# # The Controller domain # CONT_DOMAIN=demo.openecomp.org # # The https port # set to 0 if certificate is not ready DMAAPBC_INT_HTTPS_PORT=0 # # The path to the keystore for https # DMAAPBC_KSTOREFILE=/opt/app/dcae-certificates # The password for the https keystore # DMAAPBC_KSTOREPASS=foofoofoo # # The password for the private key in the https keystore # DMAAPBC_PVTKEYPASS=barbarbar # # Flag for whether we are using PG connection for persistence # DMAAPBC_PG_ENABLED=false # # The host for postgres access # DMAAPBC_PGHOST=zldciad1vipstg00.simpledemo.openecomp.org # # For postgres access # DMAAPBC_PGCRED=test234-ftl # # Name of this environment # DMAAPBC_INSTANCE_NAME=iad1 # # Name of DR prov server # DMAAPBC_DRPROV_FQDN=zldciad1vidrps00.simpledemo.openecomp.org ################# # AAF Properties: # # regarding password encryption: # In the dependencies that Maven retrieves (e.g., under dcae_dmaapbc/target/deps/ is a jar file cadi-core-version.jar. Generate the key file with: # # java \u2013jar wherever/cadi-core-*.jar keygen keyfilename # chmod 400 keyfilename # # To encrypt a key: # # java \u2013jar wherever/cadi-core-*.jar digest password-to-encrypt keyfilename # # This will generate a string. Put \u201Cenc:\u201D on the front of the string, and put the result in this properties file. # # Location of the Codec Keyfile which is used to decrypt passwords in this properties file before they are passed to AAF # # REF: https://wiki.domain.notset.com/display/cadi/CADI+Deployment # # URL of AAF environment to use. # DMAAPBC_AAF_URL=https://aafapi.${CONT_DOMAIN}:8095/proxy/ # # TopicMgr mechid@namespace # DMAAPBC_TOPICMGR_USER=m99751@dmaapBC.openecomp.org # # TopicMgr password # DMAAPBC_TOPICMGR_PWD=enc:zyRL9zbI0py3rJAjMS0dFOnYfEw_mJhO # # Bus Controller Namespace Admin mechid@namespace # DMAAPBC_ADMIN_USER=m99501@dcae.openecomp.org # # Bus Controller Namespace Admin password # DMAAPBC_ADMIN_PWD=enc:YEaHwOJrwhDY8a6usetlhbB9mEjUq9m # # endof AAF Properties ################# ################# # PolicyEngine Properties # # Flag to turn on/off Authentication DMAAPBC_PE_ENABLED=false # # Argument to decisionAttributes.put("AAF_ENVIRONMENT", X); # where X is: TEST= UAT, PROD = PROD, DEVL = TEST # DMAAPBC_PE_AAF_ENV=DEMO # endof PolicyEngineProperties #################