/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021 Nordix Foundation * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Bell Canada * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.service import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.config.DmiPluginConfig import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.exception.CmHandleRegistrationException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.exception.DmiException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.exception.ModuleResourceNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.exception.ModulesNotFoundException import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.exception.ResourceDataNotFound import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.service.model.ModuleReference import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.model.YangResource import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.model.YangResources import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.service.client.NcmpRestClient import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.service.model.ModuleSchema import org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.service.operation.SdncOperations import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity import spock.lang.Specification import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.model.DataAccessRequest.OperationEnum.CREATE import static org.onap.cps.ncmp.dmi.model.DataAccessRequest.OperationEnum.UPDATE class DmiServiceImplSpec extends Specification { def mockNcmpRestClient = Mock(NcmpRestClient) def mockDmiPluginProperties = Mock(DmiPluginConfig.DmiPluginProperties) def spyObjectMapper = Spy(ObjectMapper) def mockObjectMapper = Mock(ObjectMapper) def mockSdncOperations = Mock(SdncOperations) def objectUnderTest = new DmiServiceImpl(mockDmiPluginProperties, mockNcmpRestClient, mockSdncOperations, spyObjectMapper) def ' Get modules for a cm-handle.'() { given: 'a cm handle' def cmHandle = 'node1' and: 'sdnc operations returns one module schema for the cmhandle' def moduleSchema = new ModuleSchema( identifier: "example-identifier", namespace: "example:namespace", version: "example-version") mockSdncOperations.getModuleSchemasFromNode(cmHandle) >> List.of(moduleSchema) when: 'get modules for cm-handle is called' def result = objectUnderTest.getModulesForCmHandle(cmHandle) then: 'one module is returned' result.schemas.size() == 1 and: 'module has expected values' with(result.schemas[0]) { it.getRevision() == moduleSchema.getVersion() it.getModuleName() == moduleSchema.getIdentifier() it.getNamespace() == moduleSchema.getNamespace(); } } def 'no modules found for the cmhandle.'() { given: 'cm handle id' def cmHandle = 'node1' and: 'sdnc operations returns no modules' mockSdncOperations.getModuleSchemasFromNode(cmHandle) >> Collections.emptyList(); when: 'get modules for cm-handle is called' objectUnderTest.getModulesForCmHandle(cmHandle) then: 'module not found exception is thrown' thrown(ModulesNotFoundException) } def 'Register cm handles with ncmp.'() { given: 'cm-handle list and json payload' def givenCmHandlesList = ['node1', 'node2'] def expectedJson = '{"dmiPlugin":"test-dmi-service","createdCmHandles":[{"cmHandle":"node1"},{"cmHandle":"node2"}]}' and: 'mockDmiPluginProperties returns test-dmi-service' mockDmiPluginProperties.getDmiServiceUrl() >> 'test-dmi-service' when: 'register cm handles service method with the given cm handles' objectUnderTest.registerCmHandles(givenCmHandlesList) then: 'register cm handle with ncmp called once and return "created" status' 1 * mockNcmpRestClient.registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(expectedJson) >> new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.CREATED) } def 'Register cm handles with ncmp called with exception #scenario.'() { given: 'cm-handle list' def cmHandlesList = ['node1', 'node2'] and: 'dmi plugin service name is "test-dmi-service"' mockDmiPluginProperties.getDmiServiceUrl() >> 'test-dmi-service' and: 'ncmp rest client returns #responseEntity' mockNcmpRestClient.registerCmHandlesWithNcmp(_ as String) >> responseEntity when: 'register cm handles service method called' objectUnderTest.registerCmHandles(cmHandlesList) then: 'a registration exception is thrown' thrown(CmHandleRegistrationException.class) where: 'given #scenario' scenario | responseEntity 'ncmp rest client returns bad request' | new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST) 'ncmp rest client returns internal server error' | new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) } def 'Register cm handles with ncmp with wrong data.'() { given: 'objectMapper mock and cm-handle list' def cmHandlesList = ['node1', 'node2'] and: 'objectMapper returns "JsonProcessingException" during parse' objectUnderTest.objectMapper = mockObjectMapper mockObjectMapper.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw new JsonProcessingException('some error.') } when: 'register cm handles service method called' objectUnderTest.registerCmHandles(cmHandlesList) then: 'a dmi exception is thrown' thrown(DmiException.class) } def 'Get multiple module resources.'() { given: 'a cmHandle and module reference list' def cmHandle = 'some-cmHandle' def moduleReference1 = new ModuleReference(name: 'name-1', revision: 'revision-1') def moduleReference2 = new ModuleReference(name: 'name-2', revision: 'revision-2') def moduleList = [moduleReference1, moduleReference2] when: 'get module resources is invoked with the given cm handle and a module list' def result = objectUnderTest.getModuleResources(cmHandle, moduleList) then: 'get modules resources is called twice' 2 * mockSdncOperations.getModuleResource(cmHandle, _) >>> [new ResponseEntity('{"ietf-netconf-monitoring:output": {"data": "some-data1"}}', HttpStatus.OK), new ResponseEntity('{"ietf-netconf-monitoring:output": {"data": "some-data2"}}', HttpStatus.OK)] and: 'the result is a yang resources object with the expected names, revisions and yang-sources' def yangResources = new YangResources() def yangResource1 = new YangResource(yangSource: 'some-data1', moduleName: 'name-1', revision: 'revision-1') def yangResource2 = new YangResource(yangSource: 'some-data2', moduleName: 'name-2', revision: 'revision-2') yangResources.add(yangResource1) yangResources.add(yangResource2) assert result == yangResources } def 'Get a module resource with module resource not found exception for #scenario.'() { given: 'a cmHandle and module reference list' def cmHandle = 'some-cmHandle' def moduleReference = new ModuleReference(name: 'NAME', revision: 'REVISION') def moduleList = [moduleReference] when: 'get module resources is invoked with the given cm handle and a module list' objectUnderTest.getModuleResources(cmHandle, moduleList) then: 'get modules resources is called once with a response body that contains no data' 1 * mockSdncOperations.getModuleResource(cmHandle, _) >> new ResponseEntity(responseBody, HttpStatus.OK) and: 'a module resource not found exception is thrown' thrown(ModuleResourceNotFoundException) where: 'the following values are returned' scenario | responseBody 'a response body containing no data object' | '{"ietf-netconf-monitoring:output": {"null": "some-data"}}' 'a response body containing no ietf-netconf-monitoring:output object' | '{"null": {"data": "some-data"}}' } def 'Get module resources when sdnc returns #scenario response.'() { given: 'get module schema is invoked and returns a response from sdnc' mockSdncOperations.getModuleResource(_ as String, _ as String) >> new ResponseEntity('some-response-body', httpStatus) when: 'get module resources is invoked with the given cm handle and a module list' objectUnderTest.getModuleResources('some-cmHandle', [new ModuleReference()] as LinkedList) then: '#expectedException is thrown' thrown(expectedException) where: 'the following values are returned' scenario | httpStatus || expectedException 'not found' | HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND || ModuleResourceNotFoundException 'a internal server' | HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR || DmiException } def 'Get module resources with JSON processing exception.'() { given: 'a json processing exception during conversion' def mockObjectWriter = Mock(ObjectWriter) spyObjectMapper.writer() >> mockObjectWriter mockObjectWriter.withRootName(_) >> mockObjectWriter def jsonProcessingException = new JsonProcessingException('') mockObjectWriter.writeValueAsString(_) >> { throw jsonProcessingException } when: 'get module resources is invoked with the given cm handle and a module list' objectUnderTest.getModuleResources('some-cmHandle', [new ModuleReference()] as LinkedList) then: 'a DMI exception is thrown' def thrownException = thrown(DmiException.class) and: 'the exception has the expected message and details' thrownException.message == 'Unable to process JSON.' thrownException.details == 'JSON exception occurred when creating the module request.' and: 'the cause is the original json processing exception' thrownException.cause == jsonProcessingException } def 'Get resource data for passthrough operational.'() { given: 'cm-handle, passthrough parameter, resourceId, accept header, fields, depth' def cmHandle = 'testCmHandle' def resourceId = 'testResourceId' def acceptHeaderParam = 'testAcceptParam' def optionsParam = '(fields=x/y/z,depth=10,test=abc)' def contentQuery = 'content=all' and: 'sdnc operation returns OK response' mockSdncOperations.getResouceDataForOperationalAndRunning(cmHandle, resourceId, optionsParam, acceptHeaderParam, contentQuery) >> new ResponseEntity<>('response json', HttpStatus.OK) when: 'get resource data from cm handles service method invoked' def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceData(cmHandle, resourceId, acceptHeaderParam, optionsParam, contentQuery) then: 'response have expected json' response == 'response json' } def 'Get resource data with not found exception.'() { given: 'cm-handle, passthrough parameter, resourceId, accept header, fields, depth, query param' def cmHandle = 'testCmHandle' def resourceId = 'testResourceId' def acceptHeaderParam = 'testAcceptParam' def optionsParam = '(fields=x/y/z,depth=10,test=abc)' def restConfQueryParam = 'content=config' and: 'sdnc operation returns "NOT_FOUND" response' mockSdncOperations.getResouceDataForOperationalAndRunning(cmHandle, resourceId, optionsParam, acceptHeaderParam, _ as String) >> new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) when: 'get resource data from cm handles service method invoked' objectUnderTest.getResourceData(cmHandle, resourceId, acceptHeaderParam, optionsParam, restConfQueryParam) then: 'resource data not found' thrown(ResourceDataNotFound.class) } def 'Get resource data for passthrough running.'() { given: 'cm-handle, passthrough parameter, resourceId, accept header, fields, depth' def cmHandle = 'testCmHandle' def resourceId = 'testResourceId' def acceptHeaderParam = 'testAcceptParam' def optionsParam = '(fields=x/y/z,depth=10,test=abc)' def contentQuery = 'content=config' and: 'sdnc operation returns OK response' mockSdncOperations.getResouceDataForOperationalAndRunning(cmHandle, resourceId, optionsParam, acceptHeaderParam, contentQuery) >> new ResponseEntity<>('response json', HttpStatus.OK) when: 'get resource data from cm handles service method invoked' def response = objectUnderTest.getResourceData(cmHandle, resourceId, acceptHeaderParam, optionsParam, contentQuery) then: 'response have expected json' response == 'response json' } def 'Write resource data for passthrough running with a #scenario from sdnc.'() { given: 'sdnc returns a response with #scenario' mockSdncOperations.writeData(operationEnum, _, _, _, _) >> new ResponseEntity('response json', httpResponse) when: 'write resource data for cm handle method invoked' def response = objectUnderTest.writeData(operationEnum,'some-cmHandle', 'some-resourceIdentifier', 'some-dataType', '{some-data}') then: 'the response contains the expected json data from sdnc' response == 'response json' where: 'the following values are used' scenario | httpResponse | operationEnum '200 OK with an update operation' | HttpStatus.OK | UPDATE '201 CREATED with a create operation' | HttpStatus.CREATED | CREATE } def 'Write resource data with special characters.'() { given: 'sdnc returns a created response' mockSdncOperations.writeData(CREATE, 'some-cmHandle', 'some-resourceIdentifier', 'some-dataType', 'data with quote " and \n new line') >> new ResponseEntity('response json', HttpStatus.CREATED) when: 'write resource data from cm handles service method invoked' def response = objectUnderTest.writeData(CREATE, 'some-cmHandle', 'some-resourceIdentifier', 'some-dataType', 'data with quote " and \n new line') then: 'response have expected json' response == 'response json' } def 'Write resource data for passthrough running with a 500 response from sdnc.'() { given: 'sdnc returns a 500 response for the write operation' mockSdncOperations.writeData(CREATE, _, _, _, _) >> new ResponseEntity('response json', HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) when: 'write resource data for passthrough method is invoked' objectUnderTest.writeData(CREATE, 'some-cmHandle', 'some-resourceIdentifier', 'some-dataType', _ as String) then: 'a dmi exception is thrown' thrown(DmiException.class) } }