.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. Copyright 2022 Nordix Foundation Consumed APIs ============= The A1 Policy Management Service consumes two ONAP APIs and the A1-P API. ********************** DMaaP API (deprecated) ********************** The A1 Policy Management Service API can also be accessed using *ONAP DMaaP*. To support this the `DMaaP Message Router API `_ is used. Note: this functionality is deprecated, and will be removed in future versions. ***************************************** O-RAN A1 Interface for A1 Policies (A1-P) ***************************************** Southbound, the ONAP A1 Policy functions communicate with *near-RT-RIC* RAN functions using the **A1** interface, as defined by the `O-RAN Alliance `_ The *A1 Interface - Application Protocol Specification (A1-AP)* describes this interface. The specification can be viewed from the `O-RAN Alliance `_ website. The **Kohn** ONAP A1 Policy functions implement the *A1 Policy* parts (*A1-P*) of A1-AP versions *v1.1*, *v2.0* and *v3.0* An opensource implementation of a `near-RT-RIC `_ is available from the `O-RAN Software Community `_. It supports a pre-spec version of the A1-AP. The ONAP A1 Policy functions described here also supports this A1 version (*A1-OSC*). An opensource implementation of an `A1 Simulator `_ is also available from the `O-RAN Software Community `_. It supports all versions of A1-AP.