open_cli_schema_version: 1.0 name: sample-test1 description: Onap sample command to test the command features info: product: open-cli service: test type: cmd author: Kanagaraj Manickam parameters: - name: bool-param type: bool description: Onap boolean param, by default its always false. short_option: b long_option: bool is_optional: true default_value: false - name: secure-param type: string description: Onap secure param such as password short_option: x long_option: secure is_secured: true is_optional: false default_Value: pass123# - name: string-param type: string description: Onap string param long_option: string-param short_option: c is_optional: false default_Value: test - name: yaml-param type: json description: Onap yaml file location param long_option: yaml-param short_option: y is_optional: false - name: json-param type: json description: Onap json file location param long_option: json-param short_option: j is_optional: false - name: long-param type: digit description: Onap long param short_option: l long_option: long-opt is_optional: false default_value: 10 - name: url-param type: url description: Onap url param short_option: r long_option: url is_optional: false default_value: http://localhost:8082/file.txt - name: env-param type: string description: Onap env param. short_option: z long_option: env is_optional: false default_value: ${ENV_VAR} - name: positional-args type: string description: Onap positional args, if no short option and no long option given for it is_optional: false default_value: http://localhost:8082/file.txt http: request: uri: /vims method: POST body: '{"name":"${name}","vendor":"${vendor}","version":"${vim-version}","description":"${description}","type":"${type}","url":"${url}","userName":"${username}","password":"${password}","domain":"${domain}","tenant":"${tenant}"}' headers: success_codes: - 201 - 200 result_map: id: $b{$.vimId} name: $b{$.name} vendor: $b{$.vendor} type: $b{$.type} version: $b{$.version} url: $b{$.url} description: $b{$.description} username: $b{$.userName} password: $b{$.password} domain: $b{$.domain} tenant: $b{$.tenant} create-time: $b{$.createTime} sample_response: body:'{"id":"string","name":"string","vendor":"string","version":"string","description":"string","type":"string","createTime":"string","url":"string","userName":"string","password":"string","domain":"string","tenant":"string"}'