  - changeSet:
      author: cps
      label: xnf-data-preload
      id: 5
        encoding: UTF-8
        file: 'changelog/db/changes/data/fragment.csv'
        onlyUpdate: 'false'
        primaryKey: 'id'
        quotchar: '"'
        separator: '|'
        tableName: 'fragment'
          - column:
              header:  id
              name:  id
              type:  NUMERIC
          - column:
              header:  xpath
              name:  xpath
              type:  STRING
          - column:
              header:  attributes
              name: attributes
              type: CLOB
          - column:
              header:  anchor_id
              name: anchor_id
              type: NUMERIC
          - column:
              header:  parent_id
              name: parent_id
              type: NUMERIC
          - column:
              header:  dataspace_id
              name: dataspace_id
              type: NUMERIC
          - column:
              header:  schema_node_id
              name: schema_node_id
              type: NUMERIC

  - changeSet:
      author: cps
      label: xnf-data-preload
      id: 5.1
        - sql:
            comment: Fixes the id sequence after data insert with predefined ids
            dbms: postgresql
            sql: ALTER SEQUENCE IF EXISTS fragment_id_seq RESTART WITH 200