// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Verify LoopStatus Test the render method 1`] = ` <styled.div> <label> Loop Status: DESIGN </label> <div> <Styled(Bootstrap(Table)) hover={true} responsive={true} striped={true} variant={true} > <thead> <tr> <th> <span align="left" > Component Name </span> </th> <th> <span align="left" > Component State </span> </th> <th> <span align="right" > Description </span> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <TableRow statusRow={ Object { "componentName": "POLICY", "description": "The policies defined have NOT yet been created on the policy engine", "stateName": "NOT_SENT", } } /> <TableRow statusRow={ Object { "componentName": "DCAE", "description": "The DCAE blueprint has been found in the DCAE inventory but not yet instancianted for this loop", "stateName": "BLUEPRINT_DEPLOYED", } } /> </tbody> </Styled(Bootstrap(Table))> </div> </styled.div> `;