# Use an official pypy runtime as a base image FROM pypy:3 ENV INSROOT /opt/app ENV APPUSER snmptrap ENV APPDIR ${INSROOT}/${APPUSER} # add group and user: ubuntu RUN useradd -d ${APPDIR} ${APPUSER} # # add group and user: ubuntu - for when DCAE platform evolves and runs as NON-ROOT!!! # RUN addgroup -g 1000 -S ${APPUSER} && \ # adduser -u 1000 -S ${APPUSER} -G ${APPUSER} WORKDIR ${APPDIR} EXPOSE 162:6162/udp # Copy the current directory contents into the container at ${APPDIR} COPY ./snmptrap/ ./bin/ COPY ./etc/ ./etc/ COPY requirements.txt ./ # # RUN pip install -r requirements.txt RUN pip install --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org -r requirements.txt RUN mkdir -p /etc \ && mkdir -p /etc/apt RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y jq bc vim RUN mkdir -p ${APPDIR}/data \ && mkdir -p ${APPDIR}/logs \ && mkdir -p ${APPDIR}/tmp \ # && chown -R ${APPUSER}:${APPUSER} ${APPDIR} \ && chmod a+w ${APPDIR}/data \ && chmod a+w ${APPDIR}/logs \ && chmod a+w ${APPDIR}/tmp \ && chmod 500 ${APPDIR}/etc \ && chmod 500 ${APPDIR}/bin/snmptrapd.sh \ && chmod 500 ${APPDIR}/bin/scheduler.sh \ # && ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python \ && rm ${APPDIR}/requirements.txt # run everything from here on as $APPUSER, NOT ROOT! #USER ${APPUSER} # map logs directory to external volume VOLUME ${APPDIR}/logs # launch container CMD ["./bin/snmptrapd.sh", "start"]