.. _architecture: .. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. CLI architecture ================ Following diagram shows the high-level architecture of ONAP CLI. .. image:: images/portal-cli-arch.png :height: 600px :width: 800px * **Command Registrar** : Registrar keeps track of the commands regsitered in ONAP CLI and when user invokes the command, it identify the corresponding command route the request to that command plugin. * **Command Discoverer** : Discoverer discovers the commands both in plug-in format and YAML and auto-matically register them into Registrar. * **Command Plug-ings** : Implement the command as plugin. More details :ref:`developer_guide` * **HTTP Command** : Plug-in for implementing all Rest based command as YAML without any coding. * **Command Shell** : Provides the interactive command line console from Linux * **Web Command Console** : Provides the interactive command line console from web-browser