{ "items": [ { "Description":"Get the list of all the blueprints", "request": { "endpoint":"/blueprints", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"Get a specific blueprint", "request": { "endpoint":"/blueprints?id=", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"View a specific blueprint", "request": { "endpoint":"/viewblueprints?id=", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"Delete a blueprint", "request": { "endpoint":"/blueprints/", "method":"DELETE" } }, { "Description":"Upload a new blueprints", "request": { "endpoint":"/blueprints", "method":"POST", "requestBodyType":"JSON", "requestBody": { "blueprint_id":"", "blueprint_filename":"", "zip_url":"" } } }, { "Description":"Get the list of all the deployments", "request": { "endpoint":"/deployments", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"Get a specific deployment", "request": { "endpoint":"/deployments?id=", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"Delete a deployment", "request": { "endpoint":"/deployments/", "method":"DELETE" } }, { "Description":"Create a new deployment", "request": { "endpoint":"/deployments", "method":"POST", "requestBodyType":"JSON", "requestBody": { "deployment_id":"", "blueprint_id":"", "parameters":{ "Description":"all the parameters that are required as input for deploying blueprint" } } } }, { "Description":"Get the list of all executions for a deployment", "request": { "endpoint":"/executions?deployment_id=", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"Get a specific execution for a specific deployment", "request": { "endpoint":"/executions/?deployment_id=", "method":"GET" } }, { "Description":"Cancel an execution", "request": { "endpoint":"/executions/?deployment_id=&action=", "method":"DELETE" } }, { "Description":"Start an execution", "request": { "endpoint":"/executions", "method":"POST", "requestBodyType":"JSON", "requestBody": { "deployment_id":"", "workflow_name":"", "allow_custom_parameter":"", "force":"", "parameters":{ "Description":"all the parameters that are required as input for starting an execution" } } } } ] }