#!/usr/bin/env bash # ============LICENSE_START======================================================= # dcaegen2-collectors-veshv # ================================================================================ # Copyright (C) 2018 NOKIA # ================================================================================ # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============LICENSE_END========================================================= set -euo pipefail function usage() { echo "" echo "Send messages to hv-ves from multiple xNF simulators" echo "Usage: $0 [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--messages-in-batch] [--docker-network] [--xnf-logs-directory]" echo " " echo "" echo " - hv ves hostname : HighVolume VES Collector network hostname" echo " - hv ves port : HighVolume VES Collector network port" echo " - simulators amount : Amount of xNF simulators to be launched" echo " - messages amount per simulator : Amount of messages to be sent from each xNF simulator to HV-VES" echo " - messages sending interval : interval in seconds between sending messages from xNFs" echo "Optional parameters:" echo " - messages-in-batch : Amount of messages sent on each request" echo " - docker-network : Docker network to which xNF simulators should be added" echo " - xnf-logs-directory : Path to directory where logs from all xNF simulators should be stored" echo "Example invocations:" echo "./start-simulation.sh --messages-in-batch=5 --docker-network=development_default ves-hv-collector 6061 10 20 0.5" echo "./start-simulation.sh --messages-in-batch=5 --xnf-logs-directory=/tmp/xnf-simulation localhost 6061 10 20 0.5" exit 1 } function verbose_log() { if [ -n "${VERBOSE+x}" ]; then echo $@ fi } function create_logs_dir() { if [ -n "${XNF_LOGS_DIRECTORY+x}" ]; then if [ ! -d "${XNF_LOGS_DIRECTORY}" ]; then mkdir ${XNF_LOGS_DIRECTORY} fi fi } function create_xNFs_simulators() { for i in $(seq 1 ${XNFS_AMOUNT}); do local XNF_PORT=$(get_unoccupied_port 32000 65000) verbose_log "Starting xNF simulator container on port ${XNF_PORT} using run-xnf-simulator script" XNF_CONTAINER_ID=$(${DEVELOPMENT_BIN_DIRECTORY}/run-xnf-simulator.sh $XNF_PORT ${DOCKER_NETWORK:-}) CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_PORTS+=(${XNF_PORT}) verbose_log "Container id: ${XNF_CONTAINER_ID}" CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_IDS+=(${XNF_CONTAINER_ID}) done } function get_unoccupied_port() { local LPORT=$1 local UPORT=$2 while true; do local MPORT=$[$LPORT + ($RANDOM % $UPORT)]; local LISTENING_PORTS=$(osqueryi --header=false --list "select port from listening_ports order by port"); if (echo "${LISTENING_PORTS[@]}" | grep -xqv $MPORT); then echo $MPORT; break; fi done } function wait_for_containers_startup_or_fail() { local seconds_to_wait=10 local all_containers_healthy=1 verbose_log "Waiting ${seconds_to_wait}s for containers startup" set +e for i in $(seq 1 ${seconds_to_wait}); do verbose_log "Try no. ${i}" all_containers_healthy=1 for port in ${CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_PORTS[@]}; do verbose_log "Checking container on port ${port}" local status_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" localhost:${port}/healthcheck) if [ $status_code -ne 200 ]; then verbose_log "Container on port ${port} is unhealthy " all_containers_healthy=0 break fi done if [ $all_containers_healthy -eq 1 ]; then break fi sleep 1 done set -e if [ $all_containers_healthy -ne 1 ]; then echo "Some xNFs simulators failed at startup. Trying to cleanup..." cleanup echo "Exitting..." exit 2 fi } function start_simulation() { verbose_log "Simulation: every xNF will send ${MESSAGES_IN_BATCH} messages to hv-ves ${MESSAGE_BATCHES_AMOUNT} times, once every ${MESSAGES_SENDING_INTERVAL}" for port in ${CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_PORTS[@]}; do start_single_simulation $port $MESSAGES_IN_BATCH & done } function start_single_simulation() { local port=$1 local messages_to_be_sent=$2 local message_type="VALID" for i in $(seq 1 ${MESSAGE_BATCHES_AMOUNT}); do ${DEVELOPMENT_BIN_DIRECTORY}/xnf-simulation.sh $port $messages_to_be_sent $message_type > /dev/null & sleep $MESSAGES_SENDING_INTERVAL done } function assure_all_xNFs_requests_were_sent { WAIT_TIME_FOR_REQUESTS_TO_BE_SENT=$(echo ";1 + $MESSAGES_SENDING_INTERVAL * $MESSAGE_BATCHES_AMOUNT" | bc) echo "Waiting ${WAIT_TIME_FOR_REQUESTS_TO_BE_SENT}s for all xNF requests to be sent" sleep $WAIT_TIME_FOR_REQUESTS_TO_BE_SENT } function wait_for_simulators_to_finish_sending_messages() { local seconds_to_wait=$1 local all_containers_finished=1 echo "Waiting up to ${seconds_to_wait}s for xNFs simulators to finish sending messages" for i in $(seq 1 ${seconds_to_wait}); do verbose_log "Wait no. ${i}" all_containers_finished=1 for port in ${CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_PORTS[@]}; do local container_status=$(curl --request GET -s localhost:${port}/healthcheck | jq -r '.["Detailed status"]') verbose_log "Container on port ${port} status: ${container_status}" if [ "${container_status}" = "Busy" ]; then all_containers_finished=0 break fi done if [ $all_containers_finished -eq 1 ]; then echo "All containers finished sending messages" break fi sleep 1 done } function cleanup() { echo "Cleaning up" set +e for container_id in ${CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_IDS[@]}; do verbose_log "Stopping container: ${container_id}" docker stop $container_id > /dev/null if [ -n "${XNF_LOGS_DIRECTORY+x}" ]; then local log_file=${XNF_LOGS_DIRECTORY}/${container_id}.log verbose_log "Writing container logs to: ${log_file}" docker logs ${container_id} > $log_file fi verbose_log "Removing container: ${container_id}" docker rm $container_id > /dev/null done set -e } function parse_long_opts_with_arguments() { if [[ ${OPTARG} =~ .*=.* ]] # is option in --key=value format then OPT=${OPTARG/=*/} ((${#OPT} <= 1)) && { echo "Invalid option '$OPT'" >&2 exit 2 } OPTARG=${OPTARG#*=} else echo -e "No value provided for ${OPTARG}. Please use \"--${OPTARG}=VALUE\" format." >&2 usage fi } # parse command line optspec=":vh-:" # catch v, h and - while getopts "$optspec" arg; do case "${arg}" in -) # handle longopts case "${OPTARG}" in verbose) VERBOSE=True ;; help) usage ;; *) parse_long_opts_with_arguments case "${OPT}" in messages-in-batch) MESSAGES_IN_BATCH=$OPTARG ;; docker-network) DOCKER_NETWORK=$OPTARG ;; xnf-logs-directory) XNF_LOGS_DIRECTORY=$OPTARG ;; *) usage ;; esac ;; esac ;; v) VERBOSE=True ;; h) usage ;; *) echo "Unknown option -${OPTARG}" >&2 usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) [ $# -le 4 ] && (echo -e "Unsufficient arguments"; usage) DEVELOPMENT_BIN_DIRECTORY=$(realpath $(dirname "$0")) HV_VES_HOSTNAME=${1} HV_VES_PORT=${2} XNFS_AMOUNT=${3} MESSAGE_BATCHES_AMOUNT=${4} MESSAGES_SENDING_INTERVAL=${5} # set defaults if absent [ -z "${MESSAGES_IN_BATCH}" ] && MESSAGES_IN_BATCH=1 create_logs_dir CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_PORTS=() CREATED_XNF_SIMULATORS_IDS=() echo "Creating ${XNFS_AMOUNT} xNFs simulators" trap cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM create_xNFs_simulators wait_for_containers_startup_or_fail echo "All xNFs containers are healthy, starting simulation" start_simulation assure_all_xNFs_requests_were_sent assumed_message_sending_time=$(echo ";0.00025 * $XNFS_AMOUNT" | bc) seconds_to_wait=$(echo ";$assumed_message_sending_time * $MESSAGE_BATCHES_AMOUNT * $MESSAGES_IN_BATCH" | bc) wait_for_simulators_to_finish_sending_messages $seconds_to_wait # there might be network lag between moment when xNF finished sending messages and they actually are received by hv-ves # thus we cannot start removing xNFs immediately to prevent closing socket channels sleep 5 cleanup