 * ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
 * ================================================================================
 * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights
 *                             reserved.
 * ================================================================================
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 * limitations under the License.
 * ============LICENSE_END============================================
 * ===================================================================
    function($scope, $rootScope, $uibModalInstance, data, operationalPolicyService, dialogs) {

	    $scope.policy_ids = []
	    var allPolicies = {};
	    $scope.guardType = "GUARD_MIN_MAX";
	    $scope.number = 0;
	    $scope.clname = "";
	    $scope.guard_ids = [];
	    function getAllFormId() {

		    return Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("formId"));
	    function searchActiveFormId() {

		    var formArray = getAllFormId();
		    for (var i = 0, max = formArray.length; i < max; i++) {
			    console.log("Search active FormId, current element " + formArray[i].id);
			    if (formArray[i].style.display !== "none") {
				    console.log("Active form is:" + formArray[i].id);
				    return formArray[i];
		    console.log("No active formId found !");
	    function add_one_more() {

		    console.log("add one more");
		    $("#nav_Tabs li").removeClass("active");
		    // FormSpan contains a block of the form that is not being
		    // displayed. We will create clones of that and add them to tabs
		    var form = $("#formSpan").clone(true, true)
		    var count = 0;
		    // Each new tab will have the formId class attached to it. This way
		    // we can track how many forms we currently have out there and
		    // assign listeners to them
		    if ($(".formId").length > 0) {
			    var greatest = 0;
			    var s = $(".formId");
			    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
				    if (parseInt($(s[i]).attr("id").substring(6)) > greatest) {
					    greatest = parseInt($(s[i]).attr("id").substring(6))
			    count = greatest + 1;
			    $("#properties_tab").append(('<span class="formId" id="formId' + count + '"></span>'));
		    } else {
			    $("#properties_tab").append('<span class="formId" id="formId1"></span>');
		    ' <li class="active"><a id="go_properties_tab'
		    + count
		    + '">new</a><button id="tab_close'
		    + count
		    + '" type="button" class="close tab-close-popup" aria-hidden="true" style="margin-top: -30px;margin-right: 5px">&times;</button></li>');
		    $("#formId" + count).append(form.children());
		    $(".formId").not($("#formId" + count)).css("display", "none");
		    $("#formId" + count + " #id").val("new");
		    $("#formId" + count + " #clname").val($scope.clname);
		    return count;
	    function addCustListen(count) {

		    $('#go_properties_tab' + count).click(function(event) {

			    $("#nav_Tabs li").removeClass("active");
			    $("#formId" + count).css("display", "")
			    $(".formId").not($("#formId" + count)).css("display", "none")
		    $('#tab_close' + count).click(function(event) {

			    $scope.policy_ids.splice($scope.policy_ids.indexOf($("#formId" + count + " #id").val()), 1);
			    $("#formId" + count).remove();
	    function greatestIdNum() {

		    var greatest = 0;
		    var s = $(".formId");
		    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
			    if (parseInt($(s[i]).attr("id").substring(6)) > greatest) {
				    greatest = parseInt($(s[i]).attr("id").substring(6))
		    return greatest;
	    function serializeElement(element) {

		    var o = {};
		    var a = element.serializeArray();
		    $.each(a, function() {

			    if (o[this.name]) {
				    if (!o[this.name].push) {
					    o[this.name] = [ o[this.name] ];
				    o[this.name].push(this.value || '');
			    } else {
				    o[this.name] = this.value || '';
		    return o;
	    function savePolicyLocally() {

		    var polForm = {};
		    var clPolForm = {};
		    clPolForm = serializeElement($("#operationalPolicyHeaderForm"));
		    allPolicies['guard_policies'] = {};
		    var policiesArray = []
		    $.each($(".formId"), function() {

			    var policyProperties = serializeElement($("#" + this.id + " .policyProperties"));
			    policyProperties["target"] = serializeElement($("#" + this.id + " .policyTarget"))
			    // Now get the Guard
			    if ($("#" + this.id + " #enableGuardPolicy").is(':checked')) {
				    var guardPolicyBody = serializeElement($("#" + this.id + " .guardProperties"));
				    var guardPolicyId = guardPolicyBody['id'];
				    delete guardPolicyBody['id'];
				    allPolicies['guard_policies'][guardPolicyId] = guardPolicyBody;
		    polForm['controlLoop'] = clPolForm;
		    polForm['policies'] = policiesArray;
		    allPolicies['operational_policy'] = polForm;
	    function add_new_policy() {

		    console.log("add new policy");
		    // remove old gui forms
		    for (var i = 1; i < ($(".formId").length + 1); i++) {
			    $("#go_properties_tab" + i).parent().remove();
	    function configureComponents(allPolicies) {

		    console.log("load properties to op policy");
		    // Set the header
		    $.each($('#operationalPolicyHeaderForm').find('.form-control'), function() {

		    // Set the sub-policies
		    $.each(allPolicies['operational_policy']['policies'], function(opPolicyElemIndex, opPolicyElemValue) {

			    var formNum = add_one_more();
			    $.each($('.policyProperties').find('.form-control'), function(opPolicyPropIndex, opPolicyPropValue) {

				    $("#formId" + formNum + " .policyProperties").find("#" + opPolicyPropValue.id).val(
			    $.each($('.policyTarget').find('.form-control'), function(opPolicyTargetPropIndex, opPolicyTargetPropValue) {

				    $("#formId" + formNum + " .policyTarget").find("#" + opPolicyTargetPropValue.id).val(
			    // update the current tab label
			    $("#go_properties_tab" + formNum).text(
			    // Check if there is a guard set for it
			    $.each(allPolicies['guard_policies'], function(guardElemId, guardElemValue) {

				    if (guardElemValue.recipe === $($("#formId" + formNum + " #recipe")[0]).val()) {
					    // Found one, set all guard prop
					    $.each($('.guardProperties').find('.form-control'), function(guardPropElemIndex,
					                                                                 guardPropElemValue) {

						    guardElemValue['id'] = guardElemId;
						    $("#formId" + formNum + " .guardProperties").find("#" + guardPropElemValue.id).val(
					    // And finally enable the flag
					    $("#formId" + formNum + " #enableGuardPolicy").prop("checked", true);
	    $scope.initTargetResourceId = function(event) {
	    	var formNum = $(event.target).closest('.formId').attr('id').substring(6);
		    var type = $(event.target).val();
		    var recipe = $("#formId" + formNum + "#recipe").val();
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #modelName").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #modelInvariantId").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #modelVersionId").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #modelVersion").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #modelCustomizationId").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #resourceId").empty();
		    $("#formId" + formNum + " #resourceId").append($('<option></option>').val("").html("-- choose an option --"));
		    if (type == "VM" || type == "" || type == "VNF") {
			    $("#formId" + formNum + " #metadata *").prop('disabled', true);
		    var resourceVnf = getResourceDetailsVfProperty();
		    if (type == "VNF" && (null !== resourceVnf || undefined !== resourceVnf)) {
			    for ( var prop in resourceVnf) {
				    var name = resourceVnf[prop]["name"];
				    $("#formId" + formNum + " #resourceId").append($('<option></option>').val(name).html(name));
		    var resourceVFModule = getResourceDetailsVfModuleProperty();
		    if (type == "VFModule" && (null !== resourceVFModule || undefined !== resourceVFModule)) {
			    if (recipe == 'VF Module Create' || recipe == 'VF Module Delete') {
				    for ( var prop in resourceVFModule) {
					    if (resourceVFModule[prop]["isBase"] == false) {
						    $("#formId" + formNum + " #resourceId").append($('<option></option>').val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelName"]).html(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelName"]));
			    } else {
				    for ( var prop in resourceVFModule) {
					    $("#formId" + formNum + " #resourceId").append($('<option></option>').val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelName"]).html(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelName"]));
	    $scope.changeTargetResourceId = function(event) {
		    var formNum = $(event.target).closest('.formId').attr('id').substring(6);
		    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelName").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelInvariantId").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelVersionId").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelVersion").val("");
		    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelCustomizationId").val("");
		    var resourceVFModule = getResourceDetailsVfModuleProperty();
		    var type = $("#formId" + formNum +" #type").val();
		    var recipe = $("#formId" + formNum +" #recipe").val();
		    if (type == "VFModule" && (null !== resourceVFModule || undefined !== resourceVFModule)
		    && (recipe == 'VF Module Create' || recipe == 'VF Module Delete')) {
			    for ( var prop in resourceVFModule) {
				    if (prop ==  $(event.target).val()) {
					    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelName").val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelName"]);
					    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelInvariantId").val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelInvariantUUID"]);
					    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelVersionId").val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelUUID"]);
					    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelVersion").val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelVersion"]);
					    $("#formId" + formNum +" #modelCustomizationId").val(resourceVFModule[prop]["vfModuleModelCustomizationUUID"]);
					    $("#formId" + formNum +" #metadata *").prop('disabled', false);
		    } else {
			    $("#formId" + formNum +" #metadata *").prop('disabled', true);
	    $scope.changeGuardPolicyType = function() {

		    var formItemActive = searchActiveFormId();
		    if (formItemActive === undefined)
		    if ($("#" + formItemActive.id + " #guardPolicyType").val() === "GUARD_MIN_MAX") {
			    $("#" + formItemActive.id + " #minMaxGuardPolicyDiv").show();
			    $("#" + formItemActive.id + " #frequencyLimiterGuardPolicyDiv").hide();
		    } else if ($("#" + formItemActive.id + " #guardPolicyType").val() === "GUARD_YAML") {
			    $("#" + formItemActive.id + " #minMaxGuardPolicyDiv").hide();
			    $("#" + formItemActive.id + " #frequencyLimiterGuardPolicyDiv").show();
	    $scope.initPolicySelect = function() {

		    if (allPolicies['operational_policy'] === undefined || allPolicies['operational_policy'] === null) {
			    allPolicies = getOperationalPolicyProperty();
		    // Provision all policies ID first
		    if ($scope.policy_ids.length == 0 && allPolicies['operational_policy'] != undefined) {
			    $.each(allPolicies['operational_policy']['policies'], function() {

	    $scope.init = function() {

		    $(function() {

			    $scope.clname = getLoopName();
			    $("#add_one_more").click(function(event) {

				    console.log("add one more");
				    $scope.policy_ids.push($("#formId" + add_one_more() + " #id").val());
			    if (allPolicies['operational_policy'] !== undefined && allPolicies['operational_policy'] !== null) {
				    // load properties
				    console.log("load properties");
			    } else {
				    console.log("create new policy");
			    $("#savePropsBtn").click(function(event) {

				    console.log("save properties triggered");
				    for (var i = 0; i <= $scope.guard_ids.length; i++) {
					    for (var j = i; j <= $scope.guard_ids.length; j++) {
						    if (i != j && $scope.guard_ids[i] == $scope.guard_ids[j]) {
							    // duplacated guard policy id exist
							    alert("The guard policy ID should be unique.");
	    $scope.updateGuardRecipe = function(event) {

		    var formNum = $(event.target).closest('.formId').attr('id').substring(6);
		    // Get the second recipe (guard one) and update it
		    $($("#formId" + formNum + " #recipe")[1]).val($(event.target).val());
	    $scope.updateGuardActor = function(event) {

		    var formNum = $(event.target).closest('.formId').attr('id').substring(6);
		    // Get the second actor (guard one) and update it
		    $($("#formId" + formNum + " #actor")[1]).val($(event.target).val());
	    // When we change the name of a policy
	    $scope.updateTabLabel = function(event) {

		    // update policy id structure
		    var formNum = $(event.target).closest('.formId').attr('id').substring(6);
		    $scope.policy_ids.splice($scope.policy_ids.indexOf($("#formId" + formNum + " #id").val()), 1);
		    // Update the tab now
		    $("#go_properties_tab" + formNum).text($(event.target).val());
	    $scope.close = function() {

	    $scope.submitForm = function(obj) {

		    var operationalPolicies = getOperationalPolicies();
		    if (obj !== null) {
			    operationalPolicies[0]["configurationsJson"] = obj;
		    operationalPolicyService.saveOpPolicyProperties(operationalPolicies).then(function(pars) {

		    }, function(data) {

    } ]);