#This properties file is used for defining AAF properties related to the CADI framework. This file is used for running AAF framework #using the ajsc-cadi plugin. For more information on the ajsc-cadi plugin, please goto wiki link: #http://wiki.web.att.com/display/ajsc/CADI-AJSC-Plugin #For more information on utilizing the AAF framework, please goto wiki link: #AAF wiki link: http://wiki.web.att.com/display/aaf/AAF+Documentation #In order to test functionality of cadi-ajsc-plugin locally (pertaining to GLO (AT&T Global Login)), you will need an AT&T cross #domain cookie. Cadi "should" find your hostname for you. However, we have seen some situations where this fails. A Local testing #modification can include modifying your hosts file so that you can use "mywebserver.att.com" for your localhost in order #to test/verify GLO functionality locally. If you are on a Windows machine, you will already have a machine name associated with #it that will utilize an AT&T domain such as "sbc.com". You may need to add your AT&T domain to this as a comma separated list depending #upon your particular machine domain. This property is commented out as cadi SHOULD find your machine name. With version 1.2.1 of cadi, #it appears to resolve Mac machine names as well, now. But, this can be somewhat inconsistent depending on your specific working envrironment. #hostname=mywebserver.att.com #Setting csp_domain to PROD will allow for testing using your attuid and password through GLO. #csp_domain=PROD #csp_devl_localhost=true basic_realm=csp.att.com #basic_realm=aaf.att.com basic_warn=TRUE cadi_loglevel=DEBUG #cadi_keyfile=target/swm/package/nix/dist_files/appl/${artifactId}/etc/keyfile2 cadi_keyfile=/appl/dmaapMR1/etc/keyfile # Configure AAF aaf_url=https://DME2RESOLVE/service=com.att.authz.AuthorizationService/version=2.0/envContext=DEV/routeOffer=BAU_SE # lji: according to this web page: https://wiki.web.att.com/display/soacloud/DME2+-+URI+Patterns, DME2 supports a direct URL mode: # Format 3: DIRECT: http://host:port/service=?/version=?/envContext=?/routeOffer=? # Point to a specific host:port and call the service there.No lookup/resolution by DME2 client. #aaf_url= #AJSC - MECHID aaf_id=dgl@openecomp.org aaf_password=enc:f2u5br1mh29M02- #aaf_id=m93659@ajsc.att.com #aaf_password=enc:NP_WI3mH4YPdWSrY4iLcbhRc4mQY aaf_timeout=5000 aaf_clean_interval=1200000 aaf_user_expires=60000 aaf_high_count=1000000 # Some Libs need System Property Sets (i.e. AT&T Discovery) # The following properties are being set by the AJSC Container and should NOT need to be set here. AFT_LATITUDE=33.823589 AFT_LONGITUDE=-84.366982 AFT_ENVIRONMENT=AFTUAT