open_cli_schema_version: 1.0 name: vnf-snapshot description: reates a snapshot of a VM info: product: onap-beijing service: appc author: ONAP CLI Team state: experimental parameters: - name: timestamp description: The time of the request, in ISO 8601 format, ZULU offset type: string short_option: t long_option: timestamp is_optional: false - name: api-ver description: Identifies the API version type: string short_option: v long_option: api-ver is_optional: false - name: originator-id description: An identifier of the calling system limited to a length of 40 characters type: string short_option: o long_option: originator-id is_optional: false - name: request-id description: The UUID for the request ID, limited to a length of 40 characters type: string short_option: r long_option: request-id is_optional: false - name: sub-request-id description: Uniquely identifies a specific LCM or control action, limited to a length of 40 characters type: string short_option: s long_option: sub-request-id is_optional: true - name: flags-mode description: Generic flags that apply to all LCM actions type: string short_option: r long_option: flags-mode is_optional: true - name: flags-force description: Generic flags that apply to all LCM actions type: bool short_option: f long_option: flags-force is_optional: true - name: flags-ttl description: Generic flags that apply to all LCM actions type: digit short_option: l long_option: flags-ttl is_optional: true - name: action description: The action to be taken by APPC type: string short_option: a long_option: action is_optional: false - name: service-instance-id description: Identifies a specific service instance that the command refers to type: string short_option: i long_option: service-instance-id is_optional: true - name: vnf-id description: Identifies the VNF instance to which this action is to be applied type: string short_option: j long_option: vnf-id is_optional: true is_optional: false - name: vnfc-name description: Identifies the VNFC name to which this action is to be applied type: string short_option: n long_option: vnfc-name is_optional: true - name: vserver-id description: Identifies a specific VM instance to which this action is to be applied type: string short_option: k long_option: vserver-id is_optional: true - name: vf-module-id description: Identifies a specific VF module to which this action is to be applied type: string short_option: q long_option: vf-module-id is_optional: true - name: payload description: An action-specific open-format field type: string short_option: p long_option: payload is_optional: true results: direction: portrait attributes: - name: action description: The action to be taken by APPC scope: short type: string - name: api-ver description: Identifies the API version scope: short type: string - name: timpestamp description: The time of the request, in ISO 8601 format, ZULU offset scope: short type: timpestamp - name: status description: The status describes the outcome of the command processing scope: short type: digit - name: originator-id description: An identifier of the calling system limited to a length of 40 characters scope: short type: string - name: request-id description: The UUID for the request ID, limited to a length of 40 characters scope: short type: string - name: sub-request-id description: Uniquely identifies a specific LCM or control action scope: long type: string - name: payload description: An open-format field scope: long type: string http: service: auth: basic mode: direct request: uri: /restconf/operations/vnf-provider-lcm:snapshot method: POST body: '{"input": {"common-header":{"timestamp": "${timestamp}","api-ver": "${api-version}","originator-id": "${orininator-id}","request-id": "$(request-id}","sub-request-id": "${sub-request-id}","flags":{"mode": "${flags-mode}","force": "${flags-force}","ttl": ${flags-ttl}"}}, "action": "${action}","action-identifiers": {"vnf-id": "${vnf-id}","vnfc-name": "${vnfc-name}","vserver-id": "${vserver-id}"},"payload": "${payload}"}' success_codes: - 100 - 400 result_map: action: $b{$.action} api-ver: $b{$.api-ver} flags: $b{$.flags} originator-id: $b{$.originator-id} request-id: $b{$.request-id} sub-request-id: $b{$.sub-request-id} payload: $b{$.payload} status: $b{$.status} sample_response: body: '{"output":{"common-header":{"api-ver": "${api-ver}","flags":"${flags}","originator-id": "${originator-id}","request-id": "${request-id}", "sub-request-id": "${sub-request-id}", "timestamp": "${timestamp}"},"payload": "${payload}","status": "${status}"}}'