ONAP Command-line interface (CLI)

One Command to command whole Onap !!

Provides unified commands to operate ONAP from Linux console and Web console.

To download

Please download ONAP CLI here

To install

Please follow the instructions given below for installing ONAP CLI.

  1. Un-zip the above download file into /opt/onap/cli folder
  2. Run the following commands:
    export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1


    if [ ! -d ./data ]; then mkdir ./data; fi
    if [ ! -d ./onap-cli-schema ]; then mkdir ./onap-cli-schema; fi

    chmod +x ./bin/onap.sh

    #Make onap available in path
    ln ./bin/onap.sh $CLI_BIN

    #Print the version
    onap -v

Web Command console

To open Console, Click Web Command console

To Run a command

Configure the following environment variables, before using it in Linux console:

  1. HOST_URL - Onap Micro service bus(MSB) URL or a service URL
  2. HOST_USERNAME - Onap user name
  3. HOST_PASSWORD - Onap user password

Type onap <command> from Linux console.

To Run in Interactive mode

Type onap from linux console

Set the product version

CLI framework is enhanced to handle multiple product versions at same
time. so to choose the product version, set evironment variable

NOTE: In interactive mode, product version can be selected using
typing use <product-version>

Run onap [-v|–version] to see the CLI and available product version details


onap [-h|–help]
onap <command> [-h|–help]

Debug Mode

To run in debug mode, set following environment variables:

  1. OPEN_CLI_DEBUG - By default its false, otherwise Set to true
  2. OPEN_CLI_DEBUG_PORT - By default it is 5005, otherwise set to new TCP port number

More details


To download

Please download ONAP CLI here