’. | |
+| | | Only 1 | |
+| | | level is | |
+| | | supporte\| |
+| | | d | |
+| | | at this | |
+| | | time | |
+| designer_ed\ | bo\| An | true |
+| itable | ol\| optional | |
+| | ea\| key that | |
+| | n | declares | |
+| | | a | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| | | to be | |
+| | | editable | |
+| | | by | |
+| | | designer | |
+| | | (true) | |
+| | | or not | |
+| | | (false) | |
+| sourced_at_d\| bo\| An | fals\|
+| eployment | ol\| optional | e |
+| | ea\| key that | |
+| | n | declares | |
+| | | a | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r’s | |
+| | | value to | |
+| | | be | |
+| | | assigned | |
+| | | at | |
+| | | deployme\| |
+| | | nt | |
+| | | time | |
+| | | (true) | |
+| policy_edit\ | bo\| An | true |
+| able | ol\| optional | |
+| | ea\| key that | |
+| | n | declares | |
+| | | a | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| | | to be | |
+| | | editable | |
+| | | by | |
+| | | policy | |
+| | | (true) | |
+| | | or not | |
+| | | (false) | |
+| policy_sche\ | ar\| The | |
+| ma | ra\| optional | |
+| | y | list of | |
+| | | schema | |
+| | | definiti\| |
+| | | ons | |
+| | | used for | |
+| | | policy. | |
+| | | See | |
+| | | below | |
+.. code:: json
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "threshold",
+ "value": 0.75,
+ "description": "Probability threshold to exceed to be anomalous"
+ }
+ ]
+Many of the parameter properties have been copied from TOSCA model
+property definitions and are to be used for service design composition
+and policy creation. See `section 3.5.8 *Property
+definition* <>`__.
+The property ``constraints`` is a list of objects where each constraint
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| equal | | Constrai\|
+| | | ns |
+| | | a |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value |
+| | | equal to |
+| | | (‘=’) |
+| | | the |
+| | | value |
+| | | declared |
+| greater_tha\ | nu\| Constrai\|
+| n | mb\| ns |
+| | er | a |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete |
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value |
+| | | greater |
+| | | than |
+| | | (‘>’) |
+| | | the |
+| | | value |
+| | | declared |
+| greater_or_e\| nu\| Constrai\|
+| qual | mb\| ns |
+| | er | a |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value |
+| | | greater |
+| | | than or |
+| | | equal to |
+| | | (‘>=’) |
+| | | the |
+| | | value |
+| | | declared |
+| less_than | nu\| Constrai\|
+| | mb\| ns |
+| | er | a |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value |
+| | | less |
+| | | than |
+| | | (‘<’) |
+| | | the |
+| | | value |
+| | | declared |
+| less_or_equ\ | nu\| Constrai\|
+| al | mb\| ns |
+| | er | a |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value |
+| | | less |
+| | | than or |
+| | | equal to |
+| | | (‘<=’) |
+| | | the |
+| | | value |
+| | | declared |
+| valid_value\ | ar\| Constrai\|
+| s | ra\| ns |
+| | y | a |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value |
+| | | that is |
+| | | in the |
+| | | list of |
+| | | declared |
+| | | values |
+| length | nu\| Constrai\|
+| | mb\| ns |
+| | er | the |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value of |
+| | | a given |
+| | | length |
+| min_length | nu\| Constrai\|
+| | mb\| ns |
+| | er | the |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value to |
+| | | a |
+| | | minimum |
+| | | length |
+| max_length | nu\| Constrai\|
+| | mb\| ns |
+| | er | the |
+| | | property |
+| | | or |
+| | | paramete\|
+| | | r |
+| | | to a |
+| | | value to |
+| | | a |
+| | | maximum |
+| | | length |
+``threshold`` is the configuration parameter and will get set to 0.75
+when the configuration gets generated.
+The property ``policy_schema`` is a list of objects where each
+policy_schema object:
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\| Defa\|
+| Name | pe | ion | ult |
+| name | st\| *Require\| |
+| | ri\| d*. | |
+| | ng | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| | | name | |
+| value | st\| default | |
+| | ri\| value | |
+| | ng | for the | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r | |
+| description | st\| paramete\| |
+| | ri\| r | |
+| | ng | descript\| |
+| | | ion | |
+| type | en\| *Require\| |
+| | um | d*. | |
+| | | data | |
+| | | type of | |
+| | | the | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r, | |
+| | | ‘string’ | |
+| | | , | |
+| | | ‘number’ | |
+| | | , | |
+| | | ‘boolean | |
+| | | ’, | |
+| | | ‘datetim\| |
+| | | e’, | |
+| | | ‘list’, | |
+| | | or ‘map’ | |
+| required | bo\| is | true |
+| | ol\| paramete\| |
+| | ea\| r | |
+| | n | required | |
+| | | or not? | |
+| constraints | ar\| The | |
+| | ra\| optional | |
+| | y | list of | |
+| | | sequence\| |
+| | | d | |
+| | | constrai\| |
+| | | nt | |
+| | | clauses | |
+| | | for the | |
+| | | paramete\| |
+| | | r. | |
+| | | See | |
+| | | above | |
+| entry_schem\| st\| The | |
+| a | ri\| optional | |
+| | ng | key that | |
+| | | is used | |
+| | | to | |
+| | | declare | |
+| | | the name | |
+| | | of the | |
+| | | Datatype | |
+| | | definiti\| |
+| | | on | |
+| | | for | |
+| | | certain | |
+| | | types. | |
+| | | entry_sc\| |
+| | | hema | |
+| | | must be | |
+| | | defined | |
+| | | when the | |
+| | | type is | |
+| | | either | |
+| | | list or | |
+| | | map. If | |
+| | | the type | |
+| | | is list | |
+| | | and the | |
+| | | entry | |
+| | | type is | |
+| | | a simple | |
+| | | type | |
+| | | (string, | |
+| | | number, | |
+| | | bookean, | |
+| | | datetime | |
+| | | ), | |
+| | | follow | |
+| | | with an | |
+| | | string | |
+| | | to | |
+| | | describe | |
+| | | the | |
+| | | entry | |
+| | If | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | ty\| | |
+| | pe | | |
+| | is | | |
+| | li\| | |
+| | st | | |
+| | an\| | |
+| | d | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | en\| | |
+| | tr\| | |
+| | y | | |
+| | ty\| | |
+| | pe | | |
+| | is | | |
+| | a | | |
+| | ma\| | |
+| | p, | | |
+| | fo\| | |
+| | ll\| | |
+| | ow | | |
+| | wi\| | |
+| | th | | |
+| | an | | |
+| | ar\| | |
+| | ra\| | |
+| | y | | |
+| | to | | |
+| | de\| | |
+| | sc\| | |
+| | ri\| | |
+| | be | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | ke\| | |
+| | ys | | |
+| | fo\| | |
+| | r | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | en\| | |
+| | tr\| | |
+| | y | | |
+| | ma\| | |
+| | p | | |
+| | If | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | ty\| | |
+| | pe | | |
+| | is | | |
+| | li\| | |
+| | st | | |
+| | an\| | |
+| | d | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | en\| | |
+| | tr\| | |
+| | y | | |
+| | ty\| | |
+| | pe | | |
+| | is | | |
+| | a | | |
+| | li\| | |
+| | st | | |
+| | , | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | at | | |
+| | is | | |
+| | no\| | |
+| | t | | |
+| | cu\| | |
+| | rr\| | |
+| | en\| | |
+| | tl\| | |
+| | y | | |
+| | su\| | |
+| | pp\| | |
+| | or\| | |
+| | te\| | |
+| | d \| | |
+| | If | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | ty\| | |
+| | pe | | |
+| | is | | |
+| | ma\| | |
+| | p, | | |
+| | fo\| | |
+| | ll\| | |
+| | ow | | |
+| | wi\| | |
+| | th | | |
+| | an | | |
+| | ar\| | |
+| | ay | | |
+| | to | | |
+| | de\| | |
+| | sc\| | |
+| | ri\| | |
+| | be | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | ke\| | |
+| | ys | | |
+| | fo\| | |
+| | r | | |
+| | th\| | |
+| | e | | |
+| | ma\| | |
+| | p | | |
+Generated Application Configuration
+The above example for component ``asimov.component.kpi_anomaly`` will
+get transformed into the following application configuration JSON that
+is fully resolved and provided at runtime by calling the
+``config binding service``:
+.. code:: json
+ {
+ "streams_publishes": {
+ "prediction": [""]
+ },
+ "streams_subscribes": {},
+ "threshold": 0.75,
+ "services_calls": {
+ "vnf-db": [""]
+ }
+ }
+.. _artifacts:
+``artifacts`` contains a list of artifacts associated with this
+component. For Docker, this is the full path (including the registry) to
+the Docker image. For CDAP, this is the full path to the CDAP jar.
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| artifacts | JSON array | Each entry is a artifact object |
+``artifact`` Schema:
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| uri | string | *Required*. Uri to the artifact, full path |
+| type | string | *Required*. ``docker image`` or ``jar`` |
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/component-specification.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/component-specification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..759f3dc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/component-specification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+Component Specification
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ ./common-specification.rst
+ ./cdap-specification.rst
+ ./docker-specification.rst
+ ./generated-configuration.rst
+ ./streams-grid.rst
+ ./configuration-grid.rst
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/configuration-grid.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/configuration-grid.rst
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..956e1ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/configuration-grid.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+Configuration Quick Reference
+The following types of configuration are supported by the DCAE Platform.
+| Input | Default | Designer | Clamp | Policy | R\|
+| Sources | Values | Input | Input | Input | u\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | m\|
+| | | | | | e |
+| | | | | | I\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | p\|
+| | | | | | u\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| Notes | | This | This | | |
+| | | applies | applies | | |
+| | | only to | only to | | |
+| | | componen\| compone\| | |
+| | | ts | nts | | |
+| | | that are | that | | |
+| | | self-ser\| are | | |
+| | | vice | part of | | |
+| | | (support\| a | | |
+| | | ed | closed-\| | |
+| | | by SDC) | loop | | |
+| | | | interfa\| | |
+| | | | ce | | |
+| Who | Compone\| Service | CLAMP | Operatio\ | R\|
+| provide\| nt | Designer | | ns | u\|
+| s? | Develop | | | | n\|
+| | er | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | m\|
+| | | | | | e |
+| | | | | | P\|
+| | | | | | l\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | f\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | m |
+| When/Wh\| During | At | At | Anytime | W\|
+| ere | onboard\| design | install\| – in the | h\|
+| it is | ing | time – | ation | POLICY | e\|
+| provide | – in | in the | – in | GUI | n |
+| d | the | SDC UI | the | | t\|
+| | compone\| | CLAMP | | h\|
+| | nt | | UI | | e |
+| | specifi\| | | | c\|
+| | cation | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | m\|
+| | | | | | p\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | s |
+| | | | | | d\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | p\|
+| | | | | | l\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | y\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | d |
+| Compone\| For | ‘designe\| | ‘policy-\ | ‘\|
+| nt | CDAP: | r-editab\| | editable\ | s\|
+| Specifi\| ‘value’ | le’ | | ’ | o\|
+| cation | Name | must be | | must be | u\|
+| Details | and KV | set to | | set to | r\|
+| | pairs | ‘true’ | | ‘true’ | c\|
+| | in | for | | and | e\|
+| | AppConf\| variable | | ‘policy_s\| d\|
+| | ig | in | | chema’ | _\|
+| | or | ‘paramet\| | must be | a\|
+| | AppPref\| er’ | | provided | t\|
+| | erences | section. | | for | _\|
+| | For | | | variable | \ |
+| | Docker: | | | in | d\|
+| | ‘value’ | | | ‘paramet\ | e\|
+| | is | | | er’ | p\|
+| | provide | | | section | l\|
+| | d | | | | o\|
+| | for | | | | y\|
+| | variabl\| | | | m\|
+| | e | | | | e\|
+| | in | | | | n\|
+| | ‘parame\| | | | t\|
+| | ter’ | | | | ’ |
+| | section | | | | m\|
+| | | | | | u\|
+| | | | | | s\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| | | | | | b\|
+| | | | | | e |
+| | | | | | s\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | o |
+| | | | | | ‘\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | u\|
+| | | | | | e |
+| | | | | | ’\|
+| | | | | | f\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | r |
+| | | | | | v\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | b\|
+| | | | | | l\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | ‘ |
+| | | | | | p\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | m\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | ’ |
+| | | | | | s\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | c\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | n |
+| How it | This is | This | This | This | T\|
+| is used | passed | override\| overrid\| override\ | h\|
+| | to the | s | es | s | i\|
+| | compone\| any | any | any | s |
+| | nt | values | values | values | o\|
+| | in the | previous\| previou\| previous\ | v\|
+| | generat\| ly | sly | ly | e\|
+| | ed | set, but | set, | set, but | r\|
+| | configu\| can be | but can | can be | r\|
+| | ration | overridd\| be | overridd\ | i\|
+| | if not | en | overrid\| en | d\|
+| | overrid\| by CLAMP | den | at any | e\|
+| | den. | or | by | point | s |
+| | | POLICY. | POLICY. | thereaft\ | a\|
+| | | | | er. | n\|
+| | | | | | y |
+| | | | | | v\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | l\|
+| | | | | | u\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | s |
+| | | | | | p\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | v\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | u\|
+| | | | | | s\|
+| | | | | | l\|
+| | | | | | y |
+| | | | | | s\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | , |
+| | | | | | b\|
+| | | | | | u\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| | | | | | c\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | n |
+| | | | | | b\|
+| | | | | | e |
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | v\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | d\|
+| | | | | | d\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | n |
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | y |
+| | | | | | p\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | n\|
+| | | | | | t |
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | h\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | r\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | a\|
+| | | | | | f\|
+| | | | | | t\|
+| | | | | | e\|
+| | | | | | r |
+| | | | | | b\|
+| | | | | | y |
+| | | | | | P\|
+| | | | | | o\|
+| | | | | | l\|
+| | | | | | i\|
+| | | | | | c\|
+| | | | | | y\|
+| | | | | | . |
+| Additio\| For | | | For | |
+| nal | CDAP: | | | Docker: | |
+| Info | ‘value’ | | | In the | |
+| for | is | | | auxiliar\ | |
+| Compone\| provide\| | | y | |
+| nt | d | | | section: | |
+| Develop\| for | | | {“policy | |
+| er | variabl\| | | ”: | |
+| | e | | | {“trigge\ | |
+| | in the | | | r_type”: | |
+| | ‘AppCon\| | | “policy” | |
+| | fig’ | | | ,“script\ | |
+| | or | | | _path”: | |
+| | ‘AppPre\| | | “/opt/ap\ | |
+| | ference\| | | p/reconf\ | |
+| | s’ | | |\ | |
+| | section\| | | ”} | |
+| | s | | | } Script | |
+| | For | | | interfac\ | |
+| | Docker: | | | e | |
+| | ‘value’ | | | must be | |
+| | is | | | “opt/app\ | |
+| | provide\| | | /reconfi\ | |
+| | d | | |” | |
+| | for | | | $trigger\ | |
+| | variabl\| | | _type | |
+| | e | | | $updated\ | |
+| | in | | | _policie\ | |
+| | ‘parame\| | | s | |
+| | ter’ | | | $updated\ | |
+| | section | | | _appl_co\ | |
+| | | | | nfig" | |
+| | | | | where | |
+| | | | | $updated\ | |
+| | | | | _policie\ | |
+| | | | | s | |
+| | | | | is a | |
+| | | | | json | |
+| | | | | provided | |
+| | | | | by the | |
+| | | | | Policy | |
+| | | | | Handler | |
+| | | | | and | |
+| | | | | $update_a\| |
+| | | | | ppl_con\ | |
+| | | | | fig | |
+| | | | | is the | |
+| | | | | post-mer\ | |
+| | | | | ged | |
+| | | | | appl\ | |
+| | | | | config | |
+| | | | | which | |
+| | | | | may | |
+| | | | | contain | |
+| | | | | unresolv\ | |
+| | | | | ed | |
+| | | | | configur\ | |
+| | | | | ation | |
+| | | | | that | |
+| | | | | didn’t | |
+| | | | | come | |
+| | | | | from | |
+| | | | | policy. | |
+| | | | | Suggesti\ | |
+| | | | | on | |
+| | | | | is for | |
+| | | | | script | |
+| | | | | to call | |
+| | | | | CONFIG | |
+| | | | | BINDING | |
+| | | | | SERVICE | |
+| | | | | to | |
+| | | | | resolve | |
+| | | | | any | |
+| | | | | configur\ | |
+| | | | | ation. | |
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. _docker-specification:
+Component specification (Docker)
+The Docker component specification contains the following groups of
+information. Many of these are common to both Docker and CDAP components
+and are therefore described in the common specification.
+- :any:`Metadata <metadata>`
+- :any:`Interfaces <interfaces>` including the
+ associated :any:`Data Formats <data-formats>`
+- :any:`Parameters <parameters>`
+- :any:`Auxiliary Details <docker-auxiliary-details>`
+- :any:`List of Artifacts <artifacts>`
+.. _docker-auxiliary-details:
+Auxiliary Details
+``auxiliary`` contains Docker specific details like health check, port
+mapping, volume mapping, and policy reconfiguration script details.
+| Name | Ty\| Descript\|
+| | pe | ion |
+| healthcheck | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ob\| Health |
+| | je\| check |
+| | ct | definiti\|
+| | | on |
+| | | details |
+| ports | JS\| each |
+| | ON | array |
+| | ar\| item |
+| | ra\| maps a |
+| | y | containe\|
+| | | r |
+| | | port to |
+| | | the host |
+| | | port. |
+| | | See |
+| | | example |
+| | | below. |
+| volume | JS\| each |
+| | ON | array |
+| | ar\| item |
+| | ra\| contains |
+| | y | a host |
+| | | and |
+| | | containe\|
+| | | r |
+| | | object. |
+| | | See |
+| | | example |
+| | | below. |
+| policy | JS\| *Require\|
+| | ON | d*. |
+| | ar\| Policy |
+| | ra\| script |
+| | y | details |
+Health Check Definition
+The platform uses Consul to perform periodic health check calls. Consul
+provides different types of `check definitions <>`_. The
+platform currently supports http and docker health checks.
+When choosing a value for interval, consider that too frequent
+healthchecks will put unnecessary load on Consul and DCAE. If there is a
+problematic resource, then more frequent healthchecks are warranted (eg
+15s or 60s), but as stablility increases, so can these values, (eg
+When choosing a value for timeout, consider that too small a number will
+result in increasing timeout failures, and too large a number will
+result in a delay in the notification of resource problem. A suggestion
+is to start with 5s and workd from there.
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\|
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| type | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | ``http`` |
+| interval | st\| Interval |
+| | ri\| duration |
+| | ng | in |
+| | | seconds |
+| | | i.e. |
+| | | ``60s`` |
+| timeout | st\| Timeout |
+| | ri\| in |
+| | ng | seconds |
+| | | i.e. |
+| | | ``5s`` |
+| endpoint | st\| *Require\|
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | GET |
+| | | endpoint |
+| | | provided |
+| | | by the |
+| | | componen\|
+| | | t |
+| | | for |
+| | | Consul |
+| | | to call |
+| | | to check |
+| | | health |
+.. code:: json
+ "auxilary": {
+ "healthcheck": {
+ "type": "http",
+ "interval": "15s",
+ "timeout": "1s",
+ "endpoint": "/my-health"
+ }
+ }
+docker script example
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\ |
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| type | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | ``docker`` |
+| interval | st\| Interval |
+| | ri\| duration |
+| | ng | in |
+| | | seconds |
+| | | i.e. |
+| | | ``15s`` |
+| timeout | st\| Timeout |
+| | ri\| in |
+| | ng | seconds |
+| | | i.e. |
+| | | ``1s`` |
+| script | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Full |
+| | | path of |
+| | | script |
+| | | that |
+| | | exists |
+| | | in the |
+| | | Docker |
+| | | containe\ |
+| | | r |
+| | | to be |
+| | | executed |
+Consul will use the `Docker exec API <>`_ to
+periodically call your script in your container. It will examine the
+script result to identify whether your component is healthy. Your
+component is considered healthy when the script returns ``0`` otherwise
+your component is considered not healthy.
+.. code:: json
+ "auxilary": {
+ "healthcheck": {
+ "type": "docker",
+ "script": "/app/resources/",
+ "timeout": "30s",
+ "interval": "180s"
+ }
+ }
+.. code:: json
+ "auxilary": {
+ "ports": ["8080:8000"]
+ }
+In the example above, container port 8080 maps to host port 8000.
+Volume Mapping
+.. code:: json
+ "auxilary": {
+ "volumes": [
+ {
+ "container": {
+ "bind": "/tmp/docker.sock",
+ "mode": "ro"
+ },
+ "host": {
+ "path": "/var/run/docker.sock"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+At the top-level:
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| volumes | array | Contains container and host objects |
+The ``container`` object contains:
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| bind | string | path to the |
+| | | container volume |
+| mode | string | “ro” - indicates |
+| | | read-only volume |
+| | | “” - indicates that |
+| | | the container can |
+| | | write into the bind |
+| | | mount |
+The ``host`` object contains:
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+| path | string | path to the host volume |
+Here’s an example of the minimal JSON that must be provided as an input:
+.. code:: json
+ "auxilary": {
+ "volumes": [
+ {
+ "container": {
+ "bind": "/tmp/docker.sock"
+ },
+ "host": {
+ "path": "/var/run/docker.sock"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+In the example above, the container volume “/tmp/docker.sock” maps to
+host volume “/var/run/docker.sock”.
+Policy changes made in the Policy UI will be provided to the Docker
+component by triggering a script that is defined here.
+| Property | Ty\| Descript\ |
+| Name | pe | ion |
+| reconfigure | st\| *Require\ |
+| _type | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Current |
+| | | value |
+| | | supporte |
+| | | d |
+| | | is |
+| | | ``policy`` |
+| script_path | st\| *Require\ |
+| | ri\| d*. |
+| | ng | Current |
+| | | value |
+| | | for |
+| | | ‘policy’ |
+| | | reconfig\ |
+| | | ure_type |
+| | | must be |
+| | | “/opt/ap\ |
+| | | p/reconf\ |
+| | | |
+| | | ” |
+.. code:: json
+ "auxilary": {
+ "policy": {
+ "reconfigure_type": "policy",
+ "script_path": "/opt/app/"
+ }
+ }
+The docker script interface is as follows: \`/opt/app/
+$reconfigure_type {“updated policies”: , “application config”: }
+| Na\ | Ty\| Descript\ |
+| me | pe | ion |
+| re\ | st\| “policy” |
+| co\ | ri\| |
+| nf\ | ng | |
+| ig\ | | |
+| ur\ | | |
+| e_t\| | |
+| y\ | | |
+| pe\ | | |
+| up\ | js\| TBD |
+| da\ | on | |
+| te\ | | |
+| d_p\| | |
+| o\ | | |
+| li\ | | |
+| ci\ | | |
+| es | | |
+| up\ | js\| complete |
+| da\ | on | generate\ |
+| te\ | | d |
+| d_a\| | app_conf\ |
+| p\ | | ig, |
+| pl\ | | not |
+| _c\ | | fully-re\ |
+| on\ | | solved, |
+| fi\ | | but |
+| g | | ``policy-enabled`` |
+| | | paramete\ |
+| | | rs |
+| | | have |
+| | | been |
+| | | updated. |
+| | | In order |
+| | | to get |
+| | | the |
+| | | complete |
+| | | updated |
+| | | app_conf\ |
+| | | ig, |
+| | | the |
+| | | componen\ |
+| | | t |
+| | | would |
+| | | have to |
+| | | call |
+| | | ``config-binding-service``|
+| | | . |
+Docker Component Spec - Complete Example
+.. code:: json
+ {
+ "self": {
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "name": "asimov.component.kpi_anomaly",
+ "description": "Classifies VNF KPI data as anomalous",
+ "component_type": "docker"
+ },
+ "streams": {
+ "subscribes": [{
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.kpi",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "route": "/data",
+ "type": "http"
+ }],
+ "publishes": [{
+ "format": "asimov.format.integerClassification",
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "config_key": "prediction",
+ "type": "http"
+ }]
+ },
+ "services": {
+ "calls": [{
+ "config_key": "vnf-db",
+ "request": {
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.meta",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.kpi",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ }
+ }],
+ "provides": [{
+ "route": "/score-vnf",
+ "request": {
+ "format": "dcae.vnf.meta",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "format": "asimov.format.integerClassification",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "name": "threshold",
+ "value": 0.75,
+ "description": "Probability threshold to exceed to be anomalous"
+ }
+ ],
+ "auxilary": {
+ "healthcheck": {
+ "type": "http",
+ "interval": "15s",
+ "timeout": "1s",
+ "endpoint": "/my-health"
+ }
+ },
+ "artifacts": [{
+ "uri": "",
+ "type": "docker image"
+ }]
+ }
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/generated-configuration.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/generated-configuration.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. _generated-configuration:
+Generated configuration
+The DCAE platform relies on the component specification to generate the
+component’s application configuration JSON at deployment time. The
+component developer should expect to use this configuration JSON in
+their application to provision themselves.
+Pro-tip: As you build your component specification, you can use the
+:any:`dcae-cli dev command <walkthrough-dev>` to view what
+the resulting application configuration will look like.
+Streams and services
+For both Docker and CDAP, when your component is deployed, any
+``streams`` and ``services/calls`` you specified will be injected into
+your configuration under the following well known structure. Your
+component is required to parse this information if you have any
+connectivity to DMaaP or are calling another DCAE component.
+More details about the DMaaP connection objects are found
+:doc:`here <../dcae-cli/dmaap-connection-objects>`.
+This is best served with an example.
+The following component spec snippet (from String Matching):
+ "streams":{
+ "subscribes": [{
+ "format": "VES_specification",
+ "version": "4.27.2",
+ "type": "message_router",
+ "config_key" : "mr_input"
+ }],
+ "publishes": [{
+ "format": "VES_specification",
+ "version": "4.27.2",
+ "config_key": "mr_output",
+ "type": "message_router"
+ }]
+ },
+ "services":{
+ "calls": [{
+ "config_key" : "aai_broker_handle",
+ "verb": "GET",
+ "request": {
+ "format": "get_with_query_params",
+ "version": "1.0.0"
+ },
+ "response": {
+ "format": "aai_broker_response",
+ "version": "3.0.0"
+ }
+ }],
+ "provides": []
+ },
+Will turn into the following top level keys in your configuration (for
+CDAP, this will be under AppConfig)
+ "streams_publishes":{
+ "mr_output":{ // notice the config key above
+ "aaf_password":"XXX",
+ "type":"message_router",
+ "dmaap_info":{
+ "client_role": null,
+ "client_id": null,
+ "location": null,
+ "topic_url":"XXX"
+ },
+ "aaf_username":"XXX"
+ }
+ },
+ "streams_subscribes":{
+ "mr_input":{ // notice the config key above
+ "aaf_password":"XXX",
+ "type":"message_router",
+ "dmaap_info":{
+ "client_role": null,
+ "client_id": null,
+ "location": null,
+ "topic_url":"XXX"
+ },
+ "aaf_username":"XXX"
+ }
+ },
+ "services_calls":{
+ "aai_broker_handle":[ // notice the config key above
+ "SOME_IP:32768" // based on deployment time, just an example
+ ]
+ }
+These keys will always be populated regardless of whether they are
+empty. So the minimal you will get, in the case of a component that
+provides an HTTP service and does not call any services and has no
+streams, is:
+ "streams_publishes":{},
+ "streams_subscribes":{},
+ "services_calls":{}
+Thus your component should expect these well-known top level keys.
diff --git a/docs/sections/components/component-specification/start-here.rst b/docs/sections/components/component-specification/start-here.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. _streams-grid:
+Streams Formatting Quick Reference
+Each of the following tables represents an example of a publisher and
+its subscriber, which are of course, different components. This focuses
+on the fields that are ‘different’ for each of these TYPEs, to
+illustrate the relationship between ``config_key``, dmaap connection
+object, and the generated configuration. Some notes on specific
+- ``config_key`` is an arbitrary string, chosen by the component
+ developer. It is returned in the generated configuration where it
+ contains specific values for the target connection
+- ``format``, ``version``, and ``type`` properties in the subscriber
+ would match these properties in the publisher
+- ``aaf_username`` and ``aaf_password`` may be different between the
+ publisher and the subscriber
+Using http
+*Publishing Component*
+| component \ | runtime platform generated config |
+| spec | |
+| "streams":{   | "streams_publishes":{  |
+| "publishes":[{ | "prediction":"" |
+| "config_key":"prediction", |  |
+| "format":"some-format", | |
+| "type":"http", | |
+| "version":"0.1.0"   } | |
+| ]} | |
+*Subscribing Component*
+| component | runtime platform generated config |
+| spec | |
+| “streams”:{    | "N/A" |
+| "subscribes":[{ | |
+| "route":"/data", | |
+| "format":"some-format", | |
+| "type":"http" | |
+| "version":"0.1.0"   } | |
+| ]} | |
+Using Message Router
+.. publishing-component-1:
+*Publishing Component*
+Note: When deploying, this component should be deployed first so satisfy
+downstream dependencies. Refer to the –force option in component ‘run’
+command for more information.
+| component \ | Dmaap Connection \ | runtime platform generated \ |
+| spec | Object | config |
+| “streams”:{  | {     “dmaap_info”: | “streams_publishes”:{    |
+|     “config_k\| {} \ *Note: For \ | “aaf_username”:“pub-user”,   |
+| ey”:“mr_out\ | message router, this \ |   “type”:“message_router”,   |
+| put”,     “t\ | object is identical \ |      “topic_url”:""\ |
+| ype”:“messag\ | for the publisher and \| "streams_subscribes":{...} |
+| e_router”,   | the subscriber* | |
+|  }]} | | |
+*Subscribing Component*
+| component \ | Dmaap Connection \ | runtime platform generated \ |
+| spec | Object | config |
+| “streams”:{  | {     “dmaap_info”: | “streams_publishes”:{…}, |
+|     “config_k\| {} \ *Note: For \ | “streams_subscribes”:{    |
+| ey”:“mr_inp\ | message router, this \ | “aaf_username”:“sub-user”,   |
+| ut”,     “ty\ | object is identical \ |   “type”:“message_router”,   |
+| pe”:“message\ | for the publisher and \|      “topic_url”:“" |
+| _router”,    | the subscriber* | |
+| }]} | | |
+Using Data Router
+.. publishing-component-2:
+*Publishing Component*
+| component spec| Dmaap Connection Object | runtime platform generated config |
+| “streams”:{  | {    “dmaap_info”: { | streams_publishes“:{    ”typ\ |
+| “config_key: |      “location”: | e“:”data_router“,       "location":"mtc00" |
+| “dr_output" | “mtc00”,      | , |
+| , "type": | “publish_url”: | "publish_url“: |
+| “data_r\ | ""\ | "" |
+| outer”,   }] | , | , |
+| } | “log_url”:\ | "log_url“:\ |
+| | \ | ”" |
+| | ""\| , |
+| | , | ”username“:”pub-user“, |
+| | “username”: | ”publisher_id“:”123456\ |
+| | “pub-user”,      | “}}, |
+| | “password”: |  ”streams_subscribes“:{ |
+| | “pub-password”,      | … } |
+| | “publisher_id”: | |
+| | “123456”}} | |
+.. subscribing-component-1:
+*Subscribing Component*
+| component \ | Dmaap Connection \ | runtime platform generated \ |
+| spec | Object | config |
+| “streams”:{  | {      “dmaap_info”: | “streams_publishes”:{ … }, |
+|     “config_k\| {      “location”: | “streams_subscribes”:{       |
+| ey”:“dr_inp\ | “mtc00”,      | “type”:“data_router”,        |
+| ut”,     “ty\ | “delivery_url”: |   “location”:“mtc00”, |
+| pe”:“data_ro\ | "https://my-subscriber-app.dcae:8080/target-path"\|          “delivery_url”:"https://my-subscriber-app.dcae:8080/target-path"\|
+| uter”, | \ | \ |
+|     “route”: | , | , |
+| “/target-pat\ |      “password”: | \        |
+| h”} | “sub-password”,      | “username”:“sub-user”, |
+| | “subscriber_id”: |          |
+| | “789012”}} | “subscriber_id”:“789012”}} |