#!/bin/bash DOCKER_REPOSITORY="nexus3.openecomp.org:10003" SEARCH="aai-service"; DATETIME_STAMP=$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S); VERSION_FILE="version.properties" # Check for the version file # If it exists, load the version from that file # If not found, then use the current version as 1.1.0 for docker images if [ -f "$VERSION_FILE" ]; then source $VERSION_FILE; VERSION=$release_version; else VERSION=1.1.0; fi SNAPSHOT_TAG=${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT-${DATETIME_STAMP}; STAGING_TAG=${VERSION}-STAGING-${DATETIME_STAMP}; if [[ $PROJECT =~ $SEARCH ]] ; then REPO_PATH=$DOCKER_REPOSITORY/openecomp/ajsc-aai; docker tag $REPO_PATH:latest $REPO_PATH:$STAGING_TAG; docker tag $REPO_PATH:latest $REPO_PATH:$SNAPSHOT_TAG; docker push $REPO_PATH:latest; docker push $REPO_PATH:$STAGING_TAG; docker push $REPO_PATH:$SNAPSHOT_TAG; else # Cut the prefix aai/ in example aai/model-loader DOCKER_REPO_NAME=$(echo ${PROJECT} | cut -d"/" -f2-); REPO_PATH=$DOCKER_REPOSITORY/openecomp/${DOCKER_REPO_NAME}; docker tag $REPO_PATH:latest $REPO_PATH:$STAGING_TAG; docker tag $REPO_PATH:latest $REPO_PATH:$SNAPSHOT_TAG; docker push $REPO_PATH:latest; docker push $REPO_PATH:$SNAPSHOT_TAG; docker push $REPO_PATH:$STAGING_TAG; fi