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CLI Release Notes

Version: 1.1.0

:Release Date: 2017-11-16

:ref:`cli_index` helps user to operate ONAP from Linux command console and web command console.

**New Features**

In ONAP Amsterdam release, CLI provides following ONAP operations as command:

* ONAP micro-service discovery
* External system on-boarding (VIM, VNFM, EMS & SDNC)
* Customer and Subscription management (Only available thru CLI)
* Cloud and Tenant on-boarding (Only available thru CLI)
* Design-time artifacts (VSP, VF, Service model) management
* Network-service (vFW, vLB, etc)  life-cycle management

Version: 2.0.0

:Release Date: 2018-05-24

**New Features**

In this release, CLI provides all those features supported in previous release. In addition,
following features are enabled:

* Policy management
* VNF/PNF management
* OCLIP SNMP profile support
* OCLIP CLI verification support

Similar to earlier release, user can perform customer, subscription, cloud and tenant management only
by using CLI as portal does not support.

**Bug Fixes**

* CLI-105   Ignore those yamls which does not have open cli schema version
* CLI-103   Support HTTP delete with http body (SO, AAI requires)
* CLI-101   Add context parameter for ignoring empty json nodes in http body
* CLI-99    Optional parameter's default value is set to blank
* CLI-95    Add profile support for multiple sessions
* CLI-94    EOL openecomp CLIs
* CLI-86    Create documentation for end to end cli commands for onap
* CLI-74    Setup Mock environment for a command
* CLI-61    Add validation for results section in yaml