.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation
.. _adminGuide:
CPS Admin Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
Logging Configuration
.. note::
Default logging level of "logging.level.org.onap.cps" is set to "INFO".
.. code-block:: bash
springframework: INFO
cps: INFO
CPS Log pattern
.. code-block:: java
"timestamp" : "%timestamp", // 2022-01-28 18:39:17.768
"severity": "%level", // DEBUG
"service": "${springAppName}", // cps-application
"trace": "${TraceId}", // e17da1571e518c59
"span": "${SpanId}", // e17da1571e518c59
"pid": "${PID}", //11128
"thread": "%thread", //tp1901272535-29
"class": "%logger{40}", .// o.onap.cps.aop.CpsLoggingAspectService
"rest": "%message" // Execution time ...
Change logging level
.. container:: ulist
- Curl command 1. Check current log level of "logging.level.org.onap.cps" if it is set to it's default value (INFO)
.. code-block:: java
curl --location --request GET 'http://{cps-service-name:cps-management-port}/manage/loggers/org.onap.cps' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'
Response body : HTTP Status 200
"configuredLevel": "INFO",
"effectiveLevel": "INFO"
- Curl command 2. Change logging level of "logging.level.org.onap.cps" to "DEBUG"
.. note::
Below-mentioned endpoint will change the log level at runtime. After executing the curl command "effectiveLevel" will set and applied immediately without restarting CPS service.
.. code-block:: java
curl --location --request POST 'http://{cps-service-name:cps-management-port}/manage/loggers/org.onap.cps' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
--data-raw '{
"configuredLevel": "DEBUG"
Response body : HTTP Status 204
- Curl command 3. Verify if log level of "logging.level.org.onap.cps" is changed from 'INFO' to 'DEBUG'
.. code-block:: java
curl --location --request GET 'http://{cps-service-name:cps-management-port}/manage/loggers/org.onap.cps' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'
Response body : HTTP Status 200
"configuredLevel": "DEBUG",
"effectiveLevel": "DEBUG"
Location of log files
By default, Spring Boot will only log to the console and will not write log files.
.. image:: images/cps-service-console.JPG
:width: 700
:alt: CPS service console
Measure Execution Time of CPS Service
.. note::
Make sure effective log level of "logging.level.org.onap.cps" is 'DEBUG'. This can be verified by executing curl command 3.
Execute CPS service that you want to calculate total elapsed time and log as shown below
.. code-block:: xml
2022-01-28 18:39:17.679 DEBUG [cps-application,e17da1571e518c59,e17da1571e518c59] 11128 --- [tp1901272535-29] o.onap.cps.aop.CpsLoggingAspectService : Execution time of : DataspaceRepository.getByName() with argument[s] = [test42] having result = org.onap.cps.spi.entities.DataspaceEntity@68ded236 :: 205 ms
2022-01-28 18:39:17.726 DEBUG [cps-application,e17da1571e518c59,e17da1571e518c59] 11128 --- [tp1901272535-29] o.onap.cps.aop.CpsLoggingAspectService : Execution time of : AnchorRepository.getByDataspaceAndName() with argument[s] = [org.onap.cps.spi.entities.DataspaceEntity@68ded236, bookstore] having result = org.onap.cps.spi.entities.AnchorEntity@71c47fb1 :: 46 ms
2022-01-28 18:39:17.768 DEBUG [cps-application,e17da1571e518c59,e17da1571e518c59] 11128 --- [tp1901272535-29] o.onap.cps.aop.CpsLoggingAspectService : Execution time of : CpsAdminPersistenceServiceImpl.getAnchor() with argument[s] = [test42, bookstore] having result = Anchor(name=bookstore, dataspaceName=test42, schemaSetName=bookstore) :: 299 ms
2022-01-28 18:39:17.768 DEBUG [cps-application,e17da1571e518c59,e17da1571e518c59] 11128 --- [tp1901272535-29] o.onap.cps.aop.CpsLoggingAspectService : Execution time of : CpsAdminServiceImpl.getAnchor() with argument[s] = [test42, bookstore] having result = Anchor(name=bookstore, dataspaceName=test42, schemaSetName=bookstore) :: 305 ms
2022-01-28 18:39:17.843 DEBUG [cps-application,e17da1571e518c59,e17da1571e518c59] 11128 --- [tp1901272535-29] o.onap.cps.aop.CpsLoggingAspectService : Execution time of : AdminRestController.getAnchor() with argument[s] = [test42, bookstore] having result = <200 OK OK,class AnchorDetails {
name: bookstore
dataspaceName: test42
schemaSetName: bookstore
},[]> :: 419 ms
.. warning::
Revert logging level of "logging.level.org.onap.cps" to 'INFO' again to prevent unnecessary logging and impacts on performance.
.. Below Label is used by documentation for other CPS components to link here, do not remove even if it gives a warning
.. _cps_common_logging:
Logging & Diagnostics
General Guidelines
CPS-Core logs are sent to `STDOUT` in order to leverage the Kubernetes logging architecture.
These logs are available using the following command:
.. code:: bash
kubectl logs
The default configuration for CPS logs is the INFO level.
This architecture also makes all logs ready to be sent to an Elastic-search Log-stash and Kibana (ELK) stack or similar.
Enabling tracing for all executed sql statements is done by changing hibernate
loggers log level
Logger configuration is provided as a chart resource :
| cps-component-service-name | logback.xml location |
| cps-core | `logback.xml `_ |
| cps-temporal | `logback.xml `_ |
| ncmp-dmi-plugin | Not yet applicable to DMI-Plugin |
.. Below Label is used by documentation for other CPS components to link here, do not remove even if it gives a warning
.. _cps_common_monitoring:
Once CPS-Core is deployed, information related to the running instance of the application is available
.. code::
Cps-Core health status and state can be checked using the following endpoint.
This also includes both the liveliness state and readiness state.
.. code::
Prometheus Metrics can be checked at the following endpoint
.. code::