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<h1>ONAP Command-Line Interface (CLI)</h1>
<p style="color: blue;"><strong>One Command to command whole Onap !!</strong></p>
<p>Provides unified commands to operate ONAP from Linux command console and Web browser.</p>

<div style="background-color: white;color: black;">
<h2 >Web Command Console</h2>
<p>To open Console, <button class="button" onclick="redirectToConsole();">Click Me !</button></p>

<div style="background-color: white;color: black;">
<h2>Linux Command Shell</h2>
<p>Type <strong>onap</strong> from linux command console</p>

<p>Please download ONAP CLI <a href="./onap-cli.zip">here</a></p>

<p>Please follow the instructions given below for installing ONAP CLI.</p>
<li>Un-zip the above download file into <strong>/opt/onap/cli folder</strong></li>
<li>Run the following commands:</li>
<p><span ><em>export ONAP_CLI_HOME=/opt/onap/cli </em></span><br /><span ><em>export CLI_PRODUCT_VERSION=onap-1.1 </em></span><br /> <br /><span ><em>cd $ONAP_CLI_HOME </em></span><br /> <br /><span ><em>if [ ! -d ./data ]; then mkdir ./data; fi </em></span><br /><span ><em>if [ ! -d ./onap-cli-schema ]; then mkdir ./onap-cli-schema; fi </em></span><br /> <br /><span ><em>chmod +x ./bin/onap.sh </em></span><br /> <br /><span ><em>#Make onap available in path </em></span><br /><span ><em>ln ./bin/onap.sh /usr/bin/onap </em></span><br /> <br /><span ><em>#Print the version </em></span><br /><span ><em>onap -v</em></span></p>

<h3>Run onap command</h3>
<p>Configure the following environment variables:</p>
<li><strong>ONAP_HOST_URL</strong> - Onap service URL</li>
<li><strong>ONAP_USERNAME</strong> - Onap user name</li>
<li><strong>ONAP_PASSWORD</strong> - Onap user password</li>
<p>Type <strong>onap &lt;command&gt;</strong> from command shell.</p>
<h3><a href="http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/cli.git/docs/index.htmlhttps://wiki.onap.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener">More details</a></h3>

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