# Dispatcher API ## Overview High-level API for deploying/deploying composed services using Cloudify Manager. ### Version information *Version* : 2.0.0 ## Paths ### GET / #### Description Get API version information, links to API operations, and location data #### Responses |HTTP Code|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**200**|Success|[DispatcherInfo](#dispatcherinfo)| **DispatcherInfo** |Name|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**apiVersion**
*optional*|version of API supported by this server|string| |**links**
*optional*|Links to API resources|[links](#get-links)| |**locations**
*optional*|Information about DCAE locations known to this dispatcher|object| |**serverVersion**
*optional*|version of software running on this server|string| **links** |Name|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**dcaeServiceInstances**
*optional*|root of DCAE service instance resource tree|string| |**status**
*optional*|link to server status information|string| ### POST /events #### Description Signal an event that triggers deployment or undeployment of a DCAE service #### Parameters |Type|Name|Description|Schema|Default| |---|---|---|---|---| |**Body**|**dcae_event**
*required*||[DCAEEvent](#dcaeevent)|| #### Responses |HTTP Code|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**202**|Success: The content that was posted is valid, the dispatcher has
found the needed blueprint (for a deploy operation) or the existing deployment
(for an undeploy operation), and is initiating the necessary orchestration steps.|[DCAEEventResponse](#dcaeeventresponse)| |**400**|Bad request: See the message in the response for details.|[DCAEErrorResponse](#dcaeerrorresponse)| |**415**|Bad request: The Content-Type header does not indicate that the content is
'application/json'|[DCAEErrorResponse](#dcaeerrorresponse)| |**500**|Problem on the server side, possible with downstream systems. See the message
in the response for more details.|[DCAEErrorResponse](#dcaeerrorresponse)| #### Consumes * `application/json` #### Produces * `application/json` ## Definitions ### DCAEErrorResponse Object reporting an error. |Name|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**message**
*optional*|Human-readable description of the reason for the error|string| |**status**
*required*|HTTP status code for the response|integer| ### DCAEEvent Data describing an event that should trigger a deploy or undeploy operation for one or more DCAE services. |Name|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**aai_additional_info**
*optional*|Additional information, not carried in the event, obtained from an A&AI query or set of queries. Data in this object is available for populating deployment-specific values in the blueprint.|object| |**dcae_service_action**
*required*|Indicates whether the event requires a DCAE service to be deployed or undeployed.
Valid values are 'deploy' and 'undeploy'.|string| |**dcae_service_location**
*required*|The location at which the DCAE service is to be deployed or from which it is to be
undeployed.|string| |**dcae_service_type**
*optional*|Identifier for the service of which the target entity is a part.|string| |**dcae_target_name**
*required*|The name of the entity that's the target for monitoring by a DCAE service. This uniquely identifies the monitoring target. For 'undeploy' operations, this value will be used to select the specific DCAE service instance to be undeployed.|string| |**dcae_target_type**
*required*|The type of the entity that's the target for monitoring by a DCAE service. In 1607, this field will have one of eight distinct values, based on which mobility VM is to
be monitored. For 'deploy' operations, this value will be used to select the
service blueprint to deploy.|string| |**event**
*required*|The original A&AI event object.
The data included here is available for populating deployment-specific values in the
service blueprint.|object| ### DCAEEventResponse Response body for a POST to /events. |Name|Description|Schema| |---|---|---| |**deploymentIds**
*required*|An array of deploymentIds, one for each service being deployed in response to this
event. A deploymentId uniquely identifies an attempt to deploy a service.|< string > array| |**requestId**
*required*|A unique identifier assigned to the request. Useful for tracing a request through