.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. DO NOT CHANGE THIS LABEL FOR RELEASE NOTES - EVEN THOUGH IT GIVES A WARNING .. _design: CPS Path ######## .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Introduction ============ Several CPS APIs use the cps-path (or cpsPath in Java API) parameter. The CPS Path parameter is used for querying xpaths. CPS Path is insprired by the `XML Path Language (XPath) 3.1. <https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/REC-xpath-31-20170321/>`_ This section describes the functionality currently supported by CPS Path. Sample Data =========== The xml below describes some basic data to be used to illustrate the CPS Path functionality. .. code-block:: xml <shops> <bookstore name="Chapters"> <bookstore-name>Chapters</bookstore-name> <categories code="1" name="SciFi" numberOfBooks="2"> <books> <book name="Space Odyssee"/> <book name="Dune"/> </books> </categories> <categories code="2" name="Kids" numberOfBooks="1"> <books> <book name="Matilda"/> </books> </categories> </bookstore> </shops> **Note.** 'categories' is a Yang List and 'code' is its key leaf. All other data nodes are Yang Containers General Notes ============= - String values must be wrapped in quotation marks (U+0022) or apostrophes (U+0027). - String comparisons are case sensitive. Supported Queries ================= Get List Elements by Any Attribute Value ---------------------------------------- **Syntax**: ``<xpath>/<target-node>[@<leaf-name>=<leaf-value>]`` - ``xpath``: The xpath to the parent of the target node including all ancestors. - ``target-node``: The name of the (list) node which elements will queried. - ``leaf-name``: The name of the leaf which value needs to be compared. - ``leaf-value``: The required value of the leaf. **Examples** - ``/shops/bookstore/categories[@numberOfBooks=1]`` - ``/shops/bookstore/categories[@name="Kids"]`` - ``/shops/bookstore/categories[@name='Kids']`` **Limitations** - Only one list (last descendant) can be queried for a non-key value. Any ancestor list will have to be referenced by its key name-value pair(s). - Only one attribute can be queried. - Only string and integer values are supported (boolean and float values are not supported). **Notes** - For performance reasons it does not make sense to query using key leaf as attribute. If the key value is known it is better to execute a get request with the complete xpath. Get Any Descendant ------------------ **Syntax**: ``//<direct-ancestors><target-node>`` - ``direct-ancestors``: Optional path to direct ancestors of the target node. This can contain zero to many ancestor nodes separated by a /. - ``target-node``: The name of the (list) node from which element will be selected. If the target node is a Yang List he element needs to be specified using the key as normal e.g. ``categories[@code=1]``. **Examples** - ``//book`` - ``//books/book`` - ``//categories[@code=1]`` - ``//categories[@code=1]/books`` **Limitations** - List elements can only be addressed using the list key leaf. Get Any Descendant by Any Attribute Value ----------------------------------------- **Syntax**: ``//<direct-ancestors><target-node>[@<leaf-name>=<leaf-value>]`` - ``direct-ancestors``: Optional path to direct ancestors of the target node. This can contain zero to many ancestor nodes separated by a /. - ``target-node``: The name of the (list) node which elements will queried. - ``leaf1-name .. leafN-name:``: One or more leaves whose value needs to be compared. - ``leaf1-value .. leafN-value:``: One or more required leaf values (multiple condition can be combined using the 'and' keyword). **Examples** - ``//categories[@name='Kids']`` - ``//categories[@name='Kids' and @numberOfBooks=1]`` **Limitations** - Only string and integer values are supported (boolean and float values are not supported). - Multiple attributes can only be combined using 'and'. 'or' and bracketing is not supported. Query Extensions ================ Ancestor Axis ------------- The ancestor axis can be added to any CPS path query. **Syntax**: ``//<cps-path>/ancestor::<ancestor-path>`` - ``cps-path``: Any CPS path query. - ``ancestor-path``: Partial path to ancestors of the target node. This can contain one or more ancestor nodes separated by a /. **Examples** - ``//book/ancestor::categories`` - ``//categories[@genre="SciFi"]/book/ancestor::bookstore`` - ``book/ancestor::categories[@code=1]/books`` **Limitations** - Ancestor list elements can only be addressed using the list key leaf. - List elements with compound keys are not supported.