components: schemas: AnchorDetails: type: object title: Anchor details by anchor Name properties: name: type: string example: my_anchor dataspaceName: type: string example: my_dataspace schemaSetName: type: string example: my_schema_set ErrorMessage: type: object title: Error properties: status: type: string example: 400 message: type: string example: Dataspace not found details: type: string example: Dataspace with name D1 does not exist. MultipartFile: required: - file properties: multipartFile: type: string description: multipartFile format: binary example: ModuleReferences: type: object title: Module reference object properties: name: type: string example: module_reference_name namespace: type: string example: module_reference_namespace revision: type: string example: module_reference_revision SchemaSetDetails: type: object title: Schema set details by dataspace and schemasetName properties: dataspaceName: type: string example: my_dataspace moduleReferences: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ModuleReferences' name: type: string example: my_schema_set parameters: dataspaceNameInQuery: name: dataspace-name in: query description: dataspace-name required: true schema: type: string dataspaceNameInPath: name: dataspace-name in: path description: dataspace-name required: true schema: type: string anchorNameInPath: name: anchor-name in: path description: anchor-name required: true schema: type: string schemaSetNameInQuery: name: schema-set-name in: query description: schema-set-name required: true schema: type: string schemaSetNameInPath: name: schema-set-name in: path description: schema-set-name required: true schema: type: string anchorNameInQuery: name: anchor-name in: query description: anchor-name required: true schema: type: string xpathInQuery: name: xpath in: query description: xpath required: false schema: type: string default: / requiredXpathInQuery: name: xpath in: query description: xpath required: true schema: type: string cpsPathInQuery: name: cps-path in: query description: cps-path required: false schema: type: string default: / includeDescendantsOptionInQuery: name: include-descendants in: query description: include-descendants required: false schema: type: boolean default: false responses: NotFound: description: The specified resource was not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage' Unauthorized: description: Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage' Forbidden: description: Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage' BadRequest: description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage' Conflict: description: Conflict content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ErrorMessage' Ok: description: OK content: application/json: schema: type: object Created: description: Created content: text/plain: schema: type: string NoContent: description: No Content content: {}