module ran-network { yang-version 1.1; namespace "org:onap:ccsdk:features:sdnr:northbound:ran-network"; prefix rn; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "Open Network Automation Platform - ONAP "; contact "Editors: Sandeep Shah Swaminathan Seetharaman "; description "This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for managing radio access network (RAN) managed network functions. This YANG model is used solely for POC's in the ONAP and O-RAN communities Copyright 2020 the O-RAN Alliance. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2020-08-06 { description "RAN Network YANG Model for ONAP/O-RAN POC"; reference ""; } typedef usageState { type enumeration { enum IDLE { description "TODO"; } enum ACTIVE { description "TODO"; } enum BUSY { description "TODO"; } } description "It describes whether or not the resource is actively in use at a specific instant, and if so, whether or not it has spare capacity for additional users at that instant. The value is READ-ONLY."; reference "ITU T Recommendation X.731"; } typedef Mcc { type string; description "The mobile country code consists of three decimal digits, The first digit of the mobile country code identifies the geographic region (the digits 1 and 8 are not used):"; reference "3GPP TS 23.003 subclause 2.2 and 12.1"; } typedef Mnc { type string; description "The mobile network code consists of two or three decimal digits (for example: MNC of 001 is not the same as MNC of 01)"; reference "3GPP TS 23.003 subclause 2.2 and 12.1"; } typedef Nci { type string; description "NR Cell Identity. The NCI shall be of fixed length of 36 bits and shall be coded using full hexadecimal representation. The exact coding of the NCI is the responsibility of each PLMN operator"; reference "TS 23.003"; } typedef OperationalState { type enumeration { enum DISABLED { value 0; description "The resource is totally inoperable."; } enum ENABLED { value 1; description "The resource is partially or fully operable."; } } description "TODO"; reference "3GPP TS 28.625 and ITU-T X.731"; } typedef AdministrativeState { type enumeration { enum LOCKED { value 0; description "The resource is administratively prohibited from performing services for its users."; } enum UNLOCKED { value 1; description "The resource is administratively permitted to perform services for its users. This is independent of its inherent operability."; } enum SHUTTINGDOWN { value 2; description "Use of the resource is administratively permitted to existing instances of use only. While the system remains in the shutting down state the manager or the managed element may at any time cause the resource to transition to the locked state."; } } description "TODO"; reference "3GPP TS 28.625 and ITU-T X.731"; } typedef AvailabilityStatus { type enumeration { enum IN_TEST { description "TODO"; } enum FAILED { description "TODO"; } enum POWER_OFF { description "TODO"; } enum OFF_LINE { description "TODO"; } enum OFF_DUTY { description "TODO"; } enum DEPENDENCY { description "TODO"; } enum DEGRADED { description "TODO"; } enum NOT_INSTALLED { description "TODO"; } enum LOG_FULL { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef CellState { type enumeration { enum IDLE { description "TODO"; } enum INACTIVE { description "TODO"; } enum ACTIVE { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef SNssai { type string; description "Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information."; reference "TS 23.501 clause 5.15.2"; } typedef Sst { type uint8; description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef Nrpci { type uint32; description "Physical Cell Identity (PCI) of the NR cell."; reference "TS 36.211 subclause 6.11"; } typedef Tac { type int32 { range "0..16777215"; } description "Tracking Area Code"; reference "TS 23.003 clause"; } typedef AmfRegionId { type string; description ""; reference "clause 2.10.1 of 3GPP TS 23.003"; } typedef AmfSetId { type string; description ""; reference "clause 2.10.1 of 3GPP TS 23.003"; } typedef AmfPointer { type string; description ""; reference "clause 2.10.1 of 3GPP TS 23.003"; } // type definitions especially for core NFs typedef NfType { type enumeration { enum NRF { description "TODO"; } enum UDM { description "TODO"; } enum AMF { description "TODO"; } enum SMF { description "TODO"; } enum AUSF { description "TODO"; } enum NEF { description "TODO"; } enum PCF { description "TODO"; } enum SMSF { description "TODO"; } enum NSSF { description "TODO"; } enum UDR { description "TODO"; } enum LMF { description "TODO"; } enum GMLC { description "TODO"; } enum 5G_EIR { description "TODO"; } enum SEPP { description "TODO"; } enum UPF { description "TODO"; } enum N3IWF { description "TODO"; } enum AF { description "TODO"; } enum UDSF { description "TODO"; } enum BSF { description "TODO"; } enum CHF { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; } typedef NotificationType { type enumeration { enum N1_MESSAGES { description "TODO"; } enum N2_INFORMATION { description "TODO"; } enum LOCATION_NOTIFICATION { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; } typedef Load { type uint8 { range "0..100"; } description "Latest known load information of the NF, percentage "; } typedef N1MessageClass { type enumeration { enum 5GMM { description "TODO"; } enum SM { description "TODO"; } enum LPP { description "TODO"; } enum SMS { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; } typedef N2InformationClass { type enumeration { enum SM { description "TODO"; } enum NRPPA { description "TODO"; } enum PWS { description "TODO"; } enum PWS_BCAL { description "TODO"; } enum PWS_RF { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef NsiId { type string; description "TODO"; } typedef UeMobilityLevel { type enumeration { enum STATIONARY { description "TODO"; } enum NOMADIC { description "TODO"; } enum RESTRICTED_MOBILITY { description "TODO"; } enum FULLY_MOBILITY { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef ResourceSharingLevel { type enumeration { enum SHARED { description "TODO"; } enum NOT_SHARED { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef TxDirection { type enumeration { enum DL { description "TODO"; } enum UL { description "TODO"; } enum DL_AND_UL { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef DistinguishedName { // TODO is this equivalent to TS 32.300 ? type string; description "Represents the international standard for the representation of Distinguished Name (RFC 4512). The format of the DistinguishedName REGEX is: {AttributeType = AttributeValue} AttributeType consists of alphanumeric and hyphen (OIDs not allowed). All other characters are restricted. The Attribute value cannot contain control characters or the following characters : \\ > < ; \" + , (Comma) and White space The Attribute value can contain the following characters if they are excaped : \\ > < ; \" + , (Comma) and White space The Attribute value can contain control characters if its an escaped double digit hex number. Examples could be,DC=example,DC=com CN=John Smith,OU=Sales,O=ACME Limited,L=Moab,ST=Utah,C=US"; reference "RFC 4512 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP): Directory Information Models"; } // recheck regexp it doesn't handle posix [:cntrl:] typedef QOffsetRange { type int8; units "dB"; description "TODO"; reference "TODO"; } typedef QuotaType { type enumeration { enum STRICT { description "TODO"; } enum FLOAT { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; } typedef CyclicPrefix { type enumeration { enum NORMAL { description "TODO"; } enum EXTENDED { description "TODO"; } } description "TODO"; } grouping PLMNInfo { description "The PLMNInfo data type define a S-NSSAI member in a specific PLMNId, and it have two attributes PLMNId and S-NSSAI (PLMNId, S-NSSAI). The PLMNId represents a data type that is comprised of mcc (mobile country code) and mnc (mobile network code), (See TS 23.003 subclause 2.2 and 12.1) and S-NSSAI represents an data type, that is comprised of an SST (Slice/Service type) and an optional SD (Slice Differentiator) field, (See TS 23.003 [13])."; uses PLMNId; list sNSSAIList { key "sNssai"; uses sNSSAIConfig; description "List of sNSSAIs"; } } grouping ManagedNFProfile { description "Defines profile for managed NF"; reference "3GPP TS 23.501"; leaf idx { type uint32; description "TODO"; reference "3GPP TS 23.501"; } leaf nfInstanceID { type yang:uuid; config false; mandatory false; description "This parameter defines profile for managed NF. The format of the NF Instance ID shall be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETF RFC 4122 "; } leaf-list nfType { type NfType; config false; min-elements 1; description "Type of the Network Function"; } leaf hostAddr { type inet:host; mandatory false; description "Host address of a NF"; } leaf authzInfo { type string; description "This parameter defines NF Specific Service authorization information. It shall include the NF type (s) and NF realms/origins allowed to consume NF Service(s) of NF Service Producer."; reference "See TS 23.501"; } leaf location { type string; description "Information about the location of the NF instance (e.g. geographic location, data center) defined by operator"; reference "TS 29.510"; } leaf capacity { type uint16; mandatory false; description "This parameter defines static capacity information in the range of 0-65535, expressed as a weight relative to other NF instances of the same type; if capacity is also present in the nfServiceList parameters, those will have precedence over this value."; reference "TS 29.510"; } leaf nFSrvGroupId { type string; description "This parameter defines identity of the group that is served by the NF instance. May be config false or true depending on the ManagedFunction. Config=true for Udrinfo. Config=false for UdmInfo and AusfInfo. Shall be present if ../nfType = UDM or AUSF or UDR. "; reference "TS 29.510"; } leaf-list supportedDataSetIds { type enumeration { enum SUBSCRIPTION { description "TODO"; } enum POLICY { description "TODO"; } enum EXPOSURE { description "TODO"; } enum APPLICATION { description "TODO"; } } description "List of supported data sets in the UDR instance. May be present if ../nfType = UDR"; reference "TS 29.510"; } leaf-list smfServingAreas { type string; description "Defines the SMF service area(s) the UPF can serve. Shall be present if ../nfType = UPF"; reference "TS 29.510"; } leaf priority { type uint16; description "This parameter defines Priority (relative to other NFs of the same type) in the range of 0-65535, to be used for NF selection; lower values indicate a higher priority. If priority is also present in the nfServiceList parameters, those will have precedence over this value. Shall be present if ../nfType = AMF "; reference "TS 29.510"; } } grouping SAP { description "Service access point."; reference "TS 28.622"; leaf host { type inet:host; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } leaf port { type inet:port-number; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } } grouping PLMNId { description "TODO"; reference "TS 23.658"; leaf mcc { type Mcc; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } leaf mnc { type Mnc; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } } grouping AmfIdentifier { description "The AMFI is constructed from an AMF Region ID, an AMF Set ID and an AMF Pointer. The AMF Region ID identifies the region, the AMF Set ID uniquely identifies the AMF Set within the AMF Region, and the AMF Pointer uniquely identifies the AMF within the AMF Set. "; leaf amfRegionId { type AmfRegionId; description "TODO"; } leaf amfSetId { type AmfSetId; description "TODO"; } leaf amfPointer { type AmfPointer; description "TODO"; } } grouping DefaultNotificationSubscription { description "TODO"; leaf notificationType { type NotificationType; description "TODO"; } leaf callbackUri { type inet:uri; description "TODO"; } leaf n1MessageClass { type N1MessageClass; description "TODO"; } leaf n2InformationClass { type N2InformationClass; description "TODO"; } } grouping Ipv4AddressRange { description "TODO"; leaf start { type inet:ipv4-address; description "TODO"; } leaf end { type inet:ipv4-address; description "TODO"; } } grouping Ipv6PrefixRange { description "TODO"; leaf start { type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "TODO"; } leaf end { type inet:ipv6-prefix; description "TODO"; } } grouping AddressWithVlan { description "TODO"; leaf ipAddress { type inet:ip-address; description "TODO"; } leaf vlanId { type uint16; description "TODO"; } } grouping ManagedElementGroup { description "Abstract class representing telecommunications resources."; leaf dnPrefix { type DistinguishedName; description "Provides naming context and splits the DN into a DN Prefix and Local DN"; } leaf userLabel { type string; description "A user-friendly name of this object."; } leaf locationName { type string; config false; description "The physical location (e.g. an address) of an entity"; } leaf-list managedBy { type DistinguishedName; config false; description "Relates to the role played by ManagementSystem"; } leaf-list managedElementTypeList { type string; config false; min-elements 1; description "The type of functionality provided by the ManagedElement. It may represent one ME functionality or a combination of Two examples of allowed values are: - NodeB; - HLR, VLR."; } } // Managed Element grouping grouping NearRTRICGroup { description "Abstract class representing Near RT RIC."; leaf near-rt-ric-url { type inet:uri; description "URL for the near RT RIC. String representing IP addr:port"; } leaf dnPrefix { type DistinguishedName; description "Provides naming context and splits the DN into a DN Prefix and Local DN"; } leaf userLabel { type string; description "A user-friendly name of this object."; } leaf locationName { type string; config false; description "The physical location (e.g. an address) of an entity"; } leaf gNBId { type int64 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; description "Identifies a gNB within a PLMN. The gNB Identifier (gNB ID) is part of the NR Cell Identifier (NCI) of the gNB cells."; reference "gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.300, Global gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.413"; } leaf trackingArea { type string; description "Identifies the Tracking area controlled by the NearRTRIC"; } leaf-list managedBy { type DistinguishedName; config false; description "Relates to the role played by ManagementSystem"; } leaf-list rANNFNSSIList{ type string; config true; description "Identifies the list of RAN NF NSSIs that are served by the NearRTRIC"; } list pLMNInfoList { uses PLMNInfo; key "mcc mnc"; description "The PLMNInfoList is a list of PLMNInfo data type. It defines which PLMNs that can be served by the nearRTRIC."; } list sliceProfilesList{ uses SliceProfile; key "sliceProfileId"; description "List of slice profiles supported by the ran slice"; } list RRMPolicyRatio { key id; leaf id { type string; description "Key leaf"; } container attributes { uses RRMPolicyRatioGroup; } description " The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC. For details see subclause 4.3.36."; } } // Near RT RIC grouping grouping Configuration{ leaf configParameter{ type string; description "Type of the configuration parameter"; } leaf configValue{ type int64; description "Identifies the configuration to be done for the network elements under the NearRTRIC"; } } grouping SliceProfile{ leaf sliceProfileId{ type string; mandatory true; description "slice profile id"; } leaf sNSSAI{ type SNssai; mandatory false; description "The S-NSSAI may include both the SST and SD fields (in which case the S-NSSAI length is 32 bits in total), or the S-NSSAI may just include the SST field (in which case the S-NSSAI length is 8 bits only)"; } leaf maxNumberofUEs{ type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; } mandatory false; description "maximum number of UEs"; } leaf latency{ type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; } mandatory false; description "latency of the slice requested by the operator"; } leaf uLThptPerSlice{ type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; } mandatory false; description "uplink throughput of the slice requested by the operator"; } leaf dLThptPerSlice{ type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; } mandatory false; description "downlink throughput of the slice requested by the operator"; } leaf maxNumberofConns{ type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; } mandatory false; description "maximum number of connections to be served by the slice"; } leaf uEMobilityLevel{ type string; mandatory false; description "Mobility level of the UE"; } leaf-list coverageAreaList{ type string; config true; description "Identifies the list of coverage areas to be served by the slice"; } leaf resourceSharingLevel{ type string; description "Resource sharing level"; } } grouping GNBDUFunctionGroup { description "Represents the GNBDUFunction IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf gNBDUFunction-url { type inet:uri; description "URL for the GNBDUFunction. String representing IP addr:port"; } leaf gNBId { type int64 { range "0..4294967295"; } config false; mandatory false; description "Identifies a gNB within a PLMN. The gNB Identifier (gNB ID) is part of the NR Cell Identifier (NCI) of the gNB cells."; reference "gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.300, Global gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.413"; } leaf gNBIdLength { type int32 { range "22..32"; } mandatory false; description "Indicates the number of bits for encoding the gNB ID."; reference "gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.300, Global gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.413"; } leaf gNBDUId { type int64 { range "0..68719476735"; } mandatory false; description "Uniquely identifies the DU at least within a gNB."; reference "3GPP TS 38.473"; } leaf gNBDUName { type string { length "1..150"; } description "Identifies the Distributed Unit of an NR node"; reference "3GPP TS 38.473"; } leaf aggressorSetID { type uint32 { range "0..4194304"; } config false; description "Indicates the associated aggressor gNB Set ID of the cell Valid when Remote Interference Management function is supported."; reference "3GPP TS 38.211 subclause"; } leaf victimSetID { type uint32 { range "0..4194304"; } config false; description "Indicates the associated victim gNB Set ID of the cell Valid when Remote Interference Management function is supported."; reference "3GPP TS 38.211 subclause"; } list RRMPolicyRatio { key id; leaf id { type string; description "Key leaf"; } container attributes { uses RRMPolicyRatioGroup; } description " The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC. For details see subclause 4.3.36."; } } grouping NRCellDUGroup { description "Represents the NRCellDU IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf nRCellDU-url { type inet:uri; description "URL for the NR Cell DU. String representing IP addr:port"; } list RRMPolicyRatio { key id; leaf id { type string; description "Key leaf"; } container attributes { uses RRMPolicyRatioGroup; } description " The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC. For details see subclause 4.3.36."; } leaf cellLocalId { type int32 { range "0..16383"; } mandatory false; description "Identifies an NR cell of a gNB. Together with the corresponding gNB identifier in forms the NR Cell Identity (NCI)."; reference "NCI in 3GPP TS 38.300"; } leaf operationalState { type OperationalState; config false; description "Operational state of the NRCellDU instance. Indicates whether the resource is installed and partially or fully operable (ENABLED) or the resource is not installed or not operable (DISABLED)."; } leaf administrativeState { type AdministrativeState; default "LOCKED"; description "Administrative state of the NRCellDU. Indicates the permission to use or prohibition against using the cell, imposed through the OAM services."; } leaf cellState { type CellState; config false; description "Cell state of the NRCellDU instance. Indicates whether the cell is not currently in use (IDLE), or currently in use but not configured to carry traffic (INACTIVE), or currently in use and is configured to carry traffic (ACTIVE)."; } list pLMNInfoList { key "mcc mnc"; min-elements 1; description "The PLMNInfoList is a list of PLMNInfo data type. It defines which PLMNs that can be served by the NR cell, and which S-NSSAIs that can be supported by the NR cell for corresponding PLMN in case of network slicing feature is supported. The plMNId of the first entry of the list is the PLMNId used to construct the nCGI for the NR cell."; uses PLMNInfo; } leaf nRPCI { type int32 { range "0..1007"; } mandatory false; description "The Physical Cell Identity (PCI) of the NR cell."; reference "3GPP TS 36.211"; } leaf nRTAC { type Tac; description "The common 5GS Tracking Area Code for the PLMNs."; reference "3GPP TS 23.003, 3GPP TS 38.473"; } leaf arfcnDL { type int32; mandatory false; description "NR Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (NR-ARFCN) for downlink."; reference "3GPP TS 38.104"; } leaf arfcnUL { type int32; description "NR Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (NR-ARFCN) for uplink."; reference "3GPP TS 38.104"; } leaf arfcnSUL { type int32; description "NR Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (NR-ARFCN) for supplementary uplink."; reference "3GPP TS 38.104"; } leaf bSChannelBwDL { type int32; units "MHz"; description "Base station channel bandwidth for downlink."; reference "3GPP TS 38.104"; } leaf bSChannelBwUL { type int32; units "MHz"; description "Base station channel bandwidth for uplink."; reference "3GPP TS 38.104"; } leaf bSChannelBwSUL { type int32; units "MHz"; description "Base station channel bandwidth for supplementary uplink."; reference "3GPP TS 38.104"; } leaf ssbFrequency { type int32 { range "0..3279165"; } mandatory false; description "Indicates cell defining SSB frequency domain position. Frequency (in terms of NR-ARFCN) of the cell defining SSB transmission. The frequency identifies the position of resource element RE=#0 (subcarrier #0) of resource block RB#10 of the SS block. The frequency must be positioned on the NR global frequency raster, as defined in 3GPP TS 38.101, and within bSChannelBwDL."; } leaf ssbPeriodicity { type int32 { range "5 | 10 | 20 | 40 | 80 | 160"; } units "subframes (ms)"; mandatory false; description "Indicates cell defined SSB periodicity. The SSB periodicity is used for the rate matching purpose."; } leaf ssbSubCarrierSpacing { type int32 { range "15 | 30 | 120 | 240"; } units "kHz"; mandatory false; description "Subcarrier spacing of SSB. Only the values 15 kHz or 30 kHz (< 6 GHz), 120 kHz or 240 kHz (> 6 GHz) are applicable."; reference "3GPP TS 38.211"; } leaf ssbOffset { type int32 { range "0..159"; } units "subframes (ms)"; mandatory false; description "Indicates cell defining SSB time domain position. Defined as the offset of the measurement window, in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks, where allowed values depend on the ssbPeriodicity (ssbOffset < ssbPeriodicity)."; } leaf ssbDuration { type int32 { range "1..5"; } units "subframes (ms)"; mandatory false; description "Duration of the measurement window in which to receive SS/PBCH blocks."; reference "3GPP TS 38.213"; } leaf-list nRSectorCarrierRef { type DistinguishedName; min-elements 1; description "Reference to corresponding NRSectorCarrier instance."; } leaf-list bWPRef { type DistinguishedName; // min-elements 0; description "Reference to corresponding BWP instance."; } leaf-list nRFrequencyRef { type DistinguishedName; // min-elements 0; description "Reference to corresponding NRFrequency instance."; } } // grouping grouping rRMPolicyMemberGroup { description "TODO"; uses PLMNId; leaf sNSSAI { type SNssai; description "This data type represents an RRM Policy member that will be part of a rRMPolicyMemberList. A RRMPolicyMember is defined by its pLMNId and sNSSAI (S-NSSAI). The members in a rRMPolicyMemberList are assigned a specific amount of RRM resources based on settings in RRMPolicy."; } } grouping RRMPolicyRatioGroup { uses RRMPolicy_Group; // Inherits RRMPolicy_ leaf quotaType { type QuotaType; mandatory false; description "The type of the quota which allows to allocate resources as strictly usable for defined slice(s) (strict quota) or allows that resources to be used by other slice(s) when defined slice(s) do not need them (float quota)."; } leaf rRMPolicyMaxRatio { type uint8; mandatory false; units percent; description "The RRM policy setting the maximum percentage of radio resources to be allocated to the corresponding S-NSSAI list. This quota can be strict or float quota. Strict quota means resources are not allowed for other sNSSAIs even when they are not used by the defined sNSSAIList. Float quota resources can be used by other sNSSAIs when the defined sNSSAIList do not need them. Value 0 indicates that there is no maximum limit."; } leaf rRMPolicyMinRatio { type uint8; mandatory false; units percent; description "The RRM policy setting the minimum percentage of radio resources to be allocated to the corresponding S-NSSAI list. This quota can be strict or float quota. Strict quota means resources are not allowed for other sNSSAIs even when they are not used by the defined sNSSAIList. Float quota resources can be used by other sNSSAIs when the defined sNSSAIList do not need them. Value 0 indicates that there is no minimum limit."; } leaf rRMPolicyDedicatedRatio { type uint8; units percent; description "Dedicated Ration."; } description "Represents the RRMPolicyRatio concrete IOC."; } grouping sNSSAIConfig{ leaf sNssai { type string; description "s-NSSAI of a network slice."; reference "3GPP TS 23.003"; } leaf status { type string; description "status of s-NSSAI"; } list configData{ uses Configuration; key "configParameter"; description "List of configurations to be done at the network elements"; } } grouping RRMPolicy_Group { description "This IOC represents the properties of an abstract RRMPolicy. The RRMPolicy_ IOC needs to be subclassed to be instantiated. It defines two attributes apart from those inherited from Top IOC, the resourceType attribute defines type of resource (PRB, RRC connected users, DRB usage etc.) and the rRMPolicyMemberList attribute defines the RRMPolicyMember(s)that are subject to this policy. An RRM resource (defined in resourceType attribute) is located in NRCellDU, NRCellCU, GNBDUFunction, GNBCUCPFunction or in GNBCUUPFunction. The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in TS 28.541 Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC."; leaf resourceType { type string; mandatory false; description "The resourceType attribute defines type of resource (PRB, RRC connected users, DRB usage etc.) that is subject to policy. Valid values are 'PRB', 'RRC' or 'DRB'"; } list rRMPolicyMemberList { key "idx"; leaf idx { type uint32; description "TODO"; } description "It represents the list of RRMPolicyMember (s) that the managed object is supporting. A RRMPolicyMember <> include the PLMNId <> and S-NSSAI <>."; uses rRMPolicyMemberGroup; } } // grouping grouping GNBCUUPFunctionGroup { description "Represents the GNBCUUPFunction IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf gNBCUUPFunction-url { type inet:uri; description "URL for GNBCUUPFunction. String representing IP addr:port"; } list RRMPolicyRatio { key id; leaf id { type string; description "Key leaf"; } container attributes { uses RRMPolicyRatioGroup; } description " The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC. For details see subclause 4.3.36."; } leaf gNBCUUPId { type uint64 { range "0..68719476735"; } config false; mandatory false; description "Identifies the gNB-CU-UP at least within a gNB-CU-CP"; reference "'gNB-CU-UP ID' in subclause of 3GPP TS 38.463"; } leaf gNBId { type int32 { range "22..32"; } mandatory false; description "Indicates the number of bits for encoding the gNB Id."; reference "gNB Id in 3GPP TS 38.300, Global gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.413"; } list pLMNInfoList { key "mcc mnc"; description "The PLMNInfoList is a list of PLMNInfo data type. It defines which PLMNs that can be served by the GNBCUUPFunction and which S-NSSAIs can be supported by the GNBCUUPFunction for corresponding PLMN in case of network slicing feature is supported"; uses PLMNInfo; } } // grouping grouping GNBCUCPFunctionGroup { description "Represents the GNBCUCPFunction IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf gNBCUCPFunction-url { type inet:uri; description "URL for GNBCUCPFunction. String representing IP addr:port"; } list RRMPolicyRatio { key id; leaf id { type string; description "Key leaf"; } container attributes { uses RRMPolicyRatioGroup; } description " The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC. For details see subclause 4.3.36."; } leaf gNBId { type int64 { range "0..4294967295"; } mandatory false; description "Identifies a gNB within a PLMN. The gNB Identifier (gNB ID) is part of the NR Cell Identifier (NCI) of the gNB cells."; reference "gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.300, Global gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.413"; } leaf gNBIdLength { type int32 { range "22..32"; } mandatory false; description "Indicates the number of bits for encoding the gNB ID."; reference "gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.300, Global gNB ID in 3GPP TS 38.413"; } leaf gNBCUName { type string { length "1..150"; } mandatory false; description "Identifies the Central Unit of an gNB."; reference "3GPP TS 38.473"; } list pLMNId { key "mcc mnc"; min-elements 1; max-elements 1; description "The PLMN identifier to be used as part of the global RAN node identity."; uses PLMNId; } leaf-list x2BlackList { type DistinguishedName; description "List of nodes to which X2 connections are prohibited."; } leaf-list x2WhiteList { type DistinguishedName; description "List of nodes to which X2 connections are enforced."; } leaf-list xnBlackList { type DistinguishedName; description "List of nodes to which Xn connections are prohibited."; } leaf-list xnWhiteList { type DistinguishedName; description "List of nodes to which X2 connections are enforced."; } leaf-list x2XnHOBlackList { type DistinguishedName; description "List of nodes to which handovers over X2 or Xn are prohibited."; } } // grouping grouping NRCellCUGroup { description "Represents the NRCellCU IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf nRCellCU-url { type inet:uri; description "URL for NRCellCU. String representing IP addr:port"; } leaf cellLocalId { type int32 { range "0..16383"; } mandatory false; description "Identifies an NR cell of a gNB. Together with corresponding gNB ID it forms the NR Cell Identifier (NCI)."; } list pLMNInfoList { key "mcc mnc"; min-elements 1; description "The PLMNInfoList is a list of PLMNInfo data type. It defines which PLMNs that can be served by the NR cell, and which S-NSSAIs that can be supported by the NR cell for corresponding PLMN in case of network slicing feature is supported."; uses PLMNInfo; // Note: Whether the attribute pLMNId in the pLMNInfo can be writable depends on the implementation. } leaf nRFrequencyRef { type DistinguishedName; config false; description "Reference to corresponding NRFrequency instance."; } list RRMPolicyRatio { key id; leaf id { type string; description "Key leaf"; } container attributes { uses RRMPolicyRatioGroup; } description " The RRMPolicyRatio IOC is one realization of a RRMPolicy_ IOC, see the inheritance in Figure This RRM framework allows adding new policies, both standardized (like RRMPolicyRatio) or as vendor specific, by inheriting from the abstract RRMPolicy_ IOC. For details see subclause 4.3.36."; } } // grouping NRCellCUGroup grouping NRCellRelationGroup { description "Represents the NRCellRelation IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf nRTCI { type uint64; description "Target NR Cell Identifier. It consists of NR Cell Identifier (NCI) and Physical Cell Identifier of the target NR cell (nRPCI)."; } container cellIndividualOffset { description "A set of offset values for the neighbour cell. Used when UE is in connected mode. Defined for rsrpOffsetSSB, rsrqOffsetSSB, sinrOffsetSSB, rsrpOffsetCSI-RS, rsrqOffsetCSI-RS and sinrOffsetCSI-RS."; reference "cellIndividualOffset in MeasObjectNR in 3GPP TS 38.331"; leaf rsrpOffsetSsb { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrpOffsetSSB."; } leaf rsrqOffsetSsb { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrqOffsetSSB."; } leaf sinrOffsetSsb { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of sinrOffsetSSB."; } leaf rsrpOffsetCsiRs { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrpOffsetCSI-RS."; } leaf rsrqOffsetCsiRs { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrqOffsetCSI-RS."; } leaf sinrOffsetCsiRs { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of sinrOffsetCSI-RS."; } } leaf nRFreqRelationRef { type DistinguishedName; mandatory false; description "Reference to a corresponding NRFreqRelation instance."; } leaf adjacentNRCellRef { type DistinguishedName; mandatory false; description "Reference to an adjacent NR cell (NRCellCU or ExternalNRCellCU)."; } leaf isRemoveAllowed { type boolean; default "true"; description "True if the ANR function in the node is allowed to remove this relation."; } leaf isHOAllowed { type boolean; default "true"; description "True if handovers are allowed over this relation."; } } // grouping grouping NRFreqRelationGroup { description "Represents the NRFreqRelation IOC."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; container offsetMO { description "A set of offset values applicable to all measured cells with reference signal(s) indicated in corresponding MeasObjectNR. It is used to indicate a cell, beam or measurement object specific offset to be applied when evaluating candidates for cell re-selection or when evaluating triggering conditions for measurement reporting. It is defined for rsrpOffsetSSB, rsrqOffsetSSB, sinrOffsetSSB, rsrpOffsetCSI-RS, rsrqOffsetCSI-RS and sinrOffsetCSI-RS."; reference "offsetMO in MeasObjectNR in 3GPP TS 38.331"; leaf rsrpOffsetSsb { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrpOffsetSSB."; } leaf rsrqOffsetSsb { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrqOffsetSSB."; } leaf sinrOffsetSsb { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of sinrOffsetSSB."; } leaf rsrpOffsetCsiRs { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrpOffsetCSI-RS."; } leaf rsrqOffsetCsiRs { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of rsrqOffsetCSI-RS."; } leaf sinrOffsetCsiRs { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; description "Offset value of sinrOffsetCSI-RS."; } } leaf-list blackListEntry { type uint16 { range "0..1007"; } // min-elements 0; description "A list of Physical Cell Identities (PCIs) that are blacklisted in NR measurements."; reference "3GPP TS 38.331"; } leaf-list blackListEntryIdleMode { type uint16 { range "0..1007"; } // min-elements 0; description "A list of Physical Cell Identities (PCIs) that are blacklisted in SIB4 and SIB5."; } leaf cellReselectionPriority { type uint32; default "0"; description "The absolute priority of the carrier frequency used by the cell reselection procedure. Value 0 means lowest priority. The value must not already used by other RAT, i.e. equal priorities between RATs are not supported. The UE behaviour when no value is entered is specified in subclause of 3GPP TS 38.304."; reference "CellReselectionPriority in 3GPP TS 38.331, priority in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf cellReselectionSubPriority { type uint8 { range "2 | 4 | 6 | 8"; } units "0.1"; description "Indicates a fractional value to be added to the value of cellReselectionPriority to obtain the absolute priority of the concerned carrier frequency for E-UTRA and NR."; reference "3GPP TS 38.331"; } leaf pMax { type int32 { range "-30..33"; } units "dBm"; // mandatory false; description "Used for calculation of the parameter Pcompensation (defined in 3GPP TS 38.304), at cell reselection to a cell."; reference "PEMAX in 3GPP TS 38.101"; } leaf qOffsetFreq { type QOffsetRange; default "0"; // mandatory false; description "The frequency specific offset applied when evaluating candidates for cell reselection."; } leaf qQualMin { type int32 { range "-34..-3 | 0"; } units "dB"; default "0"; description "Indicates the minimum required quality level in the cell. Value 0 means that it is not sent and UE applies in such case the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin. Sent in SIB3 or SIB5."; reference "3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf qRxLevMin { type int32 { range "-140..-44"; } units "dBm"; mandatory false; description "Indicates the required minimum received Reference Symbol Received Power (RSRP) level in the NR frequency for cell reselection. Broadcast in SIB3 or SIB5, depending on whether the related frequency is intra- or inter-frequency. Resolution is 2."; reference "3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf threshXHighP { type int32 { range "0..62"; } units "dB"; mandatory false; description "Specifies the Srxlev threshold used by the UE when reselecting towards a higher priority RAT/frequency than the current serving frequency. Each frequency of NR and E-UTRAN might have a specific threshold. Resolution is 2."; reference "ThreshX, HighP in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf threshXHighQ { type int32 { range "0..31"; } units "dB"; mandatory false; description "Specifies the Squal threshold used by the UE when reselecting towards a higher priority RAT/frequency than the current serving frequency. Each frequency of NR and E-UTRAN might have a specific threshold."; reference "ThreshX, HighQ in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf threshXLowP { type int32 { range "0..62"; } units "dB"; mandatory false; description "Specifies the Srxlev threshold used by the UE when reselecting towards a lower priority RAT/frequency than the current serving frequency. Each frequency of NR and E-UTRAN might have a specific threshold. Resolution is 2."; reference "ThreshX, LowP in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf threshXLowQ { type int32 { range "0..31"; } units "dB"; mandatory false; description "Specifies the Squal threshold used by the UE when reselecting towards a lower priority RAT/frequency than the current serving frequency. Each frequency of NR and E-UTRAN might have a specific threshold."; reference "ThreshX, LowQ in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf tReselectionNR { type int32 { range "0..7"; } units "s"; mandatory false; description "Cell reselection timer for NR."; reference "TreselectionRAT for NR in 3GPP TS 38.331"; } leaf tReselectionNRSfHigh { type uint8 { range "25 | 50 | 75 | 100"; } units "%"; mandatory false; description "The attribute tReselectionNr (parameter TreselectionNR in 3GPP TS 38.304) is multiplied with this scaling factor if the UE is in high mobility state."; reference "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionNR for high mobility state in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf tReselectionNRSfMedium { type uint8 { range "25 | 50 | 75 | 100"; } units "%"; mandatory false; description "The attribute tReselectionNr (parameter TreselectionNR in 3GPP TS 38.304) multiplied with this scaling factor if the UE is in medium mobility state."; reference "Speed dependent ScalingFactor for TreselectionNR for medium mobility state in 3GPP TS 38.304"; } leaf nRFrequencyRef { type DistinguishedName; mandatory false; description "Reference to a corresponding NRFrequency instance."; } } // grouping grouping ManagedNFServiceGroup { description "A ManagedNFService representing a Network Function (NF) service."; reference "Clause 7 of 3GPP TS 23.501."; leaf userLabel { type string; description "A user-friendly (and user assignable) name of this object."; } list sAP { key "host port"; min-elements 1; max-elements 1; description "The service access point of the managed NF service instance"; uses SAP; } } // grouping // container for RAN Network container ran-network { description "Represents telecommunications equipment or TMN entities within the telecommunications network providing support and/or service to the subscriber."; list NearRTRIC { key "idNearRTRIC"; // list GNBCUCPFunction description "A list of expected near-real-time RIC O-RAN managed functions."; leaf idNearRTRIC { type string; description "Key leaf (namingAttribute) for a class/list. Should be used as a key leaf for lists representing stage 2 classes."; reference "3GPP TS 32.300 Name convention for managed objects"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses NearRTRICGroup; } list GNBDUFunction { key "idGNBDUFunction"; description "Represents the logical function DU of gNB or en-gNB."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf idGNBDUFunction { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses GNBDUFunctionGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } list NRCellDU { key "idNRCellDU"; description "Represents the information of a cell known by DU."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf idNRCellDU { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses NRCellDUGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } } // list NRCellDU } // list GNBDUFunction list GNBCUUPFunction { key "idGNBCUUPFunction"; description "TODO"; leaf idGNBCUUPFunction { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses GNBCUUPFunctionGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } } // list GNBCUUPFunction list GNBCUCPFunction { key "idGNBCUCPFunction"; // list NRCellCU description "Represents the logical function CU-CP of gNB and en-gNB."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf idGNBCUCPFunction { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses GNBCUCPFunctionGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } list NRCellCU { key "idNRCellCU"; description "Represents the information required by CU that is responsible for the management of inter-cell mobility and neighbour relations via ANR."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf idNRCellCU { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses NRCellCUGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } list NRCellRelation { key "idNRCellRelation"; description "Represents a neighbour cell relation from a source cell to a target cell, where the target cell is an NRCellCU or ExternalNRCellCU instance."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf idNRCellRelation { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses NRCellRelationGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } } // list NRCellRelation list NRFreqRelation { key "idNRFreqRelation"; description "Together with the target NRFrequency, it represents the frequency properties applicable to the referencing NRFreqRelation."; reference "3GPP TS 28.541"; leaf idNRFreqRelation { type string; description "TODO"; } container attributes { description "TODO"; uses NRFreqRelationGroup; uses ManagedNFServiceGroup; } } // list NRFreqRelation } } } // list ManagedElement } }