* ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
* ================================================================================
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
* reserved.
* ================================================================================
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ============LICENSE_END============================================
* ===================================================================
function($scope, $rootScope, $uibModalInstance, data, operationalPolicyService, dialogs) {
var parent_policy = {}
var policy_ids = {}
var loadingId = false;
var allPolicies = {};
var allPolIds = [];
function getAllFormId() {
return Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("formId"));
function searchActiveFormId() {
var formArray = getAllFormId();
for (var i = 0, max = formArray.length; i < max; i++) {
console.log("Search active FormId, current element " + formArray[i].id);
if (formArray[i].style.display !== "none") {
console.log("Active form is:" + formArray[i].id);
return formArray[i];
console.log("No active formId found !");
function initTargetResourceId() {
if (vf_Services !== null && vf_Services !== undefined) {
// Set all the Resource Invariant UUID in the target resource ID
// list (+Empty and other)
Object.keys(vf_Services["shared"]["byVf"]).forEach(function(key) {
// load recipes for a chosen policy
function disperseConfig(policyObj, id) {
console.log("disperseConfig with id:" + id);
parent_policy = {};
// remove old gui forms
for (var i = 1; i < ($(".formId").length + 1); i++) {
$("#go_properties_tab" + i).parent().remove();
if (policyObj !== undefined && policyObj[id] !== undefined) {
var el = policyObj[id][3]['policyConfigurations']
for (var i = 0; i < el.length; i++) {
loadingId = true;
var num = add_one_more();
console.log("number is=:" + num);
loadingId = false;
for (var j = 0; j < el[i].length; j++) {
console.log("attr:" + el[i][j].name + "; value is:" + el[i][j].value);
if (el[i][j].hasOwnProperty("name")) {
$("#formId" + num + " #" + el[i][j].name).val(el[i][j].value);
if (el[i][j].name === "_id") {
console.log("formId num:" + num + "; value is:" + el[i][j].value);
policy_ids["#formId" + num] = el[i][j].value
if (el[i][j].name === 'parentPolicy')
parent_policy[num] = el[i][j].value
if (el[i][j].name === 'recipe' && el[i][j].value.toString() !== '') {
$("#go_properties_tab" + num).text(el[i][j].value)
if (el[i][j].name === "targetResourceIdOther" && el[i][j].value.toString() !== '') {
// Add the entry and set it
$("#formId" + num + " #targetResourceId").append(
$('').val($("#formId" + num + " #targetResourceIdOther").val()).html(
$("#formId" + num + " #targetResourceIdOther").val()));
$("#formId" + num + " #targetResourceId").val(
$("#formId" + num + " #targetResourceIdOther").val());
// Adding all the ids for parent policy options
for (var i = 1; i <= $(".formId").length; i++) {
for (k in policy_ids) {
if ($("#formId" + i + " #_id").val() !== policy_ids[k].toString()
&& $(k + " #recipe").val() !== undefined && $(k + " #recipe").val() !== "") {
$("#formId" + i + " #parentPolicy").append(
for (k in parent_policy) {
$("#formId" + k + " #parentPolicy").val(parent_policy[k]);
if ($("#formId" + k + " #parentPolicy").val() == "") {
$("#formId" + k + " #parentPolicyConditions").multiselect("disable");
} else {
$("#formId" + k + " #parentPolicyConditions").multiselect("enable");
// force the change event
$("#formId" + k + " #parentPolicy").change();
// Now load all component with the right value defined in
// policyObj JSON
for (headInd in policyObj[id]) {
if (!(policyObj[id][headInd].hasOwnProperty("policyConfigurations"))) {
$("#" + policyObj[id][headInd].name).val(policyObj[id][headInd].value);
if (readMOnly) {
$('select[multiple] option').each(function() {
var input = $('input[value="' + $(this).val() + '"]');
input.prop('disabled', true);
$('input[value="multiselect-all"]').prop('disabled', true).parent('li').addClass('disabled');
function addSelectListen(count) {
var onSelectChange = function() {
var opselected = this.selectedOptions[0].text;
if (this.id == "recipe") {
if (opselected !== "") {
var polCount = $(this).closest("[id^='formId']").attr("id").substring(6);
$(this).closest(".policyPanel").find("#go_properties_tab" + polCount).text(opselected);
} else {
if (this.id == "parentPolicy") {
var ppCond = $(this).closest("[id^='formId']").find("#parentPolicyConditions");
if (opselected == "") {
} else {
$("#formId" + count + " select").each(function() {
this.change = onSelectChange;
// This is ensure there are no repeated keys in the map
function noRepeats(form) {
// triggered per policy.
var select = {};
for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) {
if (select[form[i].name] === undefined)
select[form[i].name] = []
var arr = []
for (s in select) {
var f = {}
f.name = s
f.value = select[s]
return arr
function add_one_more() {
console.log("add one more");
$("#nav_Tabs li").removeClass("active");
// FormSpan contains a block of the form that is not being
// displayed. We will create clones of that and add them to tabs
var form = $($("#formSpan").children()[0]).clone()
var count = 0;
// Each new tab will have the formId class attached to it. This way
// we can track how many forms we currently have out there and
// assign listeners to them
if ($(".formId").length > 0) {
var greatest = 0;
var s = $(".formId");
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (parseInt($(s[i]).attr("id").substring(6)) > greatest) {
greatest = parseInt($(s[i]).attr("id").substring(6))
count = greatest + 1;
} else {
// $(form).find("#policyName").val("Recipe "+makid(2))
// TODO change up how we auto assign policyName. There could be the
// case where we do this and it will have repeats
// alert($(form).find("#_id").val())
// policyNameChangeListener(form)