Open Command-line interface Platform (OCLIP)

Provides unified commands to operate any cloud enabled software products from Linux/Web console.

Set the following environment variable, before using OCLIP:

OPEN_CLI_HOME - Complete path of directory, where OCLIP is installed.

To Run a command

Configure the following environment variables:

  1. OPEN_CLI_HOST_URL - Catalog service URL or a service URL
  2. OPEN_CLI_HOST_USERNAME - Service user name
  3. OPEN_CLI_HOST_PASSWORD - Service password

Run oclip from Linux console.

To Run in Interactive mode

Run oclip from Linux console.

And use the directive set to set the values for following parameters:

  1. host-url - Catalog service URL or a service URL
  2. host-username - Service user name
  3. host-password - Service password

NOTE: This mode is available as Web command console when OCLIP is running from docker.

Select the product version

CLI framework is enhanced to handle multiple product versions at same time. so to choose the product version, set evironment variable OPEN_CLI_PROUDCT_IN_USE.

NOTE: In interactive mode, product version can be selected using typing use

Run oclip [-v|--version] to see the available product version details.

Set the parameter values

Use the directive 'set' for setting the values for parameters and 'unset' for un-seting the values.


oclip [-h|--help] oclip [-h|--help]

Debug Mode

To run in debug mode, set following environment variables:

  1. OPEN_CLI_DEBUG - By default its false, otherwise Set to true
  2. OPEN_CLI_DEBUG_PORT - By default it is 5005, otherwise set to new TCP port number

More details

To download

Please download Open CLI Platform here

Web Command console

Click here

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To download

Please download ONAP CLI here

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