.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

.. _end_to_end_onap_cli_commands:

End-to-End command guide for working with ONAP

This document demonstrate end to end working with ONAP using cli.

In current state of ONAP, it is getting initialized by robot scritp (`demo.sh init`),
which requires programming knowledge to modify the scripts as per the requirement.
Cli provides an interface to communicate with different services in ONAP and it can
be used to configure ONAP as per requirement without any programming knowledge.

Following operations are involved to deploy a VNF.

CLI communicate with:

- SDC to
    - Create Vendor License Model (VLM)
    - Create Vendor Software Product (VSP), VF and Service
    - Distribute service

- AAI to create
    - Cloud
    - Customer
    - Service-type

- SO to create
    - Service-instance
    - VF
    - VF module (deploy)

Creating Vendor License Model (VLM)

For creating a VLM we need to define in SDC using CLI:
- entitlement pool
- key group
- feature group
- license agreement

Create license

Run following command to create license.


  onap>vlm-create -x htipl-vendor -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                             |
  |ID        |d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66  |

Create license entitlement pool

Run following command to create license entitlement pool.


  onap>vlm-entitlement-pool-create -x htipl-pool -y d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -e 0.1 -z htipl-pool -k htipl-vendor -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                             |
  |ID        |44743b88b7254d3aa8829d5fcb5a4b47  |

Create license key group

Run following command to crate license key group.


  onap>vlm-key-group-create -c d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -e 0.1 -x htipl-key-grp -y Universal -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                             |
  |ID        |c8f9ba23d0414650907099ecbf960f3d  |

Create license feature group

Run following command to create license feature group.


  onap>vlm-feature-group-create -x htipl-feature-grp -y d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -e 0.1 -z htipl-feature-grp -g c8f9ba23d0414650907099ecbf960f3d -b 44743b88b7254d3aa8829d5fcb5a4b47 -c htipl-part -k htipl-vendor -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                             |
  |ID        |0ef91147b9904568942d4d3f5a8bbc96  |

Create license agreement

Run following command to create license agreement.


  onap>vlm-aggreement-create -x htipl-aggrement -y d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -e 0.1 -z htipl-aggrement -g 0ef91147b9904568942d4d3f5a8bbc96 -u cs0008 -p demo123456\! -m
  vlm-aggreement-create -x htipl-aggrement -y d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -e 0.1 -z htipl-aggrement -g 0ef91147b9904568942d4d3f5a8bbc96 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                             |
  |ID        |1909ee429dcd459aa0eb33e812981973  |

Now, VLM is ready to submit.

Checkin and submin vlm

Run following command to check-in and submit created VLM.


  vlm-checkin -x d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -y 0.1 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  vlm-submit -x d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -y 0.1 -u cs0008 -p demo123456\! -m

Now, VLM is available in catalog to be used for VSP.

Create and distribute Vendor Software Product (VSP)

Service distribution involves following steps:
- Create, validate and submit VSP
- Creation and certificaion of VF
- Creation and certification of Service

Create VSP

Run following command to create VSP.


  onap>vsp-create -x htipl-vsp -c 0.1 -g d6da25894a1a470fa8357c15681b7a66 -e htipl-vendor  -i 1909ee429dcd459aa0eb33e812981973  -j 0ef91147b9904568942d4d3f5a8bbc96 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                             |
  |ID        |044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6  |

Add artifact to VSP

This command will associate artifacts to VSP.


  onap>vsp-add-artifact -x 044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6 -y 0.1 -z vFW_100_20170608.zip -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

Validate VSP

After uploading artifacts to VSP you need to validate the VSP using following command.


  onap>vsp-validate -x 044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6 -y 0.1 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                                               |
  |status    |Success                                             |
  |errors    |{base_vfw.yaml=[{"level":"WARNING","message":"WARN  |
  |          |ING: A resource is connected twice to the same      |
  |          |network role, Network Role [vpg_0], Resource ID [e  |
  |          |comp_private]"},{"level":"WARNING","message":"WARN  |
  |          |ING: Nova Server naming convention in image,        |
  |          |flavor and name properties is not consistent,       |
  |          |Resource ID                                         |
  |          |[vpg_0]"},{"level":"WARNING","message":"WARNING:    |
  |          |A resource is connected twice to the same network   |
  |          |role, Network Role [vsn_0], Resource ID [ecomp_pri  |
  |          |vate]"},{"level":"WARNING","message":"WARNING:      |
  |          |Nova Server naming convention in image, flavor      |
  |          |and name properties is not consistent, Resource     |
  |          |ID                                                  |
  |          |[vsn_0]"},{"level":"WARNING","message":"WARNING:    |
  |          |Port 'Fixed_IPS' Parameter Name not aligned with    |
  |          |Guidelines, Parameter Name                          |
  |          |[ecomp_private_subnet_id], Resource ID              |
  |          |[vfw_private_2_port]. As a result, VF\/VFC          |
  |          |Profile may miss this information"},{"level":"WARN  |
  |          |ING","message":"WARNING: Port 'Fixed_IPS'           |
  |          |Parameter Name not aligned with Guidelines,         |
  |          |Parameter Name [ecomp_private_subnet_id],           |
  |          |Resource ID [vpg_private_1_port]. As a result,      |
  |          |VF\/VFC Profile may miss this information"},{"leve  |
  |          |l":"WARNING","message":"WARNING: Port 'Fixed_IPS'   |
  |          |Parameter Name not aligned with Guidelines,         |
  |          |Parameter Name [ecomp_private_subnet_id],           |
  |          |Resource ID [vsn_private_1_port]. As a result,      |
  |          |VF\/VFC Profile may miss this information"}]}       |

NOTE: here `warning` is reported for VSP validation which we are ignoring.

Submit and checkin VSP

After VSP validation it can be checked in and submit. Run following command to
complete check-in and VSP submission.


  onap>vsp-checkin -x 044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6 -y 0.1 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>vsp-submit -x 044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6 -y 0.1 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>vsp-list -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |ID                                |name        |version   |status  |
  |044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6  |htipl-vsp   |1.0       |Final   |

package VSP

After submitting VSP you require to generate CSAR artifact which can be done using
following command.


  onap>vsp-package -x 044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6 -y 1.0 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

Now, you can proceed for defining VF.

Create vf model for VSP

Run following command to create VF by specifying correct VSP id.


  onap>vf-model-create -x htipl-vf -y htipl-vf-desc -z htipl-vendor -b 044e3269503d4579b4bdd60d0231e4e6  -g 1.0 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                                 |
  |ID        |f1a75427-1379-4976-abca-91a00f8b118a  |

Now, VF is ready for certification.

Submit VF for certification

Initiate VF certification request using following command.


  onap>vf-model-certify-request -b f1a75427-1379-4976-abca-91a00f8b118a -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

Certify VF

Certification will be conducted by tester(jm0007), tester can use following command
to mark VF certification start and complete.


  onap>vf-model-certify-start -b f1a75427-1379-4976-abca-91a00f8b118a -u jm0007 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>vf-model-certify-complete -b f1a75427-1379-4976-abca-91a00f8b118a -u jm0007 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>vf-model-list -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |uuid                                  |uniqueid                              |invariant-uuid                        |name                      |version   |status  |
  |328bd996-5edc-4677-92c4-f50a39411f13  |d4212714-2fd0-4396-bef6-3864e267be06  |b77ac5f7-f524-4076-995b-e3781fda1e7e  |e3b2cebf-c72b-4b0f-b6af   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |83e79e9f-f021-4356-ab97-a0f03d926311  |389a8234-23ed-4396-a9b4-ea65669a0d30  |b21eff2e-aa99-4284-a59f-baea1dcf77c6  |fcffa69b-52ce-4139-92ba   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |e4fa86fd-04ab-4faa-8351-3196e6b33c13  |0d9894d8-df48-4245-a52f-9437443908f0  |03f63ce4-dbb0-446c-87dc-fab9c5d09ec9  |cdb3ebd4-0c81-4e60-8184   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |67c96cda-2035-413d-96de-9ea4aa206423  |c933ceb2-d68b-4bc1-962d-5e5073648fe5  |c3daf439-fa2a-4144-add5-9b543083d24e  |a146fd50-ed50-4444-a859   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |b2a40a03-c85e-4b6c-8ade-f90e5f2ce2d4  |6d040eb4-9fc7-42a7-b1c0-7959418eca1d  |4982d10b-09af-46b9-8317-c92d2658ae68  |2932d051-6aad-4c0d-ac2d   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |6bddc881-0538-4ca0-933d-bbf1abc83d07  |45ae036e-8b6b-4130-81c6-451ba020653e  |2398ce72-99c6-4995-b19c-ccbc9f57144c  |b032e3b2-5ab0-4b14-b88f   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |848865b6-d9f0-4767-a5bf-c240fb832a46  |da9d92e5-ca04-4101-bad0-bdc17cf6f089  |6ae8e80c-c814-45fe-ba97-4d94d98c645f  |htipl-vf                  |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |b1b6e4d0-8043-49b4-917e-3d2a762b5a56  |017aa6b7-60c9-457a-b593-8cef623dbe3b  |7819f9f0-cbdb-40b6-acd0-edcdbdab119c  |21b8a269-6377-42f9-9a98   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |
  |c7131963-1bbf-474d-a773-4f201a3480d3  |cba595e5-3a0f-482b-ba74-078a15d96756  |1a15a0a0-b040-47b5-adbd-e0c3b2e52417  |fe631a9d-99c1-4b7c-8a06   |1.0       |CERTIFIED  |

After successful VF creation you can proceed for service model creation.

Create service model

Run following command to create service model.


  onap>service-model-create -x htipl-service -y htipl-serv-desc -z htipl-123456 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                                 |
  |ID        |3f8ff680-6b71-45e9-8bee-72628d7f443b  |

Add VF to service model

Associate VF to service model using following command.


  onap>service-model-add-vf -x 3f8ff680-6b71-45e9-8bee-72628d7f443b -y da9d92e5-ca04-4101-bad0-bdc17cf6f089 -z htipl-vf -b 1.0 -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |property  |value                                               |
  |ID        |3f8ff680-6b71-45e9-8bee-72628d7f443b.da9d92e5-ca04  |
  |          |-4101-bad0-bdc17cf6f089.htiplvf0                    |

Submit Service for certification

Now, service is ready for initializing certification request. Use following command
to initiate service certification request.


  onap>service-model-certify-request -b 3f8ff680-6b71-45e9-8bee-72628d7f443b -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

Certify service

Now, tester(jm0007) can see service in his dashboard and he can start with service
certification. Tester can use following command to mark certification start and


  onap>service-model-certify-start -b 3f8ff680-6b71-45e9-8bee-72628d7f443b -u jm0007 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>service-model-certify-complete -b 3f8ff680-6b71-45e9-8bee-72628d7f443b -u jm0007 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>service-model-list -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |uuid                                  |invariant-uuid                        |name            |version   |status      |distribution-status         |
  |fc5e1e81-786d-49e5-acfd-e933e291b1a4  |02258f88-2d84-4503-bd8e-2e3988e65e54  |htipl-service   |1.0       |CERTIFIED   |DISTRIBUTION_NOT_APPROVED   |

Approve service model

After successful certification, service will be submitted to governor(gv001) to
approve service model.


  onap>service-model-approve -b fc5e1e81-786d-49e5-acfd-e933e291b1a4 -u gv0001 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>service-model-list -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |uuid                                  |invariant-uuid                        |name            |version   |status      |distribution-status     |
  |fc5e1e81-786d-49e5-acfd-e933e291b1a4  |02258f88-2d84-4503-bd8e-2e3988e65e54  |htipl-service   |1.0       |CERTIFIED   |DISTRIBUTION_APPROVED   |

Distribute service model

Now operator can distribute the service and it will be available in VID dashboard.


  onap>service-model-distribute -b fc5e1e81-786d-49e5-acfd-e933e291b1a4 -u op0001 -p demo123456! -m

  onap>service-model-list -u cs0008 -p demo123456! -m

  |uuid                                  |invariant-uuid                        |name            |version   |status      |distribution-status   |
  |fc5e1e81-786d-49e5-acfd-e933e291b1a4  |02258f88-2d84-4503-bd8e-2e3988e65e54  |htipl-service   |1.0       |CERTIFIED   |DISTRIBUTED           |

Creating Cloud, Customer and Service-type

It is required to specify the cloud configuration in AAI system before deploying
the service. Following are the steps to configure cloud and related information
for service deployment.

Create Cloud

Use following command to create cloud and region in AAI system.


  onap>cloud-create -x htipl-cloud -y htipl-region -u AAI -p AAI -m

  onap>cloud-list -u AAI -p AAI -m

  |cloud         |region        |resource-version  |
  |htipl-cloud   |htipl-region  |1514263912528     |
  |pod25dns      |RegionOne     |1513659267169     |
  |pod25         |RegionOne     |1513659266151     |

Create tenant

Create tenant within region. Following is command to create tenant.


  onap>tenant-create -x htipl-cloud -y htipl-region -z htipl-tenant -r htipl-tenant -u AAI -p AAI -m

  onap>tenant-list --cloud htipl-cloud --region htipl-region -u AAI -p AAI -m

  |tenant-id     |tenant-name   |resource-version  |
  |htipl-tenant  |htipl-tenant  |1514265496768     |

Create Customer

A customer subscribes for the service. Use follwing command to create customer.


  onap>customer-create -x htipl-customer -y htipl-customer -u AAI -p AAI -m

  onap>customer-list -u AAI -p AAI -m

  |name            |resource-version  |
  |htipl-customer  |1514264928457     |

Create service type

Use following command to create service type.


  onap>service-type-create -x htipl-service -u AAI -p AAI -m

  onap>service-type-list -u AAI -p AAI -m

  |service-type-id                       |service-type    |resource-version  |
  |f96017b1-9fcb-4d3c-ae17-d9b1fdef4415  |htipl-service   |1514265655713     |

Create subscription

Use following command to create subscription for a customer. It requires cloud
information and service-type information.


  onap>subscription-create -x htipl-customer -z htipl-cloud -r htipl-region -c htipl-tenant -e htipl-service  -u AAI -p AAI -m

  onap>subscription-list --customer-name htipl-customer -u AAI -p AAI -m

  |service-type    |resource-version  |
  |htipl-service   |1514265923244     |

Create Service-instance, VF and deploy VF

Now, all the required configuration and artifacts are available to SO service to
create service-instance and VF.

Create service instance

Using following command you can create service-instance in specified cloud region.
Command requires service model identifier which can be obtained from previously
used CLIs for creating and listing service model.


  onap>service-create --cloud-region RegionOne --tenant-id 60817ff9baa547d5857a6b7ff0dc567b --model-invariant-id f812e618-3abf-4c7a-901e-f2820a73eb2e --model-uuid 84ad850a-3d0b-451d-b97b-083bbf39890d --model-name demoVLB --model-version 1.0 -c Demonstration --instance-name service-vlb-instance-1 --service-type vLB -u InfraPortalClient -p password1$ -m

  |property    |value                                 |
  |service-id  |1561a325-a64b-47ab-86f4-459e334292f0  |

Create VF

Using following command you can create VF in specified cloud region.
Command requires VF model identifier which can be obtained from previously
used CLIs for creating and listing VF model.


  onap>vf-create --cloud-region RegionOne --tenant-id onap --product-family vLB --instance-name service-vlb-instance-1-vnf-1 --service-instance-id 1561a325-a64b-47ab-86f4-459e334292f0 --vf-model-invariant-id 4982d10b-09af-46b9-8317-c92d2658ae68 --vf-model-uuid b2a40a03-c85e-4b6c-8ade-f90e5f2ce2d4 --vf-model-name 2932d051-6aad-4c0d-ac2d --vf-model-version 1.0 --vf-model-customization-id 3741acf1-5929-42e6-b234-4b9051d09a54 --service-model-invariant-id f812e618-3abf-4c7a-901e-f2820a73eb2e --service-model-uuid 84ad850a-3d0b-451d-b97b-083bbf39890d --service-model-name demoVLB --service-model-version 1.0 -m -u InfraPortalClient -p password1$

  |property  |value                                 |
  |vf-id     |addb80ab-8c95-49b3-a2b7-907a02553319  |

Create VF-module

This command is not yet verified with ONAP stack but you can go ahed by referring :ref:`vf-module-create` for vf module creation.
On success of above command you can see VNF is deployed in given cloud.