############################################################################### ## ## Collector Server config ## ## - Default values are shown as commented settings. ## ############################################################################### ## ## HTTP(S) service ## ## Normally: ## ## - 8080 is http service ## - https is disabled by default (-1) ## ## - At this time, the server always binds to ## ## The default port when header.authflag is disabled (0) collector.service.port=8080 ## The secure port is required if header.authflag is set to 1 (true) ## Authentication is only supported via secure port ## When enabled - require valid keystore defined collector.service.secure.port=8443 ## The keystore must be setup per installation when secure port is configured collector.keystore.file.location=../etc/keystore collector.keystore.passwordfile=./etc/passwordfile collector.keystore.alias=tomcat ############################################################################### ## Processing ## ## If there's a problem that prevents the collector from processing alarms, ## it's normally better to apply back pressure to the caller than to try to ## buffer beyond a reasonable size limit. With a limit, the server won't crash ## due to being out of memory, and the caller will get a 5xx reply saying the ## server is in trouble. collector.inputQueue.maxPending=8096 ## Schema Validation checkflag ## default no validation checkflag (-1) ## If enabled (1) - schemafile location must be specified collector.schema.checkflag=1 collector.schema.file={\"v4\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_27.2.json\",\"v5\":\"./etc/CommonEventFormat_28.3.json\"} ## List all streamid per domain to be supported. The streamid should match to channel name on dmaapfile collector.dmaap.streamid=fault=sec_fault|syslog=sec_syslog|heartbeat=sec_heartbeat|measurementsForVfScaling=sec_measurement|mobileFlow=sec_mobileflow|other=sec_other|stateChange=sec_statechange|thresholdCrossingAlert=sec_thresholdCrossingAlert|voiceQuality=ves_voicequality|sipSignaling=ves_sipsignaling collector.dmaapfile=./etc/DmaapConfig.json ## Custom ExceptionConfiguration exceptionConfig=./etc/ExceptionConfig.json ## authflag control authentication by the collector ## If enabled (1) - then authlist has to be defined ## When authflag is enabled, only secure port will be supported ## To disable enter 0 header.authflag=1 ## Combination of userid,base64 encoded pwd list to be supported ## userid and pwd comma separated; pipe delimitation between each pair header.authlist=secureid,IWRjYWVSb2FkbTEyMyEt|sample1,c2FtcGxlMQ==|vdnsagg,dmRuc2FnZw== ## Event transformation Flag - when set expects configurable transformation ## defined under ./etc/eventTransform.json ## Enabled by default; to disable set to 0 event.transform.flag=1 ############################################################################### ## ## Tomcat control ## #tomcat.maxthreads=(tomcat default, which is usually 200)