{ "self": { "version": "1.1.0", "name": "dcae-hv-ves-collector", "description": "Collector for receiving stream of High Volume VES events through socket interface", "component_type": "docker" }, "streams": { "subscribes": [], "publishes": [ { "format": "hv-ves-event", "version": "7.1.0", "type": "kafka", "config_key": "perf3gpp" } ] }, "services": { "calls": [], "provides": [] }, "parameters": [ { "name": "logLevel", "value": "DEBUG", "description": "The logging level used for collector classes", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "server.listenPort", "value": 6061, "description": "The container listen port", "sourced_at_deployment": false, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "server.idleTimeoutSec", "value": 300, "description": "Maximum inactive time in seconds for client connections after which client can be disconnected", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "type": "integer", "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "cbs.firstRequestDelaySec", "value": 10, "description": "Delay in seconds after which the first CBS request will be made", "sourced_at_deployment": false, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "cbs.requestIntervalSec", "value": 5, "description": "Interval in seconds of re-checking the CBS configuration", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "type": "integer", "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "security.sslDisable", "value": false, "description": "Should be set to true in order to disable client authentication and tunnel encryption", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "type": "boolean", "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "security.keys.keyStoreFile", "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/cert.jks", "description": "Points to private key store file", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "security.keys.keyStorePasswordFile", "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/jks.pass", "description": "File which contains password for the key store", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "security.keys.trustStoreFile", "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/trust.jks", "description": "Points to trust store file which contains trusted client certificates and/or CAs", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false }, { "name": "security.keys.trustStorePasswordFile", "value": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/trust.pass", "description": "File which contains password for the trust store", "sourced_at_deployment": true, "policy_editable": false, "designer_editable": false } ], "auxilary": { "healthcheck": { "type": "script", "interval": "15s", "timeout": "2s", "script": "/opt/ves-hv-collector/healthcheck.sh" }, "tls_info": { "cert_directory": "/etc/ves-hv/ssl/", "use_tls": true, "use_external_tls": false }, "ports": [ "6060:6060", "6061:6061" ] }, "artifacts": [ { "type": "docker image", "uri": "nexus.onap.org:10001/onap/org.onap.dcaegen2.collectors.hv-ves.hv-collector-main:1.6.0" } ] }