zookeeper.quorum __HDP_ZOOKEEPER_QUORUM__/${root.namespace} ZooKeeper quorum string; specifies the ZooKeeper host:port; substitute the quorum for the components shown here (FQDN1:2181,FQDN2:2181) router.server.address __CDAP_ROUTER_HOST__ CDAP Router address to which CDAP UI connects explore.enabled false Enable Explore functionality enable.unrecoverable.reset true Needed for allowing deletion of namespaces app.program.jvm.opts -XX:MaxPermSize=128M ${twill.jvm.gc.opts} -Dhdp.version=__HDP_VERSION__ -Dspark.yarn.am.extraJavaOptions=-Dhdp.version=__HDP_VERSION__ Java options for all program containers kafka.seed.brokers __CDAP_KAFKA_HOST__:9092 Comma-separated list of CDAP Kafka service brokers; for distributed CDAP, replace with list of FQDN:port brokers