open_cli_schema_version: 1.0 name: catalog description: cli catalog command to find the base path for service. version: cli-1.0 type: catalog service: auth: none name: open-cli version: 1.0.0 mode: direct parameters: - name: catalog-service-name type: string description: service name registered in catalog service short_option: l long_option: catalog-service-name is_optional: false - name: catalog-service-version type: string description: service version registered in catalog service short_option: i long_option: catalog-service-version is_optional: false results: direction: portrait attributes: - name: catalog-service-host-url description: Service connection url scope: short type: string default_value: ${host-url} - name: catalog-service-base-path description: service base path, to append with host-url for connecting the service. scope: short type: string default_value: /