path: root/cps-ri/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/impl/CpsModulePersistenceServiceUnitSpec.groovy
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1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cps-ri/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/impl/CpsModulePersistenceServiceUnitSpec.groovy b/cps-ri/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/impl/CpsModulePersistenceServiceUnitSpec.groovy
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+++ b/cps-ri/src/test/groovy/org/onap/cps/spi/impl/CpsModulePersistenceServiceUnitSpec.groovy
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+ * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2021 Bell Canada.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+package org.onap.cps.spi.impl
+import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.CpsModulePersistenceService
+import org.onap.cps.spi.exceptions.DuplicatedYangResourceException
+import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.DataspaceRepository
+import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.SchemaSetRepository
+import org.onap.cps.spi.repository.YangResourceRepository
+import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
+import spock.lang.Shared
+import spock.lang.Specification
+import java.sql.SQLException
+ * Specification unit test class for CPS module persistence service.
+ */
+class CpsModulePersistenceServiceUnitSpec extends Specification {
+ // Instance to test
+ CpsModulePersistenceService objectUnderTest
+ // Mocks
+ def dataspaceRepositoryMock = Mock(DataspaceRepository)
+ def yangResourceRepositoryMock = Mock(YangResourceRepository)
+ def schemaSetRepositoryMock = Mock(SchemaSetRepository)
+ // Constants
+ def yangResourceName = 'my-yang-resource-name'
+ def yangResourceContent = 'my-yang-resource-content'
+ // Scenario data
+ @Shared
+ yangResourceChecksum = 'ac2352cc20c10467528b2390bbf2d72d48b0319152ebaabcda207786b4a641c2'
+ @Shared
+ yangResourceChecksumDbConstraint = 'yang_resource_checksum_key'
+ @Shared
+ sqlExceptionMessage = String.format('(checksum)=(%s)', yangResourceChecksum)
+ @Shared
+ checksumIntegrityException =
+ new DataIntegrityViolationException(
+ "checksum integrity exception",
+ new ConstraintViolationException('', new SQLException(sqlExceptionMessage), yangResourceChecksumDbConstraint))
+ @Shared
+ anotherIntegrityException = new DataIntegrityViolationException("another integrity exception")
+ def setup() {
+ objectUnderTest = new CpsModulePersistenceServiceImpl()
+ objectUnderTest.dataspaceRepository = dataspaceRepositoryMock
+ objectUnderTest.yangResourceRepository = yangResourceRepositoryMock
+ objectUnderTest.schemaSetRepository = schemaSetRepositoryMock
+ }
+ def 'Store schema set error scenario: #scenario.'() {
+ given: 'no yang resource are currently saved'
+ yangResourceRepositoryMock.findAllByChecksumIn(_) >> Collections.emptyList()
+ and: 'persisting yang resource raises db constraint exception (in case of concurrent requests for example)'
+ yangResourceRepositoryMock.saveAll(_) >> { throw dbException }
+ when: 'attempt to store schema set '
+ def newYangResourcesNameToContentMap = [(yangResourceName):yangResourceContent]
+ objectUnderTest.storeSchemaSet('my-dataspace', 'my-schema-set', newYangResourcesNameToContentMap)
+ then: 'an #expectedThrownException is thrown'
+ def e = thrown(expectedThrownException)
+ e.getMessage().contains(expectedThrownExceptionMessage)
+ where: 'the following data is used'
+ scenario | dbException || expectedThrownException | expectedThrownExceptionMessage
+ 'checksum data failure' | checksumIntegrityException || DuplicatedYangResourceException | yangResourceChecksum
+ 'other data failure' | anotherIntegrityException || DataIntegrityViolationException | 'another integrity exception'
+ }