# # ============LICENSE_START==================================================== # ============================================================================= # Copyright (c) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2019 Huawei. All rights reserved. # ============================================================================= # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END====================================================== ############################################################################### ## ## Collector Server config ## ## - Default values are shown as commented settings. ## ############################################################################### # list all restconf collector parameters collector.rcc.appName = "RCCollector" collector.rcc.appDescription = "DCAE RestConf Collector Application" ############################################################################### ## ## HTTP(S) service ## ## Normally: ## ## - 8686 is http service ## - https is disabled by default (-1) ## ## - At this time, the server always binds to ## ## The default port when collector.header.authflag is disabled (0) collector.rcc.service.port=8686 ## The secure port is required if collector.header.authflag is set to 1 (true) ## Authentication is only supported via secure port ## When enabled - require valid keystore defined collector.rcc.service.secure.port=8687 ## The keystore must be setup per installation when secure port is configured collector.rcc.keystore.file.location=etc/sdnc.p12 collector.rcc.keystore.passwordfile=etc/passwordfile ## The truststore must be setup per installation when mutual tls support is configured collector.rcc.truststore.file.location=etc/truststore.onap.client.jks collector.rcc.truststore.passwordfile=etc/trustpasswordfile ############################################################################### ## Processing ## ## If there's a problem that prevents the collector from processing alarms, ## it's normally better to apply back pressure to the caller than to try to ## buffer beyond a reasonable size limit. With a limit, the server won't crash ## due to being out of memory, and the caller will get a 5xx reply saying the ## server is in trouble. collector.rcc.inputQueue.maxPending=8096 ## List all streamid per domain to be supported. The streamid should match to channel name on dmaapfile collector.rcc.dmaap.streamid=notification=device-registration collector.dmaapfile=./etc/DmaapConfig.json rcc_policy = [{\"controller_name\":\"AccessM&C\",\"controller_restapiUrl\":\"\",\"controller_restapiUser\":\"access\",\"controller_restapiPassword\":\"Huawei@123\",\"controller_accessTokenUrl\":\"/rest/plat/smapp/v1/oauth/token\",\"controller_accessTokenFile\":\"./etc/access-token.json\",\"controller_accessTokenMethod\":\"put\",\"controller_subsMethod\":\"post\",\"controller_subscriptionUrl\":\"/restconf/v1/operations/huawei-nce-notification-action:establish-subscription\",\"event_details\":[{\"event_name\":\"ONT_registration\",\"event_description\":\"ONTregistartionevent\",\"event_sseventUrlEmbed\":\"true\",\"event_sseventsField\":\"output.url\",\"event_sseventsUrl\":\"null\",\"event_subscriptionTemplate\":\"./etc/ont_registartion_subscription_template.json\",\"event_unSubscriptionTemplate\":\"./etc/ont_registartion_unsubscription_template.json\",\"event_ruleId\":\"777777777\"}]}] # Describes at what frequency (measured in minutes) should application try to fetch config from CBS ## authflag control authentication by the collector ## If enabled (1) - then authlist has to be defined ## When authflag is enabled, only secure port will be supported ## To disable enter 0 collector.header.authflag=0 ## Combination of userid,hashPassword encoded pwd list to be supported ## userid and pwd comma separated; pipe delimitation between each pair collector.header.authlist=sample1,$2a$10$0buh.2WeYwN868YMwnNNEuNEAMNYVU9.FSMJGyIKV3dGET/7oGOi6 collector.keystore.file.location=etc/keystore collector.keystore.passwordfile=etc/rcc_passwordfile collector.rcc.keystore.alias=tomcat collector.rcc.service.secure.clientauth=0