// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Verify MenuBar Test the render method 1`] = ` <NavbarCollapse> <Styled(NavDropdown) title="Loop Templates" > <DropdownItem as={ Object { "$$typeof": Symbol(react.forward_ref), "attrs": Array [], "componentStyle": ComponentStyle { "componentId": "sc-bdVaJa", "isStatic": false, "rules": Array [ " color: ", [Function], "; background-color: ", [Function], "; font-weight: normal; display: block; width: 100%; padding: .25rem 1.5rem; clear: both; text-align: inherit; white-space: nowrap; border: 0; :hover { text-decoration: none; background-color: ", [Function], "; color: ", [Function], "; } ", ], }, "displayName": "Styled(Link)", "foldedComponentIds": Array [], "render": [Function], "styledComponentId": "sc-bdVaJa", "target": [Function], "toString": [Function], "warnTooManyClasses": [Function], "withComponent": [Function], } } disabled={false} to="/ViewLoopTemplatesModal" > View All Templates </DropdownItem> </Styled(NavDropdown)> <Styled(NavDropdown) title="Policy Models" > <DropdownItem as={ Object { "$$typeof": Symbol(react.forward_ref), "attrs": Array [], "componentStyle": ComponentStyle { "componentId": "sc-bdVaJa", "isStatic": false, "rules": Array [ " color: ", [Function], "; 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