.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. Copyright 2020 Nordix Foundation Consumed APIs ============= Policy Management Service application is interacting with two ONAP APIs and the A1-P API. ******* CBS API ******* The CBS API is used to get the dynamic configuration of the service, such as available Near-RT RICs. :: CBS_GET_ALL ********* DMAAP API ********* The DMaaP API is used to provide the possibility to interact with the Policy Management Service through DMaaP Message Router. :: DMAAP_GET_EVENTS ******** A1-P API ******** The A1-P API is used to communicate with the Near-RT RICs (north bound). All endpoints of the OSC A1 REST API and the standard A1 REST API version 1.1 are used.