.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. CLI Release Notes ================= Version: 1.1.0 -------------- :Release Date: 2017-11-16 :ref:`cli_index` helps user to operate ONAP from Linux command console and web command console. **New Features** In ONAP Amsterdam release, CLI provides following ONAP operations as command: * ONAP service discovery * External system on-boarding (VIM, VNFM, EMS & SDNC) * Customer and subscription management ****** * Cloud and tenant on-boarding ****** * Design-time artifacts (VSP, VF, Service model) management * Network-service (vFW, vLB, etc) life-cycle management ****** : Only available thru CLI. **Know Issues** * VF customizationUUID is not available over SDC REST API, so user is recommended to refer it from SDC portal, while creating VF. * service-delete, vf-delete and vfmodule-delete commands are not supported