--- # This is the internal user database # The hash value is a bcrypt hash and can be generated with plugin/tools/hash.sh _meta: type: "internalusers" config_version: 2 # Define your internal users here # clampadmin has same deafult pwd as kibanaro clampadmin: hash: "$2a$12$JJSXNfTowz7Uu5ttXfeYpeYE0arACvcwlPBStB1F.MI7f0U9Z4DGC" reserved: false opendistro_security_roles: - "clamp_admin_role" backend_roles: - "kibanauser" - "readall" ## Demo users admin: hash: "$2a$12$VcCDgh2NDk07JGN0rjGbM.Ad41qVR/YFJcgHp0UGns5JDymv..TOG" reserved: true backend_roles: - "admin" description: "Demo admin user" kibanaserver: hash: "$2a$12$4AcgAt3xwOWadA5s5blL6ev39OXDNhmOesEoo33eZtrq2N0YrU3H." reserved: true description: "Demo kibanaserver user" kibanaro: hash: "$2a$12$JJSXNfTowz7Uu5ttXfeYpeYE0arACvcwlPBStB1F.MI7f0U9Z4DGC" reserved: false backend_roles: - "kibanauser" - "readall" attributes: attribute1: "value1" attribute2: "value2" attribute3: "value3" description: "Demo kibanaro user" logstash: hash: "$2a$12$u1ShR4l4uBS3Uv59Pa2y5.1uQuZBrZtmNfqB3iM/.jL0XoV9sghS2" reserved: false opendistro_security_roles: - "clamp_admin_role" backend_roles: - "logstash" description: "Demo logstash user" readall: hash: "$2a$12$ae4ycwzwvLtZxwZ82RmiEunBbIPiAmGZduBAjKN0TXdwQFtCwARz2" reserved: false backend_roles: - "readall" description: "Demo readall user" snapshotrestore: hash: "$2y$12$DpwmetHKwgYnorbgdvORCenv4NAK8cPUg8AI6pxLCuWf/ALc0.v7W" reserved: false backend_roles: - "snapshotrestore" description: "Demo snapshotrestore user"