/*- * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * openECOMP : SDN-C * ================================================================================ * Copyright (C) 2017 ONAP Intellectual Property. All rights * reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.data.AllocationItem; import org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.data.LimitAllocationItem; import org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.data.LimitAllocationRequest; import org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.data.LimitResource; import org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.data.ResourceKey; import org.openecomp.sdnc.rm.data.ResourceType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class LimitUtil { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LimitUtil.class); public static boolean checkLimit(LimitResource l, LimitAllocationRequest req) { if (req.checkCount <= 0) return true; long checkCount = req.checkCount; long currentUsage = 0; if (req.resourceSetId != null) { LimitAllocationItem lai = (LimitAllocationItem) ResourceUtil.getAllocationItem(l, req.resourceSetId); if (lai != null) currentUsage = lai.used; } if (!req.replace) checkCount += currentUsage; long used = calculateLimitUsage(l, 0, null, null); long wouldUse = calculateLimitUsage(l, checkCount, req.resourceUnionId, req.resourceShareGroupList); // If usage is not increasing by this request, only check the limit if // strictCheck is true. if (wouldUse <= used && !req.strict) return true; return wouldUse <= req.checkLimit; } private static long calculateLimitUsage( LimitResource l, long checkCount, String resourceUnionId, Set resourceShareGroupList) { if ((l.allocationItems == null || l.allocationItems.isEmpty()) && (resourceUnionId == null || resourceUnionId.length() == 0)) return 0; long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean logit = false; String rn = "Resource: " + l.resourceKey.resourceName + " - " + l.resourceKey.assetId; // In order to best utilize the resource, we need to take not the sum of all allocation items, but // instead the maximum usage that could happen at any moment of time (given not all allocation items are active // at the same time), also taking into account possible resource sharing. // Thus we need to find all combinations of allocation items that can be active at the same time (allocation // items with the same first union cannot be active at the same time), compute the usage for each (again, // taking into account resource sharing), and take the maximum. // // Example: // Let's have the following allocation items: // ai1: sdid1, vrf1 - usage 5 // ai2: sdid2, vrf1 - usage 10 // ai3: sdid3, vrf2 - usage 15 // ai4: sdid1, vrf3 - usage 20 // ai5: sdid3, vrf1 - usage 25 // The following combinations of active allocation items are possible: // 1) ai1, ai2, ai3 // 2) ai1, ai2, ai5 // 3) ai2, ai3, ai4 // 4) ai2, ai3, ai5 // Here is how we calculate the usage for combination 1: // ai1 and ai2 contain the same resource union vrf1, so they share the resource - we take the max of usage, // so we have: // max(5, 10) + 15 = 25 // Similarly, we calculate the usage of the other combinations: // 2) max(5, 10, 25) = 25 // 3) 10 + 15 + 20 = 45 // 4) max(10, 25) + 15 = 40 // So, the result in this case is: // max(25, 25, 45, 40) = 45 // // We might have a problem with this approach, if we have a lot of combinations. Assuming we have at most 2 // allocation items with the same resource union (sdid), the number of combinations would be // 2 ^ n // where n is the number of allocation items that have the same resource union (sdid). That would be // the number of change orders currently in progress. // // Here is one optimization that we can do: // If we have allocation items that have all resource unions the same, we don't need to generate combinations // with each of them, we can just take the one of them with the maximum usage, as it is clear that the others // will not lead to a bigger usage. // For example, if we had the following allocation items: // ai1: sdid1, vrf1 - usage 10 // ai2: sdid1, vrf1 - usage 20 // We only need to take the combinations with ai2, as they will always lead to bigger usage than the remaining // combinations with ai1. // First, group the allocation items by the first resource union, using the LimitUsage structure int regularChangeCount = 0; Map> limitUsageMap = new HashMap>(); if (l.allocationItems != null) for (AllocationItem ai : l.allocationItems) { LimitAllocationItem lai = (LimitAllocationItem) ai; boolean regularChange = addLimitUsage(limitUsageMap, lai.resourceUnionId, lai.resourceShareGroupList, lai.used); if (regularChange) regularChangeCount++; } if (checkCount > 0 && resourceUnionId != null) { boolean regularChange = addLimitUsage(limitUsageMap, resourceUnionId, resourceShareGroupList, checkCount); if (regularChange) regularChangeCount++; } // Generate all the combinations, containing one LimitUsage object for each firstResourceUnion int significantChangeCount = 0; List> allCombinations = new ArrayList>(); for (String firstResourceUnion : limitUsageMap.keySet()) { List limitUsageList = limitUsageMap.get(firstResourceUnion); if (limitUsageList.size() > 1) significantChangeCount++; if (allCombinations.isEmpty()) { for (LimitUsage limitUsage : limitUsageList) { List newCombination = new ArrayList(); newCombination.add(limitUsage); allCombinations.add(newCombination); } } else { if (limitUsageList.size() == 1) { // No new combinations are generated - just add this one to all combinations we have until now for (List combination : allCombinations) combination.add(limitUsageList.get(0)); } else { // We have to duplicate each of the current combinations for each element of limitUsageList List> newAllCombinations = new ArrayList>(); for (List combination : allCombinations) for (LimitUsage limitUsage : limitUsageList) { List newCombination = new ArrayList(combination); newCombination.add(limitUsage); newAllCombinations.add(newCombination); } allCombinations = newAllCombinations; } } } // Now, go through all combinations and calculate its usage, get the maximum long maxUsage = 0; for (List combination : allCombinations) { long usage = calculateUsage(combination); if (usage > maxUsage) maxUsage = usage; } long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (logit) { log.debug(rn + ": Calculating usage completed:"); log.debug(rn + ": Regular changes: " + regularChangeCount); log.debug(rn + ": Significant changes: " + significantChangeCount); log.debug(rn + ": Combinations: " + allCombinations.size()); log.debug(rn + ": Usage: " + maxUsage); log.debug(rn + ": Time: " + (t2 - t1)); } return maxUsage; } private static boolean addLimitUsage( Map> limitUsageMap, String resourceUnionId, Set resourceShareGroupList, long used) { List limitUsageList = limitUsageMap.get(resourceUnionId); if (limitUsageList == null) { limitUsageList = new ArrayList(); limitUsageMap.put(resourceUnionId, limitUsageList); } // See if we already have the same shareResourceUnionSet in the list. In such case just update the usage // to the bigger value. LimitUsage limitUsage = null; for (LimitUsage limitUsage1 : limitUsageList) { if ((limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList == null || limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList.isEmpty()) && (resourceShareGroupList == null || resourceShareGroupList.isEmpty())) { limitUsage = limitUsage1; break; } if (limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList != null && limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList.equals(resourceShareGroupList)) { limitUsage = limitUsage1; break; } } if (limitUsage != null) { if (limitUsage.usage < used) limitUsage.usage = used; return true; } limitUsage = new LimitUsage(); limitUsage.resourceUnion = resourceUnionId; limitUsage.resourceShareGroupList = resourceShareGroupList; limitUsage.usage = used; limitUsageList.add(limitUsage); return false; } private static class LimitUsage { @SuppressWarnings("unused") public String resourceUnion; public Set resourceShareGroupList; public long usage; } private static boolean hasCommonSharedResource(LimitUsage limitUsage1, LimitUsage limitUsage2) { if (limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList == null || limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList.isEmpty()) return false; if (limitUsage2.resourceShareGroupList == null || limitUsage2.resourceShareGroupList.isEmpty()) return false; for (String resourceUnion : limitUsage1.resourceShareGroupList) if (limitUsage2.resourceShareGroupList.contains(resourceUnion)) return true; return false; } private static long calculateUsage(List combination) { // All LimitUsage objects that have a common value in their sharedResourceUnionSet reuse the resource, so // split the combination in sets that have common value. Then the usage of each set will be the maximum of // the usages of the LimitUsage objects in the set. The usage of the combination will be the sum of the usages // of all sets. List> sharedSets = new ArrayList>(); for (LimitUsage limitUsage : combination) { // See if we can put limitUsage in any of the existing sets - is it has a common resource union with // any of the LimitUsage objects in a set. boolean found = false; for (List sharedSet : sharedSets) { for (LimitUsage limitUsage1 : sharedSet) { if (hasCommonSharedResource(limitUsage, limitUsage1)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { sharedSet.add(limitUsage); break; } } if (!found) { // Start a new set List newSharedSet = new ArrayList(); newSharedSet.add(limitUsage); sharedSets.add(newSharedSet); } } long sum = 0; for (List sharedSet : sharedSets) { float max = 0; for (LimitUsage limitUsage : sharedSet) if (max < limitUsage.usage) max = limitUsage.usage; sum += max; } return sum; } public static long allocateLimit(LimitResource l, LimitAllocationRequest req, String applicationId) { if (req.allocateCount <= 0) return 0; long uu = l.used; LimitAllocationItem lai = (LimitAllocationItem) ResourceUtil.getAllocationItem(l, req.resourceSetId); if (lai == null) { lai = new LimitAllocationItem(); lai.resourceType = ResourceType.Limit; lai.resourceKey = new ResourceKey(); lai.resourceKey.assetId = req.assetId; lai.resourceKey.resourceName = req.resourceName; lai.applicationId = applicationId; lai.resourceSetId = req.resourceSetId; lai.resourceUnionId = req.resourceUnionId; lai.resourceShareGroupList = req.resourceShareGroupList; lai.used = req.allocateCount; if (l.allocationItems == null) l.allocationItems = new ArrayList(); l.allocationItems.add(lai); } else lai.used = req.replace ? req.allocateCount : lai.used + req.allocateCount; lai.allocationTime = new Date(); recalculate(l); return l.used - uu; } public static void recalculate(LimitResource l) { l.used = calculateLimitUsage(l, 0, null, null); } }