.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation, Pantheon.tech
.. _architecture:

CPS Architecture

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1

High Level Component Definition and Architectural Relationships

The Configuration Persistence Service (CPS) provides storage for run-time configuration and operational
parameters that need to be used by ONAP.

CPS is no longer a stand alone component and is released along with and the NCMP-DMI-Plugin.

Project page describing eventual scope and ambition is here:
`Configuration Persistence Service Project <https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DW/pages/16398157/Configuration+Persistence+Service+Project>`_

This page reflects the state for the latest release.

.. image:: _static/cps-r13-arch-diagram.png

API definitions

Configuration Persistence Service provides the following interfaces.

.. list-table::
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Interface name
     - Interface definition
     - Interface capabilities
     - Protocol
   * - CPS-E-01
     - Administrative Data Management
     - - create dataspace
       - create/delete schema set
       - create/delete anchor
     - REST
   * - CPS-E-02
     - Generic Data Access
     - - create data node
       - read data node by xpath with or without descendants
       - update data node by xpath with or without descendants
     - REST
   * - CPS-E-03
     - Generic Data Search
     - - query data nodes by xpath prefix and attribute value
     - REST
   * - CPS-E-04
     - Change Notification
     - - Kafka is used as the event messaging system
       - running instance is supplied independently from any Kafka instance deployed from ONAP
       - published events contain Timestamp, Dataspace, Schema set, Anchor and JSON Data Payload
     - Kafka
   * - CPS-E-05
     - xNF Data Access
     - - read xNF data
       - query xNF data
     - REST
   * - CPS-E-07
     - Admin
     - - logging levels and configuration
       - monitoring
       - health including liveliness state and readiness state
       - metrics through Prometheus
     - Various

The CPS Basic Concepts are described in :doc:`modeling`.