/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Nordix Foundation * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ *** Settings *** Documentation NCMP Library Collections Library OperatingSystem Library RequestsLibrary Library BuiltIn Library ConfluentKafkaLibrary Library String Suite Setup Create Session CPS_URL http://${CPS_CORE_HOST}:${CPS_CORE_PORT} *** Variables *** ${auth} Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE= ${topic} data-operation-client-topic ${ncmpBasePath} /ncmp ${expectedRequestId} ${EMPTY} ${dmipluginCsitStubUrl} http://${DMI_CSIT_STUB_HOST}:${DMI_CSIT_STUB_PORT} ${newCmHandleRequestBody} {"dmiPlugin":"${dmipluginCsitStubUrl}","createdCmHandles":[{"cmHandle":"CMHandle1"}]} *** Test Cases *** NCMP Data Operation, forwarded to DMI, response on Client Topic ${uri}= Set Variable ${ncmpBasePath}/v1/data ${dataOperationReqBody}= Get Binary File ${DATADIR_CPS_CORE}${/}dataOperationRequest.json ${params}= Create Dictionary topic=${topic} ${headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Authorization=${auth} POST On Session CPS_URL ncmpInventory/v1/ch headers=${headers} data=${newCmHandleRequestBody} ${getCmHandleUri}= Set Variable ${ncmpBasePath}/v1/ch/CMHandle1 ${getCmHandleHeaders}= Create Dictionary Authorization=${auth} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 20sec 200ms Is CM Handle READY ${getCmHandleUri} ${getCmHandleHeaders} CMHandle1 ${response}= POST On Session CPS_URL ${uri} params=${params} headers=${headers} data=${dataOperationReqBody} Set Global Variable ${expectedRequestId} ${response.json()}[requestId] Should Be Equal As Strings ${response.status_code} 200 Consume cloud event from client topic ${group_id}= Create Consumer auto_offset_reset=earliest Subscribe Topic topics=${topic} group_id=${group_id} ${messages}= Poll group_id=${group_id} only_value=false ${event} Set Variable ${messages}[0] ${headers} Set Variable ${event.headers()} FOR ${header_key_value_pair} IN @{headers} Compare Header Values ${header_key_value_pair[0]} ${header_key_value_pair[1]} "ce_specversion" "1.0" Compare Header Values ${header_key_value_pair[0]} ${header_key_value_pair[1]} "ce_type" "org.onap.cps.ncmp.events.async1_0_0.DataOperationEvent" Compare Header Values ${header_key_value_pair[0]} ${header_key_value_pair[1]} "ce_correlationid" "${expectedRequestId}" Compare Header Values ${header_key_value_pair[0]} ${header_key_value_pair[1]} "ce_source" "DMI" END [Teardown] Basic Teardown ${group_id} *** Keywords *** Compare Header Values [Arguments] ${header_key} ${header_value} ${header_to_check} ${expected_header_value} IF "${header_key}" == ${header_to_check} Should Be Equal As Strings "${header_value}" ${expected_header_value} END Is CM Handle READY [Arguments] ${uri} ${headers} ${cmHandle} ${response}= GET On Session CPS_URL ${uri} headers=${headers} Should Be Equal As Strings ${response.status_code} 200 ${number_of_items}= Count Items In JSON Response ${response} Should Be True ${number_of_items} > 0 FOR ${item} IN ${response.json()} IF "${item['cmHandle']}" == "${cmHandle}" Should Be Equal As Strings ${item['state']['cmHandleState']} READY END END Count Items In JSON Response [Arguments] ${response} ${json_data}= Evaluate json.loads('${response.content.decode("utf-8")}') json ${number_of_items}= Get Length ${json_data} RETURN ${number_of_items} Basic Teardown [Arguments] ${group_id} Unsubscribe ${group_id} Close Consumer ${group_id}