module stores { yang-version 1.1; namespace "org:onap:ccsdk:sample"; prefix book-store; revision "2020-09-15" { description "Sample Model"; } typedef year { type uint16 { range "1000..9999"; } } list bookstore-address { key "bookstore-name"; leaf bookstore-name { type string; description "Name of bookstore. Example: My Bookstore"; } leaf address { type string; description "Address of store"; } leaf postal-code { type string; description "Postal code of store"; } } container bookstore { leaf bookstore-name { type string; } list categories { key "code"; leaf code { type string; } leaf name { type string; } list books { key title; leaf title { type string; } leaf lang { type string; } leaf-list authors { type string; } leaf pub_year { type year; } leaf price { type uint64; } } } } }